import Comments from './collection.js'; import Posts from "meteor/nova:posts"; import Users from 'meteor/nova:users'; Comments.methods = {}; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // -------------------------------------- Submit Comment ------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // = function (comment) { const currentUser = Meteor.users.findOne(comment.userId); comment ="", comment, currentUser); comment._id = Comments.insert(comment); // note: query for comment to get fresh document with collection-hooks effects applied Telescope.callbacks.runAsync("", Comments.findOne(comment._id)); return comment; }; Comments.methods.edit = function (commentId, modifier, comment) { if (typeof comment === "undefined") { comment = Comments.findOne(commentId); } modifier ="comments.edit.sync", modifier, comment); Comments.update(commentId, modifier); Telescope.callbacks.runAsync("comments.edit.async", Comments.findOne(commentId), comment); return Comments.findOne(commentId); }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------- Methods ----------------------------------------- // // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Meteor.methods({ /** * @summary Meteor method for submitting a comment from the client * Required properties: postId, body * @memberof Comments * @isMethod true * @param {Object} comment - the comment being inserted */ '': function(comment){ Comments.simpleSchema().namedContext("").validate(comment); comment ="", comment, Meteor.user()); if (Meteor.isServer && this.connection) { comment.userIP = this.connection.clientAddress; comment.userAgent = this.connection.httpHeaders["user-agent"]; } return; }, /** * @summary Meteor method for editing a comment from the client * @memberof Comments * @isMethod true * @param {Object} commentId - the id of the comment being updated * @param {Object} modifier - the update modifier */ 'comments.edit': function (commentId, modifier) { Comments.simpleSchema().namedContext("comments.edit").validate(modifier, {modifier: true}); check(commentId, String); const comment = Comments.findOne(commentId); modifier ="comments.edit.method", modifier, comment, Meteor.user()); return Comments.methods.edit(commentId, modifier, comment); }, /** * @summary Meteor method for deleting a comment * @memberof Comments * @isMethod true * @param {String} commentId - the id of the comment */ 'comments.deleteById': function (commentId) { check(commentId, String); var comment = Comments.findOne(commentId); var user = Meteor.user(); if(Users.can.edit(user, comment)){ // decrement post comment count and remove user ID from post Posts.update(comment.postId, { $inc: {commentCount: -1}, $pull: {commenters: comment.userId} }); // decrement user comment count and remove comment ID from user Meteor.users.update({_id: comment.userId}, { $inc: {'telescope.commentCount': -1} }); // note: should we also decrease user's comment karma ? // We don't actually delete the comment to avoid losing all child comments. // Instead, we give it a special flag Comments.update({_id: commentId}, {$set: { body: 'Deleted', htmlBody: 'Deleted', isDeleted: true }}); }else{ Messages.flash("You don't have permission to delete this comment.", "error"); } }, /** * @summary Upvote a comment * @memberof Comments * @isMethod true * @param {String} commentId - the id of the comment */ 'comments.upvote': function (commentId) { check(commentId, String); return, Comments, commentId, Meteor.user(), "upvote"); }, /** * @summary Downvote a comment * @memberof Comments * @isMethod true * @param {String} commentId - the id of the comment */ 'comments.downvote': function (commentId) { check(commentId, String); return, Comments, commentId, Meteor.user(), "downvote"); }, /** * @summary Cancel an upvote on a comment * @memberof Comments * @isMethod true * @param {String} commentId - the id of the comment */ 'comments.cancelUpvote': function (commentId) { check(commentId, String); return, Comments, commentId, Meteor.user(), "cancelUpvote"); }, /** * @summary Cancel a downvote on a comment * @memberof Comments * @isMethod true * @param {String} commentId - the id of the comment */ 'comments.cancelDownvote': function (commentId) { check(commentId, String); return, Comments, commentId, Meteor.user(), "cancelDownvote"); } });