Sorted out digests in a nice clean way.

This commit is contained in:
Tom Coleman 2012-12-13 18:12:08 +11:00
parent 063b7f85da
commit f36d68451c
4 changed files with 63 additions and 52 deletions

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@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ STATUS_PENDING=1;
FIND_APPROVED={$or: [{status: {$exists : false}}, {status: STATUS_APPROVED}]};
var postListSubscription = function(find, options, per_page) {
var handle = paginatedSubscription(per_page, 'paginatedPosts', find, options);
@ -75,21 +74,61 @@ var pendingPostsHandle = postListSubscription(
// setupPostSubscription('digestPosts', {
// find: function() {
// var mDate = moment(Session.get('currentDate'));
// var find = {
// submitted: {
// $gte: mDate.startOf('day').valueOf(),
// $lt: mDate.endOf('day').valueOf()
// }
// };
// find=_.extend(find, FIND_APPROVED);
// return find;
// },
// sort: {score: -1}
// });
// digest subscriptions
var digestHandles = {}
var dateHash = function(mDate) {
return mDate.format('DD-MM-YYYY');
var currentMDateForDigest = function() {
return moment(Session.get('currentDate')).startOf('day');
var currentDigestHandle = function() {
return digestHandles[dateHash(currentMDateForDigest())];
// we use autorun here, because we DON'T want meteor to automatically
// unsubscribe for us
Meteor.autorun(function() {
var daySubscription = function(mDate) {
var find = _.extend({
submitted: {
$gte: mDate.startOf('day').valueOf(),
$lt: mDate.endOf('day').valueOf()
var options = {sort: {score: -1}};
// we aren't ever going to paginate this sub, but we'll use pSub
// so we have a reactive loading() function
// (grr...
return postListSubscription(find, options, 5);
// take it to the start of the day.
var mDate = currentMDateForDigest();
var firstDate = moment(mDate).subtract('days', DIGEST_PRELOADING);
var lastDate = moment(mDate).add('days', DIGEST_PRELOADING);
// first unsubscribe all the subscriptions that fall outside of our current range
_.each(digestHandles, function(handle, hash) {
var mDate = moment(hash, 'DD-MM-YYYY');
if (mDate < firstDate || mDate > lastDate) {
console.log('unsubscribing digest for ' + mDate.toString())
delete digestHandles[dateHash(mDate)];
// set up a sub for each day for the DIGEST_PRELOADING days before and after
// but we want to be smart about it --
for (mDate = firstDate; mDate < lastDate; mDate.add('days',1 )) {
if (! digestHandles[dateHash(mDate)] && mDate < moment().add('days', 1)) {
console.log('subscribing digest for ' + mDate.toString());
digestHandles[dateHash(mDate)] = daySubscription(mDate);
// ** Categories **

View file

@ -13,11 +13,8 @@
Session.set('currentDate', new Date(year, month-1, day));
// a manual version of awaitSubscription; the sub can be loading
// with a new day, but the data is already there (as the subscription is
// for three days)
if (Session.equals('initialLoad', true) || (Session.equals(PAGE_SUBS['post_digest'], false) && postsForSub.digestPosts().length === 0)) {
return 'loading'
if (currentDigestHandle().loading()) {
return 'loading';
} else {
return destination;

View file

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
posts: function(){
return postsForSub.digestPosts();
return currentDigestHandle().fetch();
hasPosts: function(){
return !!postsForSub.digestPosts().length;
return ! currentDigestHandle().loading();
currentDate: function(){
return moment(Session.get('currentDate')).format("dddd, MMMM Do YYYY");

View file

@ -50,10 +50,11 @@ Meteor.startup(function(){
// Posts
Posts = new Meteor.Collection('posts');
// Meteor.publish('posts', function() {
// return Posts.find({}, {sort: {score: -1}});
// });
// a single post, identified by id
Meteor.publish('post', function(id) {
return Posts.find(id);
Meteor.publish('paginatedPosts', function(find, options, limit) {
options = options || {};
@ -62,32 +63,6 @@ Meteor.publish('paginatedPosts', function(find, options, limit) {
return Posts.find(find || {}, options);
Meteor.publish('posts', function(find, options, subName) {
var collection=Posts.find(find, options);
var collectionArray=collection.fetch();
// if this is a single post subscription but no post ID is passed, just return an empty collection
if(subName==="singlePost" && _.isEmpty(find)){
// console.log("publishing :"+subName);
// console.log(find, options.sort, options.skip, options.limit);
// console.log('collection.fetch().length '+collectionArray.length);
// for(i=0;i<collectionArray.length;i++){
// console.log('- '+collectionArray[i].headline);
// }
// console.log('\n');
return collection;
// a single post, identified by id
Meteor.publish('post', function(id) {
return Posts.find(id);
// FIXME -- check all docs, not just the first one.