import { graphqlExpress, graphiqlExpress } from 'graphql-server-express'; import bodyParser from 'body-parser'; import express from 'express'; import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools'; import deepmerge from 'deepmerge'; import OpticsAgent from 'optics-agent' import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'; import { check } from 'meteor/check'; import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base'; import { GraphQLSchema, Utils } from '../modules/index.js'; import { webAppConnectHandlersUse, bindEnvironment } from './meteor_patch.js'; // defaults const defaultConfig = { path: '/graphql', maxAccountsCacheSizeInMB: 1, graphiql: Meteor.isDevelopment, graphiqlPath: '/graphiql', graphiqlOptions: { passHeader: "'Authorization': localStorage['Meteor.loginToken']", // eslint-disable-line quotes }, configServer: (graphQLServer) => {}, }; const defaultOptions = { formatError: e => ({ message: e.message, locations: e.locations, path: e.path, }), }; if (Meteor.isDevelopment) { defaultOptions.debug = true; } // createApolloServer const createApolloServer = (givenOptions = {}, givenConfig = {}) => { const graphiqlOptions = { ...defaultConfig.graphiqlOptions, ...givenConfig.graphiqlOptions }; const config = { ...defaultConfig, ...givenConfig }; config.graphiqlOptions = graphiqlOptions; const graphQLServer = express(); config.configServer(graphQLServer); // Use Optics middleware if (process.env.OPTICS_API_KEY) { graphQLServer.use(OpticsAgent.middleware()); } // GraphQL endpoint graphQLServer.use(config.path, bodyParser.json(), Utils.defineName(graphqlExpress(async (req) => { let options; let user = null; if (typeof givenOptions === 'function') { options = givenOptions(req); } else { options = givenOptions; } // Merge in the defaults options = { ...defaultOptions, ...options }; if (options.context) { // don't mutate the context provided in options options.context = { ...options.context }; } else { options.context = {}; } // Add Optics to GraphQL context object if (process.env.OPTICS_API_KEY) { options.context.opticsContext = OpticsAgent.context(req); } // Get the token from the header if (req.headers.authorization) { const token = req.headers.authorization; check(token, String); const hashedToken = Accounts._hashLoginToken(token); // Get the user from the database user = await Meteor.users.findOne( { 'services.resume.loginTokens.hashedToken': hashedToken }, ); if (user) { const loginToken = Utils.findWhere(, { hashedToken }); const expiresAt = Accounts._tokenExpiration(loginToken.when); const isExpired = expiresAt < new Date(); if (!isExpired) { options.context.userId = user._id; options.context.currentUser = user; } } } options.context = deepmerge(options.context, GraphQLSchema.context); return options; }), 'graphqlExpressMiddleware')); // Start GraphiQL if enabled if (config.graphiql) { graphQLServer.use(config.graphiqlPath, Utils.defineName(graphiqlExpress({ ...config.graphiqlOptions, endpointURL: config.path }), 'graphiqlExpressMiddleware')); } // This binds the specified paths to the Express server running Apollo + GraphiQL webAppConnectHandlersUse(bindEnvironment(graphQLServer), { name: 'graphQLServerMiddleware_bindEnvironment', order: 30, }); }; // createApolloServer when server startup Meteor.startup(() => { // hello GraphQLSchema.addQuery(` # say hello hello: String `); GraphQLSchema.addResolvers({ Query: { hello() { return 'Hello Telescope!'; }, }, }); // typeDefs const generateTypeDefs = () => [` scalar JSON scalar Date ${GraphQLSchema.getCollectionsSchemas()} ${GraphQLSchema.getAdditionalSchemas()} type Query { ${GraphQLSchema.queries.join('\n')} } ${GraphQLSchema.mutations.length > 0 ? ` type Mutation { ${GraphQLSchema.mutations.join('\n')} } ` : ''} `]; const typeDefs = generateTypeDefs(); GraphQLSchema.finalSchema = typeDefs; const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers: GraphQLSchema.resolvers, }); if (process.env.OPTICS_API_KEY) { OpticsAgent.instrumentSchema(schema) } createApolloServer({ schema, }); });