### v0.23 “SubScope” * Template modules now take `only` and `except` options to only display on specific routes. * Now only caching first 15 days of `posts_daily` view. * Added `okgrow:iron-router-autoscroll` package. * Small tweaks to search UX. * [BREAKING] Use collection helpers instead of `postLink` and `target` in `post_title` and `post_thumbnail`. * [BREAKING] Use collection helpers instead of `pathFor` in `post_comments_link` and `post_discuss`. * Added new i18n strings. * Modified custom template prefix system to accept multiple prefixes. * [BREAKING] Changed `Telescope.config.customPrefix = "foo"` to `Telescope.config.addCustomPrefix("foo")`. * Added new `facebookPage` setting. * Added category description to category menu, when it exists. * Fixed post category and post thumbnail CSS classes. * Switched back to `aldeed:autoform` instead of `sacha:autoform`. * Updated to Meteor * Added support for menu hierarchies. * Added hierarchical categories. * Now only showing "play" button for actual videos. * Not subscribing to `postsListUsers` on user profile page anymore. * Added per-category RSS routes (thanks @lewisnyman!) * Now showing top comments in email newsletter (thanks @sungwoncho!) * Fixed blank URL edit bug (thanks @johnthepink!) * Added `.posts-day` wrapper in `posts-daily` template. * [BREAKING] menu label template must now be specified using `menuLabelTemplate` option in menu component. * Menu label template data context can now be specified using `menuLabelData` option. * `user_menu` template and its helpers moved from `telescope:core` to `telescope:users`. * Now recalculating email hash whenever email changes. * Added user avatar to user menu in nav.