import React, { Component } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { graphql } from 'react-apollo'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import { getSetting, singleClientTemplate, Utils, extractCollectionInfo, extractFragmentInfo } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib'; export default function withSingle(options) { const { pollInterval = getSetting('pollInterval', 20000), enableCache = false, extraQueries } = options; const { collectionName, collection } = extractCollectionInfo(options); const { fragmentName, fragment } = extractFragmentInfo(options, collectionName); const typeName = collection.options.typeName; const resolverName = Utils.camelCaseify(typeName); const query = gql` ${singleClientTemplate({ typeName, fragmentName, extraQueries })} ${fragment} `; return graphql(query, { alias: `with${typeName}`, options({ documentId, slug, selector = { documentId, slug } }) { // OpenCrud backwards compatibility const graphQLOptions = { variables: { input: { selector, enableCache } }, pollInterval // note: pollInterval can be set to 0 to disable polling (20s by default) }; if (options.fetchPolicy) { graphQLOptions.fetchPolicy = options.fetchPolicy; } return graphQLOptions; }, props: returnedProps => { const { /* ownProps, */ data } = returnedProps; const propertyName = options.propertyName || 'document'; const props = { loading: data.loading, // document: Utils.convertDates(collection, data[singleResolverName]), [propertyName]: data[resolverName] && data[resolverName].result, fragmentName, fragment, data }; if (data.error) { // get graphQL error (see props.error = data.error.graphQLErrors[0]; } return props; } }); }