import { recalculateScore } from '../modules/scoring.js'; /* Update a document's score if necessary. Returns how many documents have been updated (1 or 0). */ export const updateScore = ({collection, item, forceUpdate}) => { // Age Check const postedAt = item && item.postedAt && item.postedAt.valueOf(); const now = new Date().getTime(); const age = now - postedAt; const ageInHours = age / (60 * 60 * 1000); // If for some reason item doesn't have a "postedAt" property, abort // Or, if post has been scheduled in the future, don't update its score if (postedAt || postedAt > now) return 0; // For performance reasons, the database is only updated if the difference between the old score and the new score // is meaningful enough. To find out, we calculate the "power" of a single vote after n days. // We assume that after n days, a single vote will not be powerful enough to affect posts' ranking order. // Note: sites whose posts regularly get a lot of votes can afford to use a lower n. // n = number of days after which a single vote will not have a big enough effect to trigger a score update // and posts can become inactive const n = 30; // x = score increase amount of a single vote after n days (for n=100, x=0.000040295) const x = 1/Math.pow(n*24+2,1.3); // HN algorithm const newScore = recalculateScore(item); // Note: before the first time updateScore runs on a new item, its score will be at 0 const scoreDiff = Math.abs(item.score || 0 - newScore); // console.log('// now: ', now) // console.log('// age: ', age) // console.log('// ageInHours: ', ageInHours) // console.log('// baseScore: ', baseScore) // console.log('// item.score: ', item.score) // console.log('// newScore: ', newScore) // console.log('// scoreDiff: ', scoreDiff) // console.log('// x: ', x) // only update database if difference is larger than x to avoid unnecessary updates if (forceUpdate || scoreDiff > x) { collection.update(item._id, {$set: {score: newScore, inactive: false}}); return 1; } else if(ageInHours > n*24) { // only set a post as inactive if it's older than n days collection.update(item._id, {$set: {inactive: true}}); } return 0; }; export const batchUpdateScore = async (collection, inactive = false, forceUpdate = false) => { // n = number of days after which a single vote will not have a big enough effect to trigger a score update // and posts can become inactive const n = 30; // x = score increase amount of a single vote after n days (for n=100, x=0.000040295) const x = 1/Math.pow(n*24+2,1.3); // time decay factor const f = 1.3 const itemsPromise = collection.rawCollection().aggregate([ { $match: { $and: [ {postedAt: {$exists: true}}, {postedAt: {$lte: new Date()}}, {inactive: inactive ? true : {$ne: true}} ] } }, { $project: { postedAt: 1, baseScore: 1, score: 1, newScore: { $divide: [ "$baseScore", { $pow: [ { $add: [ { $divide: [ { $subtract: [new Date(), "$postedAt"] // Age in miliseconds }, 60 * 60 * 1000 ] }, // Age in hours 2 ] }, f ] } ] } } }, { $project: { postedAt: 1, baseScore: 1, score: 1, newScore: 1, scoreDiffSignificant: { $gt: [ {$abs: {$subtract: ["$score", "$newScore"]}}, x ] }, oldEnough: { // Only set a post as inactive if it's older than n days $gt: [ {$divide: [ { $subtract: [new Date(), "$postedAt"] // Difference in miliseconds }, 60 * 60 * 1000 //Difference in hours ]}, n*24] } } }, ]) const items = await itemsPromise; const itemsArray = await items.toArray(); let updatedDocumentsCounter = 0; const itemUpdates = _.compact( => { if (forceUpdate || i.scoreDiffSignificant) { updatedDocumentsCounter++; return { updateOne: { filter: {_id: i._id}, update: {$set: {score: i.newScore, inactive: false}}, upsert: false, } } } else if (i.oldEnough) { // only set a post as inactive if it's older than n days return { updateOne: { filter: {_id: i._id}, update: {$set: {inactive: true}}, upsert: false, } } } })) if (itemUpdates && itemUpdates.length) {await collection.rawCollection().bulkWrite(itemUpdates, {ordered: false});} return updatedDocumentsCounter; }