var toMarkdown = Npm.require('to-markdown').toMarkdown; var he = Npm.require('he'); var FeedParser = Npm.require('feedparser'); var Readable = Npm.require('stream').Readable; var iconv = Npm.require('iconv-lite'); var getFirstAdminUser = function() { return Meteor.users.findOne({isAdmin: true}, {sort: {createdAt: 1}}); }; var normalizeEncoding = function (contentBuffer) { // got from var encoding; var content = contentBuffer.toString(); var xmlDeclaration = content.match(/^<\?xml .*\?>/); if (xmlDeclaration) { var encodingDeclaration = xmlDeclaration[0].match(/encoding=("|').*?("|')/); if (encodingDeclaration) { encoding = encodingDeclaration[0].substring(10, encodingDeclaration[0].length - 1); } } if (encoding && encoding.toLowerCase() !== 'utf-8') { try { content = iconv.decode(contentBuffer, encoding); } catch (err) { // detected encoding is not supported, leave it as it is } } return content; }; var feedHandler = { getStream: function(content) { var stream = new Readable(); stream.push(content); stream.push(null); return stream; }, getItemCategories: function(item, feedCategories) { var itemCategories = []; // loop over RSS categories for the current item if it has any if (item.categories && item.categories.length > 0) { item.categories.forEach(function(name) { // if the RSS category corresponds to a Telescope cateogry, add it var category = Categories.findOne({name: name}, {fields: {_id: 1}}); if (category) { itemCategories.push(category._id); } }); } // add predefined feed categories if there are any and remove any duplicates if (!!feedCategories) { itemCategories = _.uniq(itemCategories.concat(feedCategories)); } return itemCategories; }, handle: function(contentBuffer, userId, feedCategories, feedId) { var content = normalizeEncoding(contentBuffer); var stream = this.getStream(content), feedParser = new FeedParser(), newItemsCount = 0, self = this; stream.pipe(feedParser); feedParser.on('meta', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(meta) { clog('// Parsing RSS feed: '+ meta.title); })); feedParser.on('error', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function(error) { clog(error); })); feedParser.on('readable', Meteor.bindEnvironment(function() { var s = this, item; while (item = { // if item has no guid, use the URL to give it one if (!item.guid) { item.guid =; } // check if post already exists if (!!Posts.findOne({feedItemId: item.guid})) { clog('// Feed item already imported'); continue; } newItemsCount++; var post = { title: he.decode(item.title), url:, feedId: feedId, feedItemId: item.guid, userId: userId, categories: self.getItemCategories(item, feedCategories) }; if (item.description) post.body = toMarkdown(he.decode(item.description)); // console.log(item) // if RSS item link is a 301 or 302 redirect, follow the redirect var get = HTTP.get(, {followRedirects: false}); if (!!get.statusCode && (get.statusCode === 301 || get.statusCode === 302) && !!get.headers && !!get.headers.location) { post.url = get.headers.location; } // if RSS item has a date, use it if (item.pubdate) post.postedAt = moment(item.pubdate).toDate(); try { submitPost(post); } catch (error) { // catch errors so they don't stop the loop clog(error); } } // clog('// Found ' + newItemsCount + ' new feed items'); }, function() { clog('Failed to bind environment'); }, feedParser)); } }; fetchFeeds = function() { var contentBuffer; Feeds.find().forEach(function(feed) { // if feed doesn't specify a user, default to admin var userId = !!feed.userId ? feed.userId : getFirstAdminUser()._id; var feedCategories = feed.categories; var feedId = feed._id; try { contentBuffer = HTTP.get(feed.url, {responseType: 'buffer'}).content; feedHandler.handle(contentBuffer, userId, feedCategories, feedId); } catch (error) { console.log(error); return true; // just go to next feed URL } }); }; Meteor.methods({ fetchFeeds: function () { fetchFeeds(); }, testEntities: function (text) { console.log(he.decode(text)); }, testToMarkdown: function (text) { console.log(toMarkdown(text)); } });