diff --git a/server/email.js b/server/email.js
index f8334e3cb..067899484 100644
--- a/server/email.js
+++ b/server/email.js
@@ -20,14 +20,4 @@ sendEmail = function(to, subject, text, html){
text: text,
html: html
- sendNotificationEmail: function(to, notificationId){
- // Note: we query the DB instead of simply passing arguments from the client
- // to make sure our email method cannot be used for spam
- var notification = Notifications.findOne(notificationId);
- var n = getNotification(notification.event, notification.properties);
- sendEmail(to, n.subject, n.text, n.html);
- }
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/server/notifications.js b/server/notifications.js
index 871f68d21..dd453258a 100644
--- a/server/notifications.js
+++ b/server/notifications.js
@@ -15,12 +15,26 @@ createNotification = function(event, properties, userToNotify, userDoingAction){
var newNotificationId=Notifications.insert(notification);
if(userToNotify.profile && userToNotify.profile.notificationsFrequency === 1){
- Meteor.call('sendNotificationEmail', getEmail(userToNotify), newNotificationId);
+ Meteor.call('sendNotificationEmail', userToNotify, newNotificationId);
+getUnsubscribeLink = function(user){
+ return Meteor.absoluteUrl()+'unsubscribe/'+user.email_hash;
+ sendNotificationEmail: function(userToNotify, notificationId){
+ // Note: we query the DB instead of simply passing arguments from the client
+ // to make sure our email method cannot be used for spam
+ var notification = Notifications.findOne(notificationId);
+ var n = getNotification(notification.event, notification.properties);
+ var to = getEmail(userToNotify);
+ var text = n.text + '\n\n Unsubscribe from all notifications: '+getUnsubscribeLink(userToNotify);
+ var html = n.html + '
Unsubscribe from all notifications';
+ sendEmail(to, n.subject, text, html);
+ },
unsubscribeUser : function(hash){
// TO-DO: currently, if you have somebody's email you can unsubscribe them
// A site-specific salt should be added to the hashing method to prevent this
diff --git a/server/users.js b/server/users.js
index 75d157e2f..7412ccd1c 100644
--- a/server/users.js
+++ b/server/users.js
@@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ Meteor.methods({
var ageInHours = (new Date().getTime() - object.submitted) / (60 * 60 * 1000);
var newScore = baseScore / Math.pow(ageInHours + 2, 1.3);
return Math.abs(object.score - newScore);
+ },
+ generateEmailHash: function(){
+ var email_hash = CryptoJS.MD5(getEmail(Meteor.user()).trim().toLowerCase()).toString();
+ Meteor.users.update(Meteor.userId(), {$set : {email_hash : email_hash}});