## v0.9.3 * Now keeping track of upvoted/downvoted posts & comments. ## v0.9.2 “MailScope” * Use [handlebars-server](https://github.com/EventedMind/meteor-handlebars-server) for all email templates. * Refactored email system to use global HTML email wrapper. * Added routes to preview email templates. * Changed how notifications are stored in db. * Added `deleteNotifications` migration to delete all existing notifications. * Now using templates for on-site notifications too. * Added `heroModules` and `footerModules` hooks. * Added [telescope-newsletter](https://github.com/TelescopeJS/Telescope-Newsletter) package. * Sending emails from within `setTimeout`s to fix latency compensation issue. ## v0.9.1.2 * Added `lastCommentedAt` property to posts. * Added hooks to `post_edit` and `post_submit`'s `rendered` callback. * Embedly module now supports video embedding in a lightbox. * Updated to Meteor 0.8.3. * Updated packages. ## v0.9.1 * Using Arunoda's [Subscription Manager](https://github.com/meteorhacks/subs-manager). * Updating mobile version. * Made the background color setting into a more general background CSS setting. * Added `postHeading` and `postMeta` hooks. ## v0.9 * See [blog post](http://telesc.pe/blog/telescope-v09-modulescope) for changelog. ## v0.8.3 “CleanScope” * Refactored the way dating and timestamping works with pending/approved posts. * Cleaned up unused/old third-party code. * Migrated "submitted" property to "postedAt". * Added a "postedAt" property to comments. ## v0.8.2 “SchemaScope” * Improved migrations with timestamps and number of rows affected. * Created `telescope-lib` and `telescope-base` pacakge. * Pulled out search into its own `telescope-search` package. * Made menu and views modular. * Using SimpleSchema and Collection2 for models. ## v0.8.1 “FlexScope” * Extracted part of the tags feature into its own package. * Made subscription preloader more flexible. * Made navigation menu dynamic. ## v0.8 “BlazeScope” * Updated for Meteor compatibility. * Using Collection2/SimpleSchema/Autoforms for Settings form. ## v0.7.4 “InterScope” * Added basic internationalization (thanks Toam!). * Added search logging. ## v0.7.3 * Refactored notifications. * Added notifications for new users creation. ## v0.7.2 * Added basic search (thanks Ry!). ## v0.7.1 * Added karma redistribution. * Improved user dashboard. * Improved user profiles. Note: run the "update user profile" script from the toolbox after updating. ## v0.7 “IronScope” #### Huge update! * Switched to IronRouter. * Added new invite system. * Made nested comments optional. * Reworked notifications settings. * Stopped publishing all users. * Added URL slugs for user profiles. * Using nProgress to show loading. * Paginating users dashboard. * Filtering users dashboard. Note: If you're upgrading from a previous version of Telescope, you'll need to run the "update user slugs" method from within the Admin Toolbox panel inside the web app to get user profiles to work. ## v0.6.2 * Fixed bug where anybody could delete any comment. * Added option to add new users to a MailChimp list. ## v0.6.1 * Added Bitly integration. * Fixed Twitter avatars. * Refactoring allow/deny code. * Added click tracking on links. * Refactoring RSS and API code to use server-side routing. ## v0.6 * Added categories * Cleaned up file structure. ## v0.5.6 * Added simple JSON API showing the 100 last posts. ## v0.5.5 * Added Google Analytics pageview tracking. * Added RSS feed for /new ## v0.5.4 * Added email notifications for approved users. * Added delete users link. ## v0.5.3 * Added basic color customization. * Fixed Flush bug. ## v0.5.2 * Added email notifications of new comments and new replies for all users (along with unsubcribe link) and notifications of new posts for admin users. ## v0.5.1 * Added a second `createdAt` timestamp. Score calculations still use the `submitted` timestamp, but it only gets set when (if) a post gets approved. * Started keeping track of versions and changes.