Template[getTemplate('dropdownComponent')].helpers({ dropdownClass: function () { var dropdownClass = this.dropdownName; // only use dropdowns for top nav if (this.length > 3) { dropdownClass += " long-dropdown"; } if (getSetting('navLayout', 'top-nav') == 'top-nav' && getThemeSetting('useDropdowns', true)) { dropdownClass += " has-dropdown"; } else { dropdownClass += " no-dropdown"; } return dropdownClass; }, dropdownLabel: function () { // if label is defined, use this. Else default to dropdown name return !!this.dropdownLabel ? this.dropdownLabel : i18n.t(this.dropdownName); }, hasMoreThanThreeItems: function () { return this.length > 3; }, itemLabel: function () { // case 1: if label is a String, return it if (typeof this.label == "string") { return i18n.t(this.label); } // case 2: if label is a Function return its result if (typeof this.label == "function") { return this.label() } }, itemPath: function () { // case 1: if route is a String, apply Router.path() to it if (typeof this.route == "string") { return Router.path(this.route); } // case 2: if route is a Function return its result if (typeof this.route == "function") { return this.route() } } });