Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user){ // ------------------------------ Properties ------------------------------ // var userProperties = { profile: options.profile || {}, karma: 0, isInvited: false, postCount: 0, commentCount: 0, invitedCount: 0, votes: { upvotedPosts: [], downvotedPosts: [], upvotedComments: [], downvotedComments: [] } }; user = _.extend(user, userProperties); // set email on profile if ( =; // if email is set, use it to generate email hash if (getEmail(user)) user.email_hash = getEmailHash(user); // set username on profile if (! = user.username; // create slug from username user.slug = slugify(getUserName(user)); // if this is not a dummy account, and is the first user ever, make them an admin user.isAdmin = (!user.profile.isDummy && Meteor.users.find({'profile.isDummy': {$ne: true}}).count() === 0) ? true : false; // ------------------------------ Callbacks ------------------------------ // // run all post submit client callbacks on properties object successively clog('// Start userCreatedCallbacks') user = userCreatedCallbacks.reduce(function(result, currentFunction) { clog('// Running ''…') return currentFunction(result); }, user); clog('// Finished userCreatedCallbacks') clog('// User object:') clog(user) // ------------------------------ Analytics ------------------------------ // trackEvent('new user', {username: user.username, email:}); return user; }); Meteor.methods({ changeEmail: function (newEmail) { Meteor.users.update( Meteor.userId(), {$set: { emails: [{address: newEmail}], email_hash: Gravatar.hash(newEmail), // Just in case this gets called from somewhere other than /client/views/users/user_edit.js "": newEmail } } ); }, numberOfPostsToday: function(){ console.log(numberOfItemsInPast24Hours(Meteor.user(), Posts)); }, numberOfCommentsToday: function(){ console.log(numberOfItemsInPast24Hours(Meteor.user(), Comments)); }, testBuffer: function(){ // TODO }, getScoreDiff: function(id){ var object = Posts.findOne(id); var baseScore = object.baseScore; var ageInHours = (new Date().getTime() - object.submitted) / (60 * 60 * 1000); var newScore = baseScore / Math.pow(ageInHours + 2, 1.3); return Math.abs(object.score - newScore); } });