AutoForm.addInputType("bootstrap-postthumbnail", { template: "afPostThumbnail" }); var fillEmbedlyData = function (instance) { // note: the following fields are *not* in the current template var $urlField = $('[name="url"]'); var $titleField = $('[name="title"]'); var $bodyField = $('[name="body"]'); var url = $urlField.val(); var $thumbnailContainer = instance.$('.post-thumbnail-container'); var $img = instance.$('.post-thumbnail-preview'); var $thumbnailUrlField = instance.$('[name="thumbnailUrl"]'); if (!!url) { $thumbnailContainer.addClass('loading'); Messages.clearSeen(); console.log('getting embedly data for '+url);'getEmbedlyData', url, function (error, data) { if (error) { console.log(error) Messages.flash(error.message, 'error'); $thumbnailContainer.removeClass('loading'); return } if (data) { // set thumbnail and fill in thumbnailUrl field $img.attr('src', data.thumbnailUrl); $thumbnailUrlField.val(data.thumbnailUrl); // remove loading class $thumbnailContainer.removeClass('loading'); if (!$titleField.val()) // if title field is empty, fill in title $titleField.val(data.title); if (!$bodyField.val()) // if body field is empty, fill in body $bodyField.val(data.description); } }); } } Template.afPostThumbnail.created = function () { var instance = this; instance.embedlyKeyExists = new ReactiveVar(false); // embedly key is not published to client, so we need a method to test if it has been provided or not'embedlyKeyExists', function (error, result) { if (result) instance.embedlyKeyExists.set(result); }); } Template.afPostThumbnail.helpers({ atts: function addFormControlAtts() { var atts = _.clone(this.atts); // Add bootstrap class atts = AutoForm.Utility.addClass(atts, "form-control"); return atts; }, style: function () { var thumbnailWidth = Settings.get('thumbnailWidth', 200); var thumbnailHeight = Settings.get('thumbnailHeight', 125); return "width: "+thumbnailWidth+"px; height: "+thumbnailHeight+"px;" }, embedlyKeyExists: function () { // haven't found a better way to do this yet… return Template.instance().embedlyKeyExists.get(); } }); Template.afPostThumbnail.rendered = function () { var instance = this; var $urlField = $('[name="url"]'); $urlField.change(function (e) { fillEmbedlyData(instance); }); }{ 'click .remove-thumbnail-link': function (e, t) { e.preventDefault(); t.$('.post-thumbnail-preview').attr('src', ''); t.$('input').val(''); }, 'click .regenerate-thumbnail-link': function (e, instance) { e.preventDefault(); fillEmbedlyData(instance); } })