var completeUserProfile = function (modifier, userId, user) { Users.update(userId, modifier); Telescope.callbacks.runAsync("profileCompletedAsync", Users.findOne(userId)); return Users.findOne(userId); }; Meteor.methods({ completeUserProfile: function (modifier, userId) { check(modifier, Match.OneOf({$set: Object}, {$unset: Object}, {$set: Object, $unset: Object})); check(userId, String); var currentUser = Meteor.user(), user = Users.findOne(userId), schema = Users.simpleSchema()._schema; // ------------------------------ Checks ------------------------------ // // check that user can edit document if (!user || !Users.can.edit(currentUser, user)) { throw new Meteor.Error(601, i18n.t('sorry_you_cannot_edit_this_user')); } // if an $unset modifier is present, it means one or more of the fields is missing if (modifier.$unset) { throw new Meteor.Error(601, i18n.t('all_fields_are_required')); } // check for existing emails and throw error if necessary // NOTE: redundant with collection hook, but better to throw the error here to avoid wiping out the form if (modifier.$set && modifier.$set[""]) { var email = modifier.$set[""]; if (Users.findByEmail(email)) { throw new Meteor.Error("email_taken1", i18n.t("this_email_is_already_taken") + " (" + email + ")"); } } // go over each field and throw an error if it's not editable // loop over each operation ($set, $unset, etc.) _.each(modifier, function (operation) { // loop over each property being operated on _.keys(operation).forEach(function (fieldName) { var field = schema[fieldName]; if (!Users.can.editField(user, field, user)) { throw new Meteor.Error("disallowed_property", i18n.t('disallowed_property_detected') + ": " + fieldName); } }); }); completeUserProfile(modifier, userId, user); } });