/** * Post views are filters used for subscribing to and viewing posts * @namespace Posts.views */ Posts.views = {}; /** * Add a post view * @param {string} viewName - The name of the view * @param {function} [viewFunction] - The function used to calculate query terms. Takes terms and baseParameters arguments */ Posts.views.register = function (viewName, viewFunction) { Posts.views[viewName] = viewFunction; }; /** * Base parameters that will be common to all other view unless specific properties are overwritten */ Posts.views.baseParameters = { find: { status: Posts.config.STATUS_APPROVED }, options: { limit: 10 } }; /** * Top view */ Posts.views.register("top", function (terms) { return { options: {sort: {sticky: -1, score: -1}} }; }); /** * New view */ Posts.views.register("new", function (terms) { return { options: {sort: {sticky: -1, postedAt: -1}} }; }); /** * Best view */ Posts.views.register("best", function (terms) { return { options: {sort: {sticky: -1, baseScore: -1}} }; }); /** * Pending view */ Posts.views.register("pending", function (terms) { return { find: { status: 1 }, options: {sort: {createdAt: -1}}, showFuture: true }; }); /** * Scheduled view */ Posts.views.register("scheduled", function (terms) { return { find: {postedAt: {$gte: new Date()}}, options: {sort: {postedAt: -1}} }; }); /** * User posts view */ Posts.views.register("userPosts", function (terms) { return { find: {userId: terms.userId}, options: {limit: 5, sort: {postedAt: -1}} }; }); /** * User upvoted posts view */ Posts.views.register("userUpvotedPosts", function (terms) { var user = Meteor.users.findOne(terms.userId); var postsIds = _.pluck(user.telescope.upvotedPosts, "itemId"); return { find: {_id: {$in: postsIds}, userId: {$ne: terms.userId}}, // exclude own posts options: {limit: 5, sort: {postedAt: -1}} }; }); /** * User downvoted posts view */ Posts.views.register("userDownvotedPosts", function (terms) { var user = Meteor.users.findOne(terms.userId); var postsIds = _.pluck(user.telescope.downvotedPosts, "itemId"); // TODO: sort based on votedAt timestamp and not postedAt, if possible return { find: {_id: {$in: postsIds}}, options: {limit: 5, sort: {postedAt: -1}} }; });