import Users from 'meteor/vulcan:users'; import { addCallback, runCallbacksAsync, removeMutation } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'; import Posts from '../../../modules/posts/index.js'; import Comments from '../../../modules/comments/index.js'; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CommentsNewOperations (comment) { var userId = comment.userId; // increment comment count Users.update({_id: userId}, { $inc: {'commentCount': 1} }); // update post Posts.update(comment.postId, { $inc: {commentCount: 1}, $set: {lastCommentedAt: new Date()}, $addToSet: {commenters: userId} }); return comment; } addCallback('', CommentsNewOperations); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @summary Run the 'upvote.async' callbacks *once* the item exists in the database * @param {object} item - The item being operated on * @param {object} user - The user doing the operation * @param {object} collection - The collection the item belongs to */ function UpvoteAsyncCallbacksAfterDocumentInsert(item, user, collection) { runCallbacksAsync('upvote.async', item, user, collection, 'upvote'); } addCallback('', UpvoteAsyncCallbacksAfterDocumentInsert); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // comments.remove.async // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CommentsRemovePostCommenters (comment, currentUser) { const { userId, postId } = comment; // dec user's comment count Users.update({_id: userId}, { $inc: {'commentCount': -1} }); const postComments = Comments.find({postId}, {sort: {postedAt: -1}}).fetch(); const commenters = _.uniq( => comment.userId)); const lastCommentedAt = postComments[0] && postComments[0].postedAt; // update post with a decremented comment count, a unique list of commenters and corresponding last commented at date Posts.update(postId, { $inc: {commentCount: -1}, $set: {lastCommentedAt, commenters}, }); return comment; } addCallback('comments.remove.async', CommentsRemovePostCommenters); function CommentsRemoveChildrenComments (comment, currentUser) { const childrenComments = Comments.find({parentCommentId: comment._id}).fetch(); childrenComments.forEach(childComment => { removeMutation({ action: 'comments.remove', collection: Comments, documentId: childComment._id, currentUser: currentUser, validate: false }); }); return comment; } addCallback('comments.remove.async', CommentsRemoveChildrenComments); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // other // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function UsersRemoveDeleteComments (user, options) { if (options.deleteComments) { Comments.remove({userId: user._id}); } else { // not sure if anything should be done in that scenario yet // Comments.update({userId: userId}, {$set: {author: '\[deleted\]'}}, {multi: true}); } } addCallback('users.remove.async', UsersRemoveDeleteComments);