diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index f0b9c332a..48c55178b 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"start": "meteor --settings settings.json",
"visualizer": "meteor --extra-packages bundle-visualizer --production --settings settings.json",
"lint": "eslint --cache --ext .jsx,js packages",
+ "lintfix": "eslint --cache --ext .jsx,js packages --fix",
"test-unit": "TEST_WATCH=1 meteor test-packages ./packages/* --port 3002 --driver-package meteortesting:mocha --raw-logs",
"test": "npm run test-unit",
"prettier": "node ./.vulcan/prettier/index.js write-changed",
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/client/components/AppGenerator.jsx b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/client/components/AppGenerator.jsx
index 2ab13aa33..bfbe78d21 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/client/components/AppGenerator.jsx
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/client/components/AppGenerator.jsx
@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
import React from 'react';
import { ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo';
-import { runCallbacks } from '../../modules'
+import { runCallbacks } from '../../modules';
-import { Components } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib'
+import { Components } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
import { CookiesProvider } from 'react-cookie';
-import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom'
+import { BrowserRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
const AppGenerator = ({ apolloClient }) => {
const App = (
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/client/start.jsx b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/client/start.jsx
index c30d30b8a..7bbd084bb 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/client/start.jsx
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/client/start.jsx
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { onPageLoad } from 'meteor/server-render';
-import AppGenerator from './components/AppGenerator'
+import AppGenerator from './components/AppGenerator';
import {
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/callbacks.js b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/callbacks.js
index 8f2d84a44..bd317b87d 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/callbacks.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/callbacks.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {addCallback, getActions} from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
+import { addCallback, getActions } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/components/App.jsx b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/components/App.jsx
index 1a71f3ca5..c845498c7 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/components/App.jsx
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/components/App.jsx
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const RouteWithLayout = ({ layoutName, component, currentRoute, ...rest }) => {
return React.createElement(layout, layoutProps, {React.createElement(component, childComponentProps)});
class App extends PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/containers/withMessages.js b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/containers/withMessages.js
index c7af17acb..989379665 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/containers/withMessages.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/containers/withMessages.js
@@ -6,11 +6,8 @@ HoC that provides access to flash messages stored in Redux state and actions to
of the apollo-link-state mutation patterns
-import {
- registerStateLinkMutation,
- registerStateLinkDefault,
-} from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
-import {graphql, compose} from 'react-apollo';
+import { registerStateLinkMutation, registerStateLinkDefault } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
+import { graphql, compose } from 'react-apollo';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
// 1. Define the queries
// the @client tag tells graphQL that we fetch data from the cache
@@ -53,13 +50,12 @@ registerStateLinkMutation({
name: 'flashMessagesFlash',
mutation: (obj, args, context, info) => {
// get relevant values from args
- const {cache} = context;
- const {content} = args;
+ const { cache } = context;
+ const { content } = args;
// retrieve current state
- const currentFlashMessages = cache.readData({query: getMessagesQuery});
+ const currentFlashMessages = cache.readData({ query: getMessagesQuery });
// transform content
- const flashType =
- content && typeof content.type !== 'undefined' ? content.type : 'error';
+ const flashType = content && typeof content.type !== 'undefined' ? content.type : 'error';
const _id = currentFlashMessages.length;
const flashMessage = {
@@ -75,50 +71,50 @@ registerStateLinkMutation({
const data = {
flashMessages: [...currentFlashMessages, flashMessage],
- cache.writeData({data});
+ cache.writeData({ data });
return null;
name: 'flashMessagesMarkAsSeen',
mutation: (obj, args, context) => {
- const {cache} = context;
- const {i} = args;
- const currentFlashMessages = cache.readData({query: getMessagesQuery});
- currentFlashMessages[i] = {...currentFlashMessages[i], seen: true};
+ const { cache } = context;
+ const { i } = args;
+ const currentFlashMessages = cache.readData({ query: getMessagesQuery });
+ currentFlashMessages[i] = { ...currentFlashMessages[i], seen: true };
const data = {
flashMessages: currentFlashMessages,
- cache.writeData({data});
+ cache.writeData({ data });
return null;
name: 'flashMessagesClear',
mutation: (obj, args, context) => {
- const {cache} = context;
- const {i} = args;
- const currentFlashMessages = cache.readData({query: getMessagesQuery});
- currentFlashMessages[i] = {...currentFlashMessages[i], show: false};
+ const { cache } = context;
+ const { i } = args;
+ const currentFlashMessages = cache.readData({ query: getMessagesQuery });
+ currentFlashMessages[i] = { ...currentFlashMessages[i], show: false };
const data = {
flashMessages: currentFlashMessages,
- cache.writeData({data});
+ cache.writeData({ data });
return null;
name: 'flashMessagesClearSeen',
mutation: (obj, args, context) => {
- const {cache} = context;
- const currentFlashMessages = cache.readData({query: getMessagesQuery});
+ const { cache } = context;
+ const currentFlashMessages = cache.readData({ query: getMessagesQuery });
const newValue = currentFlashMessages.map(message =>
- message.seen ? {...message, show: false} : message
+ message.seen ? { ...message, show: false } : message
const data = {
flashMessages: newValue,
- cache.writeData({data});
+ cache.writeData({ data });
return null;
@@ -140,9 +136,9 @@ const withMessages = compose(
// equivalent to mapStateToProps (map the graphql query to the component props)
graphql(getMessagesQuery, {
- props: ({ownProps, data /*: { flashMessages }*/}) => {
- const {flashMessages} = data;
- return {...ownProps, messages: flashMessages};
+ props: ({ ownProps, data /*: { flashMessages }*/ }) => {
+ const { flashMessages } = data;
+ return { ...ownProps, messages: flashMessages };
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/containers/withMulti.js b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/containers/withMulti.js
index abbc8b483..81d41a353 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/containers/withMulti.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/containers/withMulti.js
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Terms object can have the following properties:
-import {withApollo, graphql} from 'react-apollo';
+import { withApollo, graphql } from 'react-apollo';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import update from 'immutability-helper';
import {
@@ -63,15 +63,15 @@ export default function withMulti(options) {
// see https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/issues/1704#issuecomment-322995855
pollInterval = typeof window === 'undefined' ? null : pollInterval;
- const {collectionName, collection} = extractCollectionInfo(options);
- const {fragmentName, fragment} = extractFragmentInfo(options, collectionName);
+ const { collectionName, collection } = extractCollectionInfo(options);
+ const { fragmentName, fragment } = extractFragmentInfo(options, collectionName);
const typeName = collection.options.typeName;
const resolverName = collection.options.multiResolverName;
// build graphql query from options
const query = gql`
- ${multiClientTemplate({typeName, fragmentName, extraQueries})}
+ ${multiClientTemplate({ typeName, fragmentName, extraQueries })}
@@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ export default function withMulti(options) {
alias: `with${Utils.pluralize(typeName)}`,
// graphql query options
- options({terms, paginationTerms, client: apolloClient, currentUser}) {
+ options({ terms, paginationTerms, client: apolloClient, currentUser }) {
// get terms from options, then props, then pagination
- const mergedTerms = {...options.terms, ...terms, ...paginationTerms};
+ const mergedTerms = { ...options.terms, ...terms, ...paginationTerms };
const graphQLOptions = {
variables: {
@@ -121,8 +121,7 @@ export default function withMulti(options) {
// set to true if running into https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/issues/1186
if (options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange) {
- graphQLOptions.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange =
- options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange;
+ graphQLOptions.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange = options.notifyOnNetworkStatusChange;
return graphQLOptions;
@@ -133,10 +132,8 @@ export default function withMulti(options) {
// see https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-client/blob/master/packages/apollo-client/src/core/networkStatus.ts
const refetch = props.data.refetch,
// results = Utils.convertDates(collection, props.data[listResolverName]),
- results =
- props.data[resolverName] && props.data[resolverName].results,
- totalCount =
- props.data[resolverName] && props.data[resolverName].totalCount,
+ results = props.data[resolverName] && props.data[resolverName].results,
+ totalCount = props.data[resolverName] && props.data[resolverName].totalCount,
networkStatus = props.data.networkStatus,
loadingInitial = props.data.networkStatus === 1,
loading = props.data.networkStatus === 1,
@@ -168,11 +165,8 @@ export default function withMulti(options) {
const newTerms =
typeof providedTerms === 'undefined'
? {
- /*...props.ownProps.terms,*/ ...props.ownProps
- .paginationTerms,
- limit:
- results.length +
- props.ownProps.paginationTerms.itemsPerPage,
+ /*...props.ownProps.terms,*/ ...props.ownProps.paginationTerms,
+ limit: results.length + props.ownProps.paginationTerms.itemsPerPage,
: providedTerms;
@@ -193,8 +187,8 @@ export default function withMulti(options) {
: providedTerms;
return props.data.fetchMore({
- variables: {input: {terms: newTerms}}, // ??? not sure about 'terms: newTerms'
- updateQuery(previousResults, {fetchMoreResult}) {
+ variables: { input: { terms: newTerms } }, // ??? not sure about 'terms: newTerms'
+ updateQuery(previousResults, { fetchMoreResult }) {
// no more post to fetch
if (!fetchMoreResult.data) {
return previousResults;
@@ -205,7 +199,7 @@ export default function withMulti(options) {
// return the previous results "augmented" with more
- return {...previousResults, ...newResults};
+ return { ...previousResults, ...newResults };
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/default_mutations.js b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/default_mutations.js
index fa94d9582..5c3215828 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/default_mutations.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/default_mutations.js
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import {
import Users from 'meteor/vulcan:users';
import isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
-const defaultOptions = {create: true, update: true, upsert: true, delete: true};
+const defaultOptions = { create: true, update: true, upsert: true, delete: true };
export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
let typeName, collectionName, mutationOptions;
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
// new single-argument API
typeName = arguments[0].typeName;
collectionName = arguments[0].collectionName || getCollectionName(typeName);
- mutationOptions = {...defaultOptions, ...arguments[0].options};
+ mutationOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...arguments[0].options };
} else {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
collectionName = arguments[0];
typeName = getTypeName(collectionName);
- mutationOptions = {...defaultOptions, ...arguments[1]};
+ mutationOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...arguments[1] };
// register callbacks for documentation purposes
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
- async mutation(root, {data}, context) {
+ async mutation(root, { data }, context) {
const collection = context[collectionName];
// check if current user can pass check function; else throw error
@@ -105,44 +105,34 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
- registerWatchedMutation(
- mutationName,
- multiQueryName,
- ({mutation, query}) => {
- // get mongo selector and options objects based on current terms
- const terms = query.variables.input.terms;
- const collection = Collections.find(c => c.typeName === typeName);
- const parameters = collection.getParameters(terms /* apolloClient */);
- const {selector, options} = parameters;
- let results = query.result;
- const document = mutation.result.data[mutationName].data;
+ registerWatchedMutation(mutationName, multiQueryName, ({ mutation, query }) => {
+ // get mongo selector and options objects based on current terms
+ const terms = query.variables.input.terms;
+ const collection = Collections.find(c => c.typeName === typeName);
+ const parameters = collection.getParameters(terms /* apolloClient */);
+ const { selector, options } = parameters;
+ let results = query.result;
+ const document = mutation.result.data[mutationName].data;
- if (belongsToSet(document, selector)) {
- if (!isInSet(results[multiResolverName], document)) {
- // make sure document hasn't been already added as this may be called several times
- results[multiResolverName] = addToSet(
- results[multiResolverName],
- document
- );
- }
- results[multiResolverName] = reorderSet(
- results[multiResolverName],
- options.sort
- );
+ if (belongsToSet(document, selector)) {
+ if (!isInSet(results[multiResolverName], document)) {
+ // make sure document hasn't been already added as this may be called several times
+ results[multiResolverName] = addToSet(results[multiResolverName], document);
- results[multiResolverName].__typename = `Multi${typeName}Output`;
- // console.log('// create');
- // console.log(mutation);
- // console.log(query);
- // console.log(collection);
- // console.log(parameters);
- // console.log(results);
- return results;
+ results[multiResolverName] = reorderSet(results[multiResolverName], options.sort);
- );
+ results[multiResolverName].__typename = `Multi${typeName}Output`;
+ // console.log('// create');
+ // console.log(mutation);
+ // console.log(query);
+ // console.log(collection);
+ // console.log(parameters);
+ // console.log(results);
+ return results;
+ });
@@ -178,7 +168,7 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
- async mutation(root, {selector, data}, context) {
+ async mutation(root, { selector, data }, context) {
const collection = context[collectionName];
if (isEmpty(selector)) {
@@ -190,9 +180,7 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
if (!document) {
throw new Error(
- `Could not find document to update for selector: ${JSON.stringify(
- selector
- )}`
+ `Could not find document to update for selector: ${JSON.stringify(selector)}`
@@ -229,57 +217,44 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
- registerWatchedMutation(
- mutationName,
- multiQueryName,
- ({mutation, query}) => {
- // get mongo selector and options objects based on current terms
- const terms = query.variables.input.terms;
- const collection = Collections.find(c => c.typeName === typeName);
- const parameters = collection.getParameters(terms /* apolloClient */);
- const {selector, options} = parameters;
- let results = query.result;
- const document = mutation.result.data[mutationName].data;
+ registerWatchedMutation(mutationName, multiQueryName, ({ mutation, query }) => {
+ // get mongo selector and options objects based on current terms
+ const terms = query.variables.input.terms;
+ const collection = Collections.find(c => c.typeName === typeName);
+ const parameters = collection.getParameters(terms /* apolloClient */);
+ const { selector, options } = parameters;
+ let results = query.result;
+ const document = mutation.result.data[mutationName].data;
- if (belongsToSet(document, selector)) {
- // edited document belongs to the list
- if (!isInSet(results[multiResolverName], document)) {
- // if document wasn't already in list, add it
- results[multiResolverName] = addToSet(
- results[multiResolverName],
- document
- );
- } else {
- // if document was already in the list, update it
- results[multiResolverName] = updateInSet(
- results[multiResolverName],
- document
- );
- }
- results[multiResolverName] = reorderSet(
- results[multiResolverName],
- options.sort,
- selector
- );
+ if (belongsToSet(document, selector)) {
+ // edited document belongs to the list
+ if (!isInSet(results[multiResolverName], document)) {
+ // if document wasn't already in list, add it
+ results[multiResolverName] = addToSet(results[multiResolverName], document);
} else {
- // if edited doesn't belong to current list anymore (based on view selector), remove it
- results[multiResolverName] = removeFromSet(
- results[multiResolverName],
- document
- );
+ // if document was already in the list, update it
+ results[multiResolverName] = updateInSet(results[multiResolverName], document);
- results[multiResolverName].__typename = `Multi${typeName}Output`;
- // console.log('// update');
- // console.log(mutation);
- // console.log(query);
- // console.log(parameters);
- // console.log(results);
- return results;
+ results[multiResolverName] = reorderSet(
+ results[multiResolverName],
+ options.sort,
+ selector
+ );
+ } else {
+ // if edited doesn't belong to current list anymore (based on view selector), remove it
+ results[multiResolverName] = removeFromSet(results[multiResolverName], document);
- );
+ results[multiResolverName].__typename = `Multi${typeName}Output`;
+ // console.log('// update');
+ // console.log(mutation);
+ // console.log(query);
+ // console.log(parameters);
+ // console.log(results);
+ return results;
+ });
if (mutationOptions.upsert) {
@@ -287,26 +262,22 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
mutations.upsert = {
description: `Mutation for upserting a ${typeName} document`,
- async mutation(root, {selector, data}, context) {
+ async mutation(root, { selector, data }, context) {
const collection = context[collectionName];
// check if document exists already
const existingDocument = await Connectors.get(collection, selector, {
- fields: {_id: 1},
+ fields: { _id: 1 },
if (existingDocument) {
return await collection.options.mutations.update.mutation(
- {selector, data},
+ { selector, data },
} else {
- return await collection.options.mutations.create.mutation(
- root,
- {data},
- context
- );
+ return await collection.options.mutations.create.mutation(root, { data }, context);
@@ -321,8 +292,7 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
check(user, document) {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
- const check =
- mutationOptions.deleteCheck || mutationOptions.removeCheck;
+ const check = mutationOptions.deleteCheck || mutationOptions.removeCheck;
if (check) {
return check(user, document);
@@ -340,7 +310,7 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
- async mutation(root, {selector}, context) {
+ async mutation(root, { selector }, context) {
const collection = context[collectionName];
if (isEmpty(selector)) {
@@ -351,9 +321,7 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
if (!document) {
throw new Error(
- `Could not find document to delete for selector: ${JSON.stringify(
- selector
- )}`
+ `Could not find document to delete for selector: ${JSON.stringify(selector)}`
@@ -388,25 +356,18 @@ export function getDefaultMutations(options) {
if (Meteor.isClient) {
- registerWatchedMutation(
- mutationName,
- multiQueryName,
- ({mutation, query}) => {
- let results = query.result;
- const document = mutation.result.data[mutationName].data;
- results[multiResolverName] = removeFromSet(
- results[multiResolverName],
- document
- );
- results[multiResolverName].__typename = `Multi${typeName}Output`;
- // console.log('// delete')
- // console.log(mutation);
- // console.log(query);
- // console.log(parameters);
- // console.log(results);
- return results;
- }
- );
+ registerWatchedMutation(mutationName, multiQueryName, ({ mutation, query }) => {
+ let results = query.result;
+ const document = mutation.result.data[mutationName].data;
+ results[multiResolverName] = removeFromSet(results[multiResolverName], document);
+ results[multiResolverName].__typename = `Multi${typeName}Output`;
+ // console.log('// delete')
+ // console.log(mutation);
+ // console.log(query);
+ // console.log(parameters);
+ // console.log(results);
+ return results;
+ });
@@ -424,7 +385,7 @@ const registerCollectionCallbacks = (typeName, options) => {
{ document: 'The document being inserted' },
{ currentUser: 'The current user' },
{ collection: 'The collection the document belongs to' },
- { context: 'The context of the mutation'},
+ { context: 'The context of the mutation' },
runs: 'sync',
returns: 'document',
@@ -433,33 +394,32 @@ const registerCollectionCallbacks = (typeName, options) => {
name: `${typeName}.create.before`,
- iterator: {document: 'The document being inserted'},
- properties: [{currentUser: 'The current user'}],
+ iterator: { document: 'The document being inserted' },
+ properties: [{ currentUser: 'The current user' }],
runs: 'sync',
returns: 'document',
- description:
- "Perform operations on a new document before it's inserted in the database.",
+ description: 'Perform operations on a new document before it\'s inserted in the database.',
name: `${typeName}.create.after`,
- iterator: {document: 'The document being inserted'},
- properties: [{currentUser: 'The current user'}],
+ iterator: { document: 'The document being inserted' },
+ properties: [{ currentUser: 'The current user' }],
runs: 'sync',
returns: 'document',
- "Perform operations on a new document after it's inserted in the database but *before* the mutation returns it.",
+ 'Perform operations on a new document after it\'s inserted in the database but *before* the mutation returns it.',
name: `${typeName}.create.async`,
- iterator: {document: 'The document being inserted'},
+ iterator: { document: 'The document being inserted' },
properties: [
- {currentUser: 'The current user'},
- {collection: 'The collection the document belongs to'},
+ { currentUser: 'The current user' },
+ { collection: 'The collection the document belongs to' },
runs: 'async',
returns: null,
- "Perform operations on a new document after it's inserted in the database asynchronously.",
+ 'Perform operations on a new document after it\'s inserted in the database asynchronously.',
if (options.update) {
@@ -471,7 +431,7 @@ const registerCollectionCallbacks = (typeName, options) => {
{ data: 'The client data' },
{ currentUser: 'The current user' },
{ collection: 'The collection the document belongs to' },
- { context: 'The context of the mutation'},
+ { context: 'The context of the mutation' },
runs: 'sync',
returns: 'modifier',
@@ -480,40 +440,33 @@ const registerCollectionCallbacks = (typeName, options) => {
name: `${typeName}.update.before`,
- iterator: {data: 'The client data'},
- properties: [
- {document: 'The document being edited'},
- {currentUser: 'The current user'},
- ],
+ iterator: { data: 'The client data' },
+ properties: [{ document: 'The document being edited' }, { currentUser: 'The current user' }],
runs: 'sync',
returns: 'modifier',
- description:
- "Perform operations on a document before it's updated in the database.",
+ description: 'Perform operations on a document before it\'s updated in the database.',
name: `${typeName}.update.after`,
- iterator: {newDocument: 'The document after the update'},
- properties: [
- {document: 'The document being edited'},
- {currentUser: 'The current user'},
- ],
+ iterator: { newDocument: 'The document after the update' },
+ properties: [{ document: 'The document being edited' }, { currentUser: 'The current user' }],
runs: 'sync',
returns: 'document',
- "Perform operations on a document after it's updated in the database but *before* the mutation returns it.",
+ 'Perform operations on a document after it\'s updated in the database but *before* the mutation returns it.',
name: `${typeName}.update.async`,
- iterator: {newDocument: 'The document after the edit'},
+ iterator: { newDocument: 'The document after the edit' },
properties: [
- {document: 'The document before the edit'},
- {currentUser: 'The current user'},
- {collection: 'The collection the document belongs to'},
+ { document: 'The document before the edit' },
+ { currentUser: 'The current user' },
+ { collection: 'The collection the document belongs to' },
runs: 'async',
returns: null,
- "Perform operations on a document after it's updated in the database asynchronously.",
+ 'Perform operations on a document after it\'s updated in the database asynchronously.',
if (options.delete) {
@@ -523,8 +476,8 @@ const registerCollectionCallbacks = (typeName, options) => {
properties: [
{ currentUser: 'The current user' },
{ document: 'The document being removed' },
- { collection: 'The collection the document belongs to'},
- { context: 'The context of this mutation'}
+ { collection: 'The collection the document belongs to' },
+ { context: 'The context of this mutation' },
runs: 'sync',
returns: 'document',
@@ -533,24 +486,23 @@ const registerCollectionCallbacks = (typeName, options) => {
name: `${typeName}.delete.before`,
- iterator: {document: 'The document being removed'},
- properties: [{currentUser: 'The current user'}],
+ iterator: { document: 'The document being removed' },
+ properties: [{ currentUser: 'The current user' }],
runs: 'sync',
returns: null,
- description:
- "Perform operations on a document before it's removed from the database.",
+ description: 'Perform operations on a document before it\'s removed from the database.',
name: `${typeName}.delete.async`,
properties: [
- {document: 'The document being removed'},
- {currentUser: 'The current user'},
- {collection: 'The collection the document belongs to'},
+ { document: 'The document being removed' },
+ { currentUser: 'The current user' },
+ { collection: 'The collection the document belongs to' },
runs: 'async',
returns: null,
- "Perform operations on a document after it's removed from the database asynchronously.",
+ 'Perform operations on a document after it\'s removed from the database asynchronously.',
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/default_resolvers.js b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/default_resolvers.js
index 723f1145f..f9e59cf15 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/default_resolvers.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/default_resolvers.js
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ export function getDefaultResolvers(options) {
// new single-argument API
typeName = arguments[0].typeName;
collectionName = arguments[0].collectionName || getCollectionName(typeName);
- resolverOptions = {...defaultOptions, ...arguments[0].options};
+ resolverOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...arguments[0].options };
} else {
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
collectionName = arguments[0];
typeName = getTypeName(collectionName);
- resolverOptions = {...defaultOptions, ...arguments[1]};
+ resolverOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...arguments[1] };
return {
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ export function getDefaultResolvers(options) {
multi: {
description: `A list of ${typeName} documents matching a set of query terms`,
- async resolver(root, {input = {}}, context, {cacheControl}) {
- const {terms = {}, enableCache = false, enableTotal = true} = input;
+ async resolver(root, { input = {} }, context, { cacheControl }) {
+ const { terms = {}, enableCache = false, enableTotal = true } = input;
@@ -51,27 +51,22 @@ export function getDefaultResolvers(options) {
debug(`Terms: ${JSON.stringify(terms)}`);
if (cacheControl && enableCache) {
- const maxAge =
- resolverOptions.cacheMaxAge || defaultOptions.cacheMaxAge;
- cacheControl.setCacheHint({maxAge});
+ const maxAge = resolverOptions.cacheMaxAge || defaultOptions.cacheMaxAge;
+ cacheControl.setCacheHint({ maxAge });
// get currentUser and Users collection from context
- const {currentUser, Users} = context;
+ const { currentUser, Users } = context;
// get collection based on collectionName argument
const collection = context[collectionName];
// get selector and options from terms and perform Mongo query
- let {selector, options} = await collection.getParameters(
- terms,
- {},
- context
- );
+ let { selector, options } = await collection.getParameters(terms, {}, context);
options.skip = terms.offset;
- debug({selector, options});
+ debug({ selector, options });
const docs = await Connectors.find(collection, selector, options);
@@ -81,23 +76,17 @@ export function getDefaultResolvers(options) {
: docs;
// take the remaining documents and remove any fields that shouldn't be accessible
- const restrictedDocs = Users.restrictViewableFields(
- currentUser,
- collection,
- viewableDocs
- );
+ const restrictedDocs = Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, collection, viewableDocs);
// prime the cache
restrictedDocs.forEach(doc => collection.loader.prime(doc._id, doc));
debug(`\x1b[33m=> ${restrictedDocs.length} documents returned\x1b[0m`);
- debug(
- `--------------- end \x1b[35m${typeName} Multi Resolver\x1b[0m ---------------`
- );
+ debug(`--------------- end \x1b[35m${typeName} Multi Resolver\x1b[0m ---------------`);
- const data = {results: restrictedDocs};
+ const data = { results: restrictedDocs };
if (enableTotal) {
// get total count of documents matching the selector
@@ -114,8 +103,8 @@ export function getDefaultResolvers(options) {
single: {
description: `A single ${typeName} document fetched by ID or slug`,
- async resolver(root, {input = {}}, context, {cacheControl}) {
- const {selector = {}, enableCache = false, allowNull = false} = input;
+ async resolver(root, { input = {} }, context, { cacheControl }) {
+ const { selector = {}, enableCache = false, allowNull = false } = input;
@@ -125,12 +114,11 @@ export function getDefaultResolvers(options) {
debug(`Selector: ${JSON.stringify(selector)}`);
if (cacheControl && enableCache) {
- const maxAge =
- resolverOptions.cacheMaxAge || defaultOptions.cacheMaxAge;
- cacheControl.setCacheHint({maxAge});
+ const maxAge = resolverOptions.cacheMaxAge || defaultOptions.cacheMaxAge;
+ cacheControl.setCacheHint({ maxAge });
- const {currentUser, Users} = context;
+ const { currentUser, Users } = context;
const collection = context[collectionName];
// use Dataloader if doc is selected by documentId/_id
@@ -141,11 +129,11 @@ export function getDefaultResolvers(options) {
if (!doc) {
if (allowNull) {
- return {result: null};
+ return { result: null };
} else {
id: 'app.missing_document',
- data: {documentId, selector},
+ data: { documentId, selector },
@@ -164,20 +152,14 @@ export function getDefaultResolvers(options) {
- const restrictedDoc = Users.restrictViewableFields(
- currentUser,
- collection,
- doc
- );
+ const restrictedDoc = Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, collection, doc);
- debug(
- `--------------- end \x1b[35m${typeName} Single Resolver\x1b[0m ---------------`
- );
+ debug(`--------------- end \x1b[35m${typeName} Single Resolver\x1b[0m ---------------`);
// filter out disallowed properties and return resulting document
- return {result: restrictedDoc};
+ return { result: restrictedDoc };
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/index.js b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/index.js
index 6320d84f0..7e3a7b0c2 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/index.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/lib/modules/index.js
@@ -39,11 +39,11 @@ export { default as withMutation } from './containers/withMutation.js';
export { default as withUpsert } from './containers/withUpsert.js';
export { default as withSiteData } from './containers/withSiteData.js';
-export {default as withComponents} from './containers/withComponents';
+export { default as withComponents } from './containers/withComponents';
// OpenCRUD backwards compatibility
-export {default as withNew} from './containers/withCreate.js';
-export {default as withEdit} from './containers/withUpdate.js';
-export {default as withRemove} from './containers/withDelete.js';
-export {default as withList} from './containers/withMulti.js';
-export {default as withDocument} from './containers/withSingle.js';
+export { default as withNew } from './containers/withCreate.js';
+export { default as withEdit } from './containers/withUpdate.js';
+export { default as withRemove } from './containers/withDelete.js';
+export { default as withList } from './containers/withMulti.js';
+export { default as withDocument } from './containers/withSingle.js';
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-core/test/containers.test.js b/packages/vulcan-core/test/containers.test.js
index 116f16701..75484d0eb 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-core/test/containers.test.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-core/test/containers.test.js
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
import 'jsdom-global/register';
import React from 'react';
import expect from 'expect';
-import {shallow} from 'enzyme';
-import {Components} from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
-import {initComponentTest} from 'meteor/vulcan:test';
-import {withComponents} from '../lib/modules';
+import { shallow } from 'enzyme';
+import { Components } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
+import { initComponentTest } from 'meteor/vulcan:test';
+import { withComponents } from '../lib/modules';
// we must import all the other components, so that "registerComponent" is called
import '../lib/modules';
@@ -18,60 +18,51 @@ describe('vulcan-core/containers', function() {
// replace any component for testing purpose
const firstComponentName = Components[Object.keys(Components)[0]];
const FooComponent = () => 'FOO';
- const components = {[firstComponentName]: FooComponent};
- const MyComponent = withComponents(({Components}) =>
- Components[firstComponentName]()
- );
+ const components = { [firstComponentName]: FooComponent };
+ const MyComponent = withComponents(({ Components }) => Components[firstComponentName]());
const wrapper = shallow();
- expect(wrapper.prop('Components')[firstComponentName]).toEqual(
- FooComponent
- );
+ expect(wrapper.prop('Components')[firstComponentName]).toEqual(FooComponent);
describe('handleOptions', function() {
const expectedCollectionName = 'COLLECTION_NAME';
- const collectionNameOptions = {collectionName: expectedCollectionName};
- const expectedCollection = {options: collectionNameOptions};
+ const collectionNameOptions = { collectionName: expectedCollectionName };
+ const expectedCollection = { options: collectionNameOptions };
it('get collectionName from collection', function() {
- const options = {collection: expectedCollection};
- const {collection, collectionName} = extractCollectionInfo(options);
+ const options = { collection: expectedCollection };
+ const { collection, collectionName } = extractCollectionInfo(options);
it('get collection from collectioName', function() {
// MOCK getCollection
- const {collection, collectionName} = extractCollectionInfo(
- collectionNameOptions
- );
+ const { collection, collectionName } = extractCollectionInfo(collectionNameOptions);
const expectedFragmentName = 'FRAGMENT_NAME';
const expectedFragment = {
- definitions: [{name: {value: expectedFragmentName}}],
+ definitions: [{ name: { value: expectedFragmentName } }],
it('get fragment from fragmentName', function() {
// MOCK getCollection
- const options = {fragmentName: expectedFragmentName};
- const {fragment, fragmentName} = extractFragmentInfo(options);
+ const options = { fragmentName: expectedFragmentName };
+ const { fragment, fragmentName } = extractFragmentInfo(options);
it('get fragmentName from fragment', function() {
- const options = {fragment: expectedFragment};
- const {fragment, fragmentName} = extractFragmentInfo(options);
+ const options = { fragment: expectedFragment };
+ const { fragment, fragmentName } = extractFragmentInfo(options);
it('get fragmentName and fragment from collectionName', function() {
// if options does not contain fragment, we get the collection default fragment based on its name
const options = {};
- const {fragment, fragmentName} = extractFragmentInfo(
- options,
- expectedCollectionName
- );
+ const { fragment, fragmentName } = extractFragmentInfo(options, expectedCollectionName);
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-events-internal/lib/client/internal-client.js b/packages/vulcan-events-internal/lib/client/internal-client.js
index 2935f3c72..51b765ce0 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-events-internal/lib/client/internal-client.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-events-internal/lib/client/internal-client.js
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-import {addTrackFunction} from 'meteor/vulcan:events';
-import {
- getApolloClient,
- getFragment,
- createClientTemplate,
-} from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
+import { addTrackFunction } from 'meteor/vulcan:events';
+import { getApolloClient, getFragment, createClientTemplate } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
function trackInternal(eventName, eventProperties) {
@@ -13,7 +9,7 @@ function trackInternal(eventName, eventProperties) {
const fragment = getFragment(fragmentName);
const mutation = gql`
- ${createClientTemplate({typeName: 'AnalyticsEvent', fragmentName})}
+ ${createClientTemplate({ typeName: 'AnalyticsEvent', fragmentName })}
@@ -23,7 +19,7 @@ function trackInternal(eventName, eventProperties) {
properties: eventProperties,
- apolloClient.mutate({mutation, variables});
+ apolloClient.mutate({ mutation, variables });
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/apolloClient.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/apolloClient.js
index 076e62d46..7de1da23f 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/apolloClient.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/apolloClient.js
@@ -1,23 +1,18 @@
-import {ApolloClient} from 'apollo-client';
-import {ApolloLink} from 'apollo-link';
+import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client';
+import { ApolloLink } from 'apollo-link';
import watchedMutationLink from './links/watchedMutation';
import httpLink from './links/http';
import meteorAccountsLink from './links/meteor';
import errorLink from './links/error';
-import {createStateLink} from '../../modules/apollo-common';
+import { createStateLink } from '../../modules/apollo-common';
import cache from './cache';
// these links do not change once created
-const staticLinks = [
- watchedMutationLink,
- errorLink,
- meteorAccountsLink,
- httpLink,
+const staticLinks = [watchedMutationLink, errorLink, meteorAccountsLink, httpLink];
let apolloClient;
export const createApolloClient = () => {
- const stateLink = createStateLink({cache});
+ const stateLink = createStateLink({ cache });
const newClient = new ApolloClient({
link: ApolloLink.from([stateLink, ...staticLinks]),
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/cache.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/cache.js
index 194897e6b..b5d6d9483 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/cache.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/cache.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {InMemoryCache} from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
+import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
const cache = new InMemoryCache()
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/error.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/error.js
index 9d742045f..5b2620577 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/error.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/error.js
@@ -1,11 +1,9 @@
-import {onError} from 'apollo-link-error';
+import { onError } from 'apollo-link-error';
-const errorLink = onError(({graphQLErrors, networkError}) => {
+const errorLink = onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => {
if (graphQLErrors)
- graphQLErrors.map(({message, locations, path}) =>
- console.log(
- `[GraphQL error]: Message: ${message}, Location: ${locations}, Path: ${path}`
- )
+ graphQLErrors.map(({ message, locations, path }) =>
+ console.log(`[GraphQL error]: Message: ${message}, Location: ${locations}, Path: ${path}`)
if (networkError) console.log(`[Network error]: ${networkError}`);
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/http.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/http.js
index 57b1a2523..24b95e369 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/http.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/http.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {HttpLink} from 'apollo-link-http';
+import { HttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: '/graphql',
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/meteor.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/meteor.js
index 114b04008..635e54bb1 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/meteor.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/meteor.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {MeteorAccountsLink} from 'meteor/apollo';
+import { MeteorAccountsLink } from 'meteor/apollo';
const meteorAccountsLink = new MeteorAccountsLink();
export default meteorAccountsLink;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/watchedMutation.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/watchedMutation.js
index 8cb6d59af..1cdb15ff2 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/watchedMutation.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/links/watchedMutation.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
* @see https://github.com/haytko/apollo-link-watched-mutation
import WatchedMutationLink from 'apollo-link-watched-mutation';
-import {WatchedMutations} from '../updates';
+import { WatchedMutations } from '../updates';
import cache from '../cache';
const watchedMutationLink = new WatchedMutationLink(cache, WatchedMutations);
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/updates.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/updates.js
index 600adb465..141cfe4e3 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/updates.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/apollo-client/updates.js
@@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ import Mingo from 'mingo';
export const WatchedMutations = {};
-export const registerWatchedMutation = (
- mutationName,
- queryName,
- updateFunction
-) => {
+export const registerWatchedMutation = (mutationName, queryName, updateFunction) => {
WatchedMutations[mutationName] = {
[queryName]: updateFunction,
@@ -30,8 +26,7 @@ export const belongsToSet = (document, selector) => {
Test if a document is already in a result set
-export const isInSet = (data, document) =>
- data.results.find(item => item._id === document._id);
+export const isInSet = (data, document) => data.results.find(item => item._id === document._id);
@@ -53,9 +48,9 @@ Update a document in a set of results
export const updateInSet = (queryData, document) => {
const oldDocument = queryData.results.find(item => item._id === document._id);
- const newDocument = {...oldDocument, ...document};
+ const newDocument = { ...oldDocument, ...document };
const index = queryData.results.findIndex(item => item._id === document._id);
- const newData = {results: [...queryData.results]}; // clone
+ const newData = { results: [...queryData.results] }; // clone
newData.results[index] = newDocument;
return newData;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/auth.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/auth.js
index 2b3ce4a85..b4d45828c 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/auth.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/client/auth.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
-import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
+import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
const cookie = new Cookies();
@@ -26,9 +26,7 @@ function setToken(loginToken, expires) {
function initToken() {
const loginToken = global.localStorage['Meteor.loginToken'];
- const loginTokenExpires = new Date(
- global.localStorage['Meteor.loginTokenExpires']
- );
+ const loginTokenExpires = new Date(global.localStorage['Meteor.loginTokenExpires']);
if (loginToken) {
setToken(loginToken, loginTokenExpires);
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/modules/apollo-common/links/state.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/modules/apollo-common/links/state.js
index 75ec30541..1f197e079 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/modules/apollo-common/links/state.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/modules/apollo-common/links/state.js
@@ -11,17 +11,12 @@
* Example
* @see https://hackernoon.com/storing-local-state-in-react-with-apollo-link-state-738f6ca45569
-import {withClientState} from 'apollo-link-state';
+import { withClientState } from 'apollo-link-state';
* Create a state link
-export const createStateLink = ({
- cache,
- resolvers,
- defaults,
- ...otherOptions
-}) => {
+export const createStateLink = ({ cache, resolvers, defaults, ...otherOptions }) => {
const stateLink = withClientState({
defaults: defaults || getStateLinkDefaults(),
@@ -36,11 +31,7 @@ const registeredDefaults = {};
* Defaults are default response to queries
-export const registerStateLinkDefault = ({
- name,
- defaultValue,
- options = {},
-}) => {
+export const registerStateLinkDefault = ({ name, defaultValue, options = {} }) => {
registeredDefaults[name] = defaultValue;
return registeredDefaults;
@@ -49,7 +40,7 @@ export const getStateLinkDefaults = () => registeredDefaults;
// Mutation are equivalent to a Redux Action + Reducer
// except it uses GraphQL to retrieve/update data in the cache
const registeredMutations = {};
-export const registerStateLinkMutation = ({name, mutation, options = {}}) => {
+export const registerStateLinkMutation = ({ name, mutation, options = {} }) => {
registeredMutations[name] = mutation;
return registeredMutations;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/modules/graphql.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/modules/graphql.js
index 1bada770a..7db859324 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/modules/graphql.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/modules/graphql.js
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import GraphQLJSON from 'graphql-type-json';
import GraphQLDate from 'graphql-date';
import Vulcan from './config.js'; // used for global export
-import {Utils} from './utils.js';
-import {disableFragmentWarnings} from 'graphql-tag';
-import {isIntlField} from './intl.js';
+import { Utils } from './utils.js';
+import { disableFragmentWarnings } from 'graphql-tag';
+import { isIntlField } from './intl.js';
import {
@@ -44,11 +44,7 @@ const getGraphQLType = (schema, fieldName, isInput = false) => {
const field = schema[fieldName];
const type = field.type.singleType;
const typeName =
- typeof type === 'object'
- ? 'Object'
- : typeof type === 'function'
- ? type.name
- : type;
+ typeof type === 'object' ? 'Object' : typeof type === 'function' ? type.name : type;
if (field.isIntlData) {
return isInput ? '[IntlValueInput]' : '[IntlValue]';
@@ -119,13 +115,13 @@ export const GraphQLSchema = {
// queries
queries: [],
addQuery(query, description) {
- this.queries.push({query, description});
+ this.queries.push({ query, description });
// mutations
mutations: [],
addMutation(mutation, description) {
- this.mutations.push({mutation, description});
+ this.mutations.push({ mutation, description });
// add resolvers
@@ -182,9 +178,7 @@ export const GraphQLSchema = {
) {
const fieldDescription = field.description;
const fieldDirective = isIntlField(field) ? '@intl' : '';
- const fieldArguments = isIntlField(field)
- ? [{name: 'locale', type: 'String'}]
- : [];
+ const fieldArguments = isIntlField(field) ? [{ name: 'locale', type: 'String' }] : [];
// if field has a resolveAs, push it to schema
if (field.resolveAs) {
@@ -208,13 +202,9 @@ export const GraphQLSchema = {
const resolver = {
[typeName]: {
[resolverName]: (document, args, context, info) => {
- const {Users, currentUser} = context;
+ const { Users, currentUser } = context;
// check that current user has permission to access the original non-resolved field
- const canReadField = Users.canReadField(
- currentUser,
- field,
- document
- );
+ const canReadField = Users.canReadField(currentUser, field, document);
return canReadField
? field.resolveAs.resolver(document, args, context, info)
: null;
@@ -316,80 +306,61 @@ export const GraphQLSchema = {
const fields = this.getFields(schema, typeName);
- const {interfaces = [], resolvers, mutations} = collection.options;
+ const { interfaces = [], resolvers, mutations } = collection.options;
const description = collection.options.description
? collection.options.description
: `Type for ${collectionName}`;
- const {
- mainType,
- create,
- update,
- selector,
- selectorUnique,
- orderBy,
- } = fields;
+ const { mainType, create, update, selector, selectorUnique, orderBy } = fields;
if (mainType.length) {
- mainTypeTemplate({typeName, description, interfaces, fields: mainType})
+ mainTypeTemplate({ typeName, description, interfaces, fields: mainType })
- schemaFragments.push(deleteInputTemplate({typeName}));
- schemaFragments.push(singleInputTemplate({typeName}));
- schemaFragments.push(multiInputTemplate({typeName}));
- schemaFragments.push(singleOutputTemplate({typeName}));
- schemaFragments.push(multiOutputTemplate({typeName}));
- schemaFragments.push(mutationOutputTemplate({typeName}));
+ schemaFragments.push(deleteInputTemplate({ typeName }));
+ schemaFragments.push(singleInputTemplate({ typeName }));
+ schemaFragments.push(multiInputTemplate({ typeName }));
+ schemaFragments.push(singleOutputTemplate({ typeName }));
+ schemaFragments.push(multiOutputTemplate({ typeName }));
+ schemaFragments.push(mutationOutputTemplate({ typeName }));
if (create.length) {
- schemaFragments.push(createInputTemplate({typeName}));
- schemaFragments.push(
- createDataInputTemplate({typeName, fields: create})
- );
+ schemaFragments.push(createInputTemplate({ typeName }));
+ schemaFragments.push(createDataInputTemplate({ typeName, fields: create }));
if (update.length) {
- schemaFragments.push(updateInputTemplate({typeName}));
- schemaFragments.push(upsertInputTemplate({typeName}));
- schemaFragments.push(
- updateDataInputTemplate({typeName, fields: update})
- );
+ schemaFragments.push(updateInputTemplate({ typeName }));
+ schemaFragments.push(upsertInputTemplate({ typeName }));
+ schemaFragments.push(updateDataInputTemplate({ typeName, fields: update }));
- schemaFragments.push(selectorInputTemplate({typeName, fields: selector}));
+ schemaFragments.push(selectorInputTemplate({ typeName, fields: selector }));
- schemaFragments.push(
- selectorUniqueInputTemplate({typeName, fields: selectorUnique})
- );
+ schemaFragments.push(selectorUniqueInputTemplate({ typeName, fields: selectorUnique }));
- schemaFragments.push(orderByInputTemplate({typeName, fields: orderBy}));
+ schemaFragments.push(orderByInputTemplate({ typeName, fields: orderBy }));
if (!_.isEmpty(resolvers)) {
const queryResolvers = {};
// single
if (resolvers.single) {
- addGraphQLQuery(
- singleQueryTemplate({typeName}),
- resolvers.single.description
+ addGraphQLQuery(singleQueryTemplate({ typeName }), resolvers.single.description);
+ queryResolvers[Utils.camelCaseify(typeName)] = resolvers.single.resolver.bind(
+ resolvers.single
- queryResolvers[
- Utils.camelCaseify(typeName)
- ] = resolvers.single.resolver.bind(resolvers.single);
// multi
if (resolvers.multi) {
- addGraphQLQuery(
- multiQueryTemplate({typeName}),
- resolvers.multi.description
- );
+ addGraphQLQuery(multiQueryTemplate({ typeName }), resolvers.multi.description);
] = resolvers.multi.resolver.bind(resolvers.multi);
- addGraphQLResolvers({Query: {...queryResolvers}});
+ addGraphQLResolvers({ Query: { ...queryResolvers } });
if (!_.isEmpty(mutations)) {
@@ -403,13 +374,10 @@ export const GraphQLSchema = {
`// Warning: you defined a "create" mutation for collection ${collectionName}, but it doesn't have any mutable fields, so no corresponding mutation types can be generated. Remove the "create" mutation or define a "canCreate" property on a field to disable this warning`
} else {
- addGraphQLMutation(
- createMutationTemplate({typeName}),
- mutations.create.description
+ addGraphQLMutation(createMutationTemplate({ typeName }), mutations.create.description);
+ mutationResolvers[`create${typeName}`] = mutations.create.mutation.bind(
+ mutations.create
- mutationResolvers[
- `create${typeName}`
- ] = mutations.create.mutation.bind(mutations.create);
// update
@@ -421,13 +389,10 @@ export const GraphQLSchema = {
`// Warning: you defined an "update" mutation for collection ${collectionName}, but it doesn't have any mutable fields, so no corresponding mutation types can be generated. Remove the "update" mutation or define a "canUpdate" property on a field to disable this warning`
} else {
- addGraphQLMutation(
- updateMutationTemplate({typeName}),
- mutations.update.description
+ addGraphQLMutation(updateMutationTemplate({ typeName }), mutations.update.description);
+ mutationResolvers[`update${typeName}`] = mutations.update.mutation.bind(
+ mutations.update
- mutationResolvers[
- `update${typeName}`
- ] = mutations.update.mutation.bind(mutations.update);
// upsert
@@ -439,27 +404,19 @@ export const GraphQLSchema = {
`// Warning: you defined an "upsert" mutation for collection ${collectionName}, but it doesn't have any mutable fields, so no corresponding mutation types can be generated. Remove the "upsert" mutation or define a "canUpdate" property on a field to disable this warning`
} else {
- addGraphQLMutation(
- upsertMutationTemplate({typeName}),
- mutations.upsert.description
+ addGraphQLMutation(upsertMutationTemplate({ typeName }), mutations.upsert.description);
+ mutationResolvers[`upsert${typeName}`] = mutations.upsert.mutation.bind(
+ mutations.upsert
- mutationResolvers[
- `upsert${typeName}`
- ] = mutations.upsert.mutation.bind(mutations.upsert);
// delete
if (mutations.delete) {
// e.g. "deleteMovie(input: DeleteMovieInput) : Movie"
- addGraphQLMutation(
- deleteMutationTemplate({typeName}),
- mutations.delete.description
- );
- mutationResolvers[
- `delete${typeName}`
- ] = mutations.delete.mutation.bind(mutations.delete);
+ addGraphQLMutation(deleteMutationTemplate({ typeName }), mutations.delete.description);
+ mutationResolvers[`delete${typeName}`] = mutations.delete.mutation.bind(mutations.delete);
- addGraphQLResolvers({Mutation: {...mutationResolvers}});
+ addGraphQLResolvers({ Mutation: { ...mutationResolvers } });
graphQLSchema = schemaFragments.join('\n\n') + '\n\n\n';
} else {
@@ -475,9 +432,7 @@ export const GraphQLSchema = {
// getters
getSchema() {
if (!(this.finalSchema && this.finalSchema.length)) {
- throw new Error(
- 'Warning: trying to access schema before it has been created by the server.'
- );
+ throw new Error('Warning: trying to access schema before it has been created by the server.');
return this.finalSchema[0];
@@ -503,21 +458,11 @@ Vulcan.getGraphQLSchema = () => {
return schema;
-export const addGraphQLCollection = GraphQLSchema.addCollection.bind(
- GraphQLSchema
+export const addGraphQLCollection = GraphQLSchema.addCollection.bind(GraphQLSchema);
export const addGraphQLSchema = GraphQLSchema.addSchema.bind(GraphQLSchema);
export const addGraphQLQuery = GraphQLSchema.addQuery.bind(GraphQLSchema);
export const addGraphQLMutation = GraphQLSchema.addMutation.bind(GraphQLSchema);
-export const addGraphQLResolvers = GraphQLSchema.addResolvers.bind(
- GraphQLSchema
-export const removeGraphQLResolver = GraphQLSchema.removeResolver.bind(
- GraphQLSchema
-export const addToGraphQLContext = GraphQLSchema.addToContext.bind(
- GraphQLSchema
-export const addGraphQLDirective = GraphQLSchema.addDirective.bind(
- GraphQLSchema
+export const addGraphQLResolvers = GraphQLSchema.addResolvers.bind(GraphQLSchema);
+export const removeGraphQLResolver = GraphQLSchema.removeResolver.bind(GraphQLSchema);
+export const addToGraphQLContext = GraphQLSchema.addToContext.bind(GraphQLSchema);
+export const addGraphQLDirective = GraphQLSchema.addDirective.bind(GraphQLSchema);
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/apollo_server2.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/apollo_server2.js
index e6ddad9a3..f2467ec9a 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/apollo_server2.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/apollo_server2.js
@@ -6,44 +6,37 @@
// Meteor WebApp use a Connect server, so we need to
// use apollo-server-express integration
//import express from 'express';
-import {ApolloServer} from 'apollo-server-express';
+import { ApolloServer } from 'apollo-server-express';
-import {Meteor} from 'meteor/meteor';
+import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
-import {WebApp} from 'meteor/webapp';
+import { WebApp } from 'meteor/webapp';
import bodyParser from 'body-parser';
// import cookiesMiddleware from 'universal-cookie-express';
// import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
import voyagerMiddleware from 'graphql-voyager/middleware/express';
import getVoyagerConfig from './voyager';
-import {graphiqlMiddleware, getGraphiqlConfig} from './graphiql';
+import { graphiqlMiddleware, getGraphiqlConfig } from './graphiql';
import getPlaygroundConfig from './playground';
import initGraphQL from './initGraphQL';
import './settings';
-import {engineConfig} from './engine';
-import {initContext, computeContextFromReq} from './context.js';
+import { engineConfig } from './engine';
+import { initContext, computeContextFromReq } from './context.js';
-import {GraphQLSchema} from '../../modules/graphql.js';
+import { GraphQLSchema } from '../../modules/graphql.js';
-import {enableSSR} from '../apollo-ssr';
+import { enableSSR } from '../apollo-ssr';
import universalCookiesMiddleware from 'universal-cookie-express';
-import {
- getApolloApplyMiddlewareOptions,
- getApolloServerOptions,
-} from './settings';
+import { getApolloApplyMiddlewareOptions, getApolloServerOptions } from './settings';
-import {getSetting} from '../../modules/settings.js';
-import {formatError} from 'apollo-errors';
+import { getSetting } from '../../modules/settings.js';
+import { formatError } from 'apollo-errors';
-export const setupGraphQLMiddlewares = (
- apolloServer,
- config,
- apolloApplyMiddlewareOptions
-) => {
+export const setupGraphQLMiddlewares = (apolloServer, config, apolloApplyMiddlewareOptions) => {
// IMPORTANT: order matters !
// 1 - Add request parsing middleware
// 2 - Add apollo specific middlewares
@@ -59,12 +52,9 @@ export const setupGraphQLMiddlewares = (
// parse request (order matters)
- bodyParser.json({limit: getSetting('apolloServer.jsonParserOptions.limit')})
- );
- WebApp.connectHandlers.use(
- config.path,
- bodyParser.text({type: 'application/graphql'})
+ bodyParser.json({ limit: getSetting('apolloServer.jsonParserOptions.limit') })
+ WebApp.connectHandlers.use(config.path, bodyParser.text({ type: 'application/graphql' }));
// Provide the Meteor WebApp Connect server instance to Apollo
// Apollo will use it instead of its own HTTP server when handling requests
@@ -88,15 +78,9 @@ export const setupGraphQLMiddlewares = (
export const setupToolsMiddlewares = config => {
// Voyager is a GraphQL schema visual explorer
// available on /voyager as a default
- WebApp.connectHandlers.use(
- config.voyagerPath,
- voyagerMiddleware(getVoyagerConfig(config))
- );
+ WebApp.connectHandlers.use(config.voyagerPath, voyagerMiddleware(getVoyagerConfig(config)));
// Setup GraphiQL
- WebApp.connectHandlers.use(
- config.graphiqlPath,
- graphiqlMiddleware(getGraphiqlConfig(config))
- );
+ WebApp.connectHandlers.use(config.graphiqlPath, graphiqlMiddleware(getGraphiqlConfig(config)));
@@ -158,7 +142,7 @@ export const onStart = () => {
tracing: getSetting('apolloTracing', Meteor.isDevelopment),
cacheControl: true,
- context: ({req}) => context(req),
+ context: ({ req }) => context(req),
@@ -170,7 +154,7 @@ export const onStart = () => {
// ssr
- enableSSR({computeContext: context});
+ enableSSR({ computeContext: context });
// createApolloServer when server startup
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/context.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/context.js
index 80f3ddbcb..6debec4da 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/context.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/context.js
@@ -12,14 +12,14 @@
//import deepmerge from 'deepmerge';
import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
-import {Collections} from '../../modules/collections.js';
-import {runCallbacks} from '../../modules/callbacks.js';
+import { Collections } from '../../modules/collections.js';
+import { runCallbacks } from '../../modules/callbacks.js';
import findByIds from '../../modules/findbyids.js';
-import {GraphQLSchema} from '../../modules/graphql.js';
+import { GraphQLSchema } from '../../modules/graphql.js';
import _merge from 'lodash/merge';
-import {getUser} from 'meteor/apollo';
-import {getHeaderLocale} from '../intl.js';
-import {getSetting} from '../../modules/settings.js';
+import { getUser } from 'meteor/apollo';
+import { getHeaderLocale } from '../intl.js';
+import { getSetting } from '../../modules/settings.js';
* Called once on server creation
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import {getSetting} from '../../modules/settings.js';
export const initContext = currentContext => {
let context;
if (currentContext) {
- context = {...currentContext};
+ context = { ...currentContext };
} else {
context = {};
@@ -52,10 +52,7 @@ import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
// initial request will get the login token from a cookie, subsequent requests from
// the header
const getAuthToken = req => {
- return (
- req.headers.authorization ||
- new Cookies(req.cookies).get('meteor_login_token')
- );
+ return req.headers.authorization || new Cookies(req.cookies).get('meteor_login_token');
// @see https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/recipes/meteor#Server
const setupAuthToken = async (context, req) => {
@@ -75,8 +72,8 @@ export const computeContextFromReq = (currentContext, customContextFromReq) => {
// givenOptions can be either a function of the request or an object
const getBaseContext = req =>
- ? {...currentContext, ...customContextFromReq(req)}
- : {...currentContext};
+ ? { ...currentContext, ...customContextFromReq(req) }
+ : { ...currentContext };
// Previous implementation
// Now meteor/apollo already provide this
// Get the token from the header
@@ -127,7 +124,7 @@ export const computeContextFromReq = (currentContext, customContextFromReq) => {
// console.log('// apollo_server.js locale:', req.headers.locale);
// if apiKey is present, assign "fake" currentUser with admin rights
- if (headers.apikey && (headers.apikey === getSetting('vulcan.apiKey'))) {
+ if (headers.apikey && headers.apikey === getSetting('vulcan.apiKey')) {
context.currentUser = { isAdmin: true, isApiUser: true };
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/engine.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/engine.js
index 6b1810256..26a028b0e 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/engine.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/engine.js
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
-import {getSetting} from '../../modules/settings.js';
+import { getSetting } from '../../modules/settings.js';
// see https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-cache-control
-export const engineApiKey =
- process.env.ENGINE_API_KEY || getSetting('apolloEngine.apiKey');
+export const engineApiKey = process.env.ENGINE_API_KEY || getSetting('apolloEngine.apiKey');
// options now available:
// @see https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/api/apollo-server.html#EngineReportingOptions
export const engineConfig = engineApiKey
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/graphiql.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/graphiql.js
index 144b1ab0e..3f527ef76 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/graphiql.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/graphiql.js
@@ -42,18 +42,14 @@ function safeSerialize(data) {
export function renderGraphiQL(data) {
const endpointURL = data.endpointURL;
- const endpointWs =
- endpointURL.startsWith('ws://') || endpointURL.startsWith('wss://');
+ const endpointWs = endpointURL.startsWith('ws://') || endpointURL.startsWith('wss://');
const subscriptionsEndpoint = data.subscriptionsEndpoint;
const usingHttp = !endpointWs;
const usingWs = endpointWs || !!subscriptionsEndpoint;
- const endpointURLWs =
- usingWs && (endpointWs ? endpointURL : subscriptionsEndpoint);
+ const endpointURLWs = usingWs && (endpointWs ? endpointURL : subscriptionsEndpoint);
const queryString = data.query;
- const variablesString = data.variables
- ? JSON.stringify(data.variables, null, 2)
- : null;
+ const variablesString = data.variables ? JSON.stringify(data.variables, null, 2) : null;
const resultString = null;
const operationName = data.operationName;
const passHeader = data.passHeader ? data.passHeader : '';
@@ -87,11 +83,7 @@ export function renderGraphiQL(data) {
? ``
: ''
- ${
- usingHttp
- ? ''
- : ''
- }
+ ${usingHttp ? '' : ''}
? ``
@@ -263,8 +255,7 @@ function createGraphiQLData(params, options) {
endpointURL: options.endpointURL,
subscriptionsEndpoint: options.subscriptionsEndpoint,
query: params.query || options.query,
- variables:
- (params.variables && JSON.parse(params.variables)) || options.variables,
+ variables: (params.variables && JSON.parse(params.variables)) || options.variables,
operationName: params.operationName || options.operationName,
passHeader: options.passHeader,
editorTheme: options.editorTheme,
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/index.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/index.js
index b686ff831..502f69a5a 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/index.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/index.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export * from './apollo_server2';
export * from './settings';
-export {default as initGraphQL} from './initGraphQL';
+export { default as initGraphQL } from './initGraphQL';
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/initGraphQL.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/initGraphQL.js
index 41c74a4b0..5693ca344 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/initGraphQL.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/initGraphQL.js
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* Init the graphQL schema
-import {makeExecutableSchema} from 'apollo-server';
-import {GraphQLSchema} from '../../modules/graphql.js';
-import {runCallbacks} from '../../modules/callbacks.js';
+import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'apollo-server';
+import { GraphQLSchema } from '../../modules/graphql.js';
+import { runCallbacks } from '../../modules/callbacks.js';
const getQueries = () =>
`type Query {
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/settings.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/settings.js
index 536159521..2eb0dfc5e 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/settings.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-server/settings.js
@@ -27,5 +27,4 @@ let apolloApplyMiddlewareOptions = {};
export const registerApolloApplyMiddlewareOptions = options => {
apolloApplyMiddlewareOptions = _merge(apolloApplyMiddlewareOptions, options);
-export const getApolloApplyMiddlewareOptions = () =>
- apolloApplyMiddlewareOptions;
+export const getApolloApplyMiddlewareOptions = () => apolloApplyMiddlewareOptions;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/apolloClient.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/apolloClient.js
index 8139bf543..97161238e 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/apolloClient.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/apolloClient.js
@@ -5,29 +5,29 @@
* /!\ It must be recreated on every request
-import {ApolloClient} from 'apollo-client';
-import {InMemoryCache} from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
+import { ApolloClient } from 'apollo-client';
+import { InMemoryCache } from 'apollo-cache-inmemory';
-import {SchemaLink} from 'apollo-link-schema';
-import {GraphQLSchema} from '../../modules/graphql.js';
+import { SchemaLink } from 'apollo-link-schema';
+import { GraphQLSchema } from '../../modules/graphql.js';
-import {createStateLink} from '../../modules/apollo-common';
-import {ApolloLink} from 'apollo-link';
+import { createStateLink } from '../../modules/apollo-common';
+import { ApolloLink } from 'apollo-link';
// @see https://www.apollographql.com/docs/react/features/server-side-rendering.html#local-queries
// import { createHttpLink } from 'apollo-link-http';
// import fetch from 'node-fetch'
-export const createClient = async ({req, computeContext}) => {
+export const createClient = async ({ req, computeContext }) => {
// init
// stateLink will init the client internal state
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
- const stateLink = createStateLink({cache});
+ const stateLink = createStateLink({ cache });
// schemaLink will fetch data directly based on the executable schema
const schema = GraphQLSchema.getExecutableSchema();
// this is the resolver context
const context = await computeContext(req);
- const schemaLink = new SchemaLink({schema, context});
+ const schemaLink = new SchemaLink({ schema, context });
const client = new ApolloClient({
ssrMode: true,
link: ApolloLink.from([stateLink, schemaLink]),
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/components/AppGenerator.jsx b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/components/AppGenerator.jsx
index ef94bae71..536ed3c69 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/components/AppGenerator.jsx
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/components/AppGenerator.jsx
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import React from 'react';
import { ApolloProvider } from 'react-apollo';
import { StaticRouter } from 'react-router';
-import { Components } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib'
+import { Components } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
import { CookiesProvider } from 'react-cookie';
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import Cookies from 'universal-cookie';
const AppGenerator = ({ req, apolloClient, context }) => {
// TODO: universalCookies should be defined here, but it isn't
// @see https://github.com/meteor/meteor-feature-requests/issues/174#issuecomment-441047495
- const cookies = new Cookies(req.cookies) // req.universalCookies;
+ const cookies = new Cookies(req.cookies); // req.universalCookies;
const App = (
@@ -26,6 +26,6 @@ const AppGenerator = ({ req, apolloClient, context }) => {
- return App
+ return App;
export default AppGenerator;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/enableSSR.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/enableSSR.js
index 3746089a1..f960b9a0f 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/enableSSR.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/enableSSR.js
@@ -2,25 +2,21 @@
* Actually enable SSR
-import {
- populateComponentsApp,
- populateRoutesApp,
- initializeFragments,
-} from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
+import { populateComponentsApp, populateRoutesApp, initializeFragments } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
// onPageLoad is mostly equivalent to an Express middleware
// excepts it is tailored to handle Meteor server side rendering
-import {onPageLoad} from 'meteor/server-render';
+import { onPageLoad } from 'meteor/server-render';
import makePageRenderer from './renderPage';
-const enableSSR = ({computeContext}) => {
+const enableSSR = ({ computeContext }) => {
Meteor.startup(() => {
// init the application components and routes, including components & routes from 3rd-party packages
// render the page
- onPageLoad(makePageRenderer({computeContext}));
+ onPageLoad(makePageRenderer({ computeContext }));
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/index.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/index.js
index b77a23790..fd0d75038 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/index.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/index.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-export {default as enableSSR} from './enableSSR';
+export { default as enableSSR } from './enableSSR';
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/renderPage.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/renderPage.js
index 78ff5ded3..7e8a15395 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/renderPage.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/apollo-ssr/renderPage.js
@@ -6,22 +6,22 @@
import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom/server';
-import {renderToStringWithData} from 'react-apollo';
+import { renderToStringWithData } from 'react-apollo';
-import {runCallbacks} from '../../modules/callbacks';
-import {createClient} from './apolloClient';
+import { runCallbacks } from '../../modules/callbacks';
+import { createClient } from './apolloClient';
import Head from './components/Head';
import ApolloState from './components/ApolloState';
import AppGenerator from './components/AppGenerator';
-const makePageRenderer = ({computeContext}) => {
+const makePageRenderer = ({ computeContext }) => {
// onPageLoad callback
const renderPage = async sink => {
const req = sink.request;
// according to the Apollo doc, client needs to be recreated on every request
// this avoids caching server side
- const client = await createClient({req, computeContext});
+ const client = await createClient({ req, computeContext });
// Used by callbacks to handle side effects
// E.g storing the stylesheet generated by styled-components
@@ -31,15 +31,13 @@ const makePageRenderer = ({computeContext}) => {
// middlewares at this point
// @see https://github.com/meteor/meteor-feature-requests/issues/174#issuecomment-441047495
- const App = (
- );
+ const App = ;
// run user registered callbacks that wraps the React app
const WrappedApp = runCallbacks({
name: 'router.server.wrapper',
iterator: App,
- properties: {req, context, apolloClient: client},
+ properties: { req, context, apolloClient: client },
// equivalent to calling getDataFromTree and then renderToStringWithData
@@ -67,7 +65,7 @@ const makePageRenderer = ({computeContext}) => {
name: 'router.server.postRender',
iterator: sink,
- properties: {context},
+ properties: { context },
return renderPage;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/intl.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/intl.js
index e4a7d33ab..e0eeac578 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/intl.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/intl.js
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
// see https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-tools/blob/master/docs/source/schema-directives.md#marking-strings-for-internationalization
-import {addGraphQLDirective, addGraphQLSchema} from '../modules/graphql';
-import {SchemaDirectiveVisitor} from 'graphql-tools';
-import {defaultFieldResolver} from 'graphql';
-import {Collections} from '../modules/collections';
-import {getSetting} from '../modules/settings';
-import {debug} from '../modules/debug';
+import { addGraphQLDirective, addGraphQLSchema } from '../modules/graphql';
+import { SchemaDirectiveVisitor } from 'graphql-tools';
+import { defaultFieldResolver } from 'graphql';
+import { Collections } from '../modules/collections';
+import { getSetting } from '../modules/settings';
+import { debug } from '../modules/debug';
import Vulcan from '../modules/config';
-import {isIntlField} from '../modules/intl';
-import {Connectors} from './connectors';
+import { isIntlField } from '../modules/intl';
+import { Connectors } from './connectors';
import pickBy from 'lodash/pickBy';
@@ -32,16 +32,11 @@ Take an array of translations, a locale, and a default locale, and return a matc
const getLocaleString = (translations, locale, defaultLocale) => {
- const localeObject = translations.find(
- translation => translation.locale === locale
- );
+ const localeObject = translations.find(translation => translation.locale === locale);
const defaultLocaleObject = translations.find(
translation => translation.locale === defaultLocale
- return (
- (localeObject && localeObject.value) ||
- (defaultLocaleObject && defaultLocaleObject.value)
- );
+ return (localeObject && localeObject.value) || (defaultLocaleObject && defaultLocaleObject.value);
@@ -59,15 +54,12 @@ class IntlDirective extends SchemaDirectiveVisitor {
const defaultLocale = getSetting('locale');
const intlField = doc[`${name}_intl`];
// Return string in requested or default language, or else field's original value
- return (
- (intlField && getLocaleString(intlField, locale, defaultLocale)) ||
- fieldValue
- );
+ return (intlField && getLocaleString(intlField, locale, defaultLocale)) || fieldValue;
-addGraphQLDirective({intl: IntlDirective});
+addGraphQLDirective({ intl: IntlDirective });
addGraphQLSchema('directive @intl on FIELD_DEFINITION');
@@ -79,7 +71,7 @@ Migration function
const migrateIntlFields = async defaultLocale => {
if (!defaultLocale) {
throw new Error(
- "Please pass the id of the locale to which to migrate your current content (e.g. migrateIntlFields('en'))"
+ 'Please pass the id of the locale to which to migrate your current content (e.g. migrateIntlFields(\'en\'))'
@@ -101,31 +93,22 @@ const migrateIntlFields = async defaultLocale => {
const selector = {
$or: intlFieldsNames.map(f => {
return {
- $and: [
- {[`${f}`]: {$exists: true}},
- {[`${f}_intl`]: {$exists: false}},
- ],
+ $and: [{ [`${f}`]: { $exists: true } }, { [`${f}_intl`]: { $exists: false } }],
const documentsToMigrate = await Connectors.find(collection, selector);
if (documentsToMigrate.length) {
- console.log(
- `-> found ${documentsToMigrate.length} documents to migrate \n`
- ); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ console.log(`-> found ${documentsToMigrate.length} documents to migrate \n`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
for (const doc of documentsToMigrate) {
console.log(`// Migrating document ${doc._id}`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
- const modifier = {$push: {}};
+ const modifier = { $push: {} };
intlFieldsNames.forEach(f => {
if (doc[f] && !doc[`${f}_intl`]) {
- const translationObject = {locale: defaultLocale, value: doc[f]};
- console.log(
- `-> Adding field ${f}_intl: ${JSON.stringify(
- translationObject
- )} `
- ); // eslint-disable-line no-console
+ const translationObject = { locale: defaultLocale, value: doc[f] };
+ console.log(`-> Adding field ${f}_intl: ${JSON.stringify(translationObject)} `); // eslint-disable-line no-console
modifier.$push[`${f}_intl`] = translationObject;
@@ -133,11 +116,7 @@ const migrateIntlFields = async defaultLocale => {
if (!_.isEmpty(modifier.$push)) {
// update document
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
- const n = await Connectors.update(
- collection,
- {_id: doc._id},
- modifier
- );
+ const n = await Connectors.update(collection, { _id: doc._id }, modifier);
console.log(`-> migrated ${n} documents \n`); // eslint-disable-line no-console
console.log('\n'); // eslint-disable-line no-console
@@ -173,9 +152,7 @@ export const getHeaderLocale = (headers, userLocale) => {
// get locale from accepted-language header
if (headers['accept-language']) {
- const acceptedLanguages = headers['accept-language']
- .split(',')
- .map(l => l.split(';')[0]);
+ const acceptedLanguages = headers['accept-language'].split(',').map(l => l.split(';')[0]);
acceptedLocale = acceptedLanguages[0]; // for now only use the highest-priority accepted language
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/query.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/query.js
index f62fbbfab..15f60eb0e 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/query.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/lib/server/query.js
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
Run a GraphQL request from the server with the proper context
-import {graphql} from 'graphql';
-import {Collections} from '../modules/collections.js';
+import { graphql } from 'graphql';
+import { Collections } from '../modules/collections.js';
import DataLoader from 'dataloader';
import findByIds from '../modules/findbyids.js';
import {
@@ -12,16 +12,16 @@ import {
} from '../modules/fragments.js';
-import {getSetting} from '../modules/settings';
+import { getSetting } from '../modules/settings';
import merge from 'lodash/merge';
-import {singleClientTemplate} from '../modules/graphql_templates';
-import {Utils} from './utils';
-import {GraphQLSchema} from '../modules/graphql';
+import { singleClientTemplate } from '../modules/graphql_templates';
+import { Utils } from './utils';
+import { GraphQLSchema } from '../modules/graphql';
// note: if no context is passed, default to running requests with full admin privileges
export const runGraphQL = async (query, variables = {}, context) => {
const defaultContext = {
- currentUser: {isAdmin: true},
+ currentUser: { isAdmin: true },
locale: getSetting('locale'),
const queryContext = merge(defaultContext, context);
@@ -30,21 +30,14 @@ export const runGraphQL = async (query, variables = {}, context) => {
// within the scope of this specific request,
// decorate each collection with a new Dataloader object and add it to context
Collections.forEach(collection => {
- collection.loader = new DataLoader(
- ids => findByIds(collection, ids, queryContext),
- {cache: true}
- );
+ collection.loader = new DataLoader(ids => findByIds(collection, ids, queryContext), {
+ cache: true,
+ });
queryContext[collection.options.collectionName] = collection;
// see http://graphql.org/graphql-js/graphql/#graphql
- const result = await graphql(
- executableSchema,
- query,
- {},
- queryContext,
- variables
- );
+ const result = await graphql(executableSchema, query, {}, queryContext, variables);
if (result.errors) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
@@ -65,7 +58,7 @@ Given a collection and a fragment, build a query to fetch one document.
If no fragment is passed, default to default fragment
-export const buildQuery = (collection, {fragmentName, fragmentText}) => {
+export const buildQuery = (collection, { fragmentName, fragmentText }) => {
const collectionName = collection.options.collectionName;
const typeName = collection.options.typeName;
@@ -100,16 +93,9 @@ Meteor.startup(() => {
Collections.forEach(collection => {
const typeName = collection.options.typeName;
- collection.queryOne = async (
- documentId,
- {fragmentName, fragmentText, context}
- ) => {
- const query = buildQuery(collection, {fragmentName, fragmentText});
- const result = await runQuery(
- query,
- {input: {selector: {documentId}}},
- context
- );
+ collection.queryOne = async (documentId, { fragmentName, fragmentText, context }) => {
+ const query = buildQuery(collection, { fragmentName, fragmentText });
+ const result = await runQuery(query, { input: { selector: { documentId } } }, context);
return result.data[Utils.camelCaseify(typeName)].result;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/package.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/package.js
index 6a6e327bc..4b61733f4 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/package.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/package.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Package.onUse(function(api) {
// note: if used, accounts-base should be loaded before vulcan:lib
- api.use('accounts-base', {weak: true});
+ api.use('accounts-base', { weak: true });
var packages = [
'buffer@0.0.0', // see https://github.com/meteor/meteor/issues/8645
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/apollo-server.test.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/apollo-server.test.js
index a50be4eea..74f286d62 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/apollo-server.test.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/apollo-server.test.js
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ import {
} from '../../lib/server/apollo-server';
-import {GraphQLSchema} from '../../lib/modules/graphql';
+import { GraphQLSchema } from '../../lib/modules/graphql';
import expect from 'expect';
-import {executableSchema} from './fixtures/minimalSchema';
+import { executableSchema } from './fixtures/minimalSchema';
const test = it; // TODO: just before we switch to jest
// @see https://www.apollographql.com/docs/apollo-server/features/testing.html
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/fixtures/minimalSchema.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/fixtures/minimalSchema.js
index a34b9fdf7..4932e065d 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/fixtures/minimalSchema.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/fixtures/minimalSchema.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
// blatantly stolen from https://www.apollographql.com/docs/graphql-tools/generate-schema.html
import find from 'lodash/find';
import filter from 'lodash/filter';
-import {makeExecutableSchema} from 'graphql-tools';
+import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
const typeDefs = `
type Author {
@@ -34,27 +34,27 @@ const typeDefs = `
// example data
const authors = [
- {id: 1, firstName: 'Tom', lastName: 'Coleman'},
- {id: 2, firstName: 'Sashko', lastName: 'Stubailo'},
- {id: 3, firstName: 'Mikhail', lastName: 'Novikov'},
+ { id: 1, firstName: 'Tom', lastName: 'Coleman' },
+ { id: 2, firstName: 'Sashko', lastName: 'Stubailo' },
+ { id: 3, firstName: 'Mikhail', lastName: 'Novikov' },
const posts = [
- {id: 1, authorId: 1, title: 'Introduction to GraphQL', votes: 2},
- {id: 2, authorId: 2, title: 'Welcome to Meteor', votes: 3},
- {id: 3, authorId: 2, title: 'Advanced GraphQL', votes: 1},
- {id: 4, authorId: 3, title: 'Launchpad is Cool', votes: 7},
+ { id: 1, authorId: 1, title: 'Introduction to GraphQL', votes: 2 },
+ { id: 2, authorId: 2, title: 'Welcome to Meteor', votes: 3 },
+ { id: 3, authorId: 2, title: 'Advanced GraphQL', votes: 1 },
+ { id: 4, authorId: 3, title: 'Launchpad is Cool', votes: 7 },
const resolvers = {
Query: {
posts: () => posts,
- author: (_, {id}) => find(authors, {id}),
+ author: (_, { id }) => find(authors, { id }),
Mutation: {
- upvotePost: (_, {postId}) => {
- const post = find(posts, {id: postId});
+ upvotePost: (_, { postId }) => {
+ const post = find(posts, { id: postId });
if (!post) {
throw new Error(`Couldn't find post with id ${postId}`);
@@ -64,11 +64,11 @@ const resolvers = {
Author: {
- posts: author => filter(posts, {authorId: author.id}),
+ posts: author => filter(posts, { authorId: author.id }),
Post: {
- author: post => find(authors, {id: post.authorId}),
+ author: post => find(authors, { id: post.authorId }),
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/graphql.test.js b/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/graphql.test.js
index 3d7bfec58..bf954a3b0 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/graphql.test.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-lib/test/server/graphql.test.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import expect from 'expect';
-import {GraphQLSchema} from '../../lib/modules/graphql';
+import { GraphQLSchema } from '../../lib/modules/graphql';
import initGraphQL from '../../lib/server/apollo-server/initGraphQL';
describe('vulcan:lib/graphql', function() {
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-payments/lib/server/integrations/stripe.js b/packages/vulcan-payments/lib/server/integrations/stripe.js
index ab8e2cb05..c9e42cec8 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-payments/lib/server/integrations/stripe.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-payments/lib/server/integrations/stripe.js
@@ -55,26 +55,16 @@ import express from 'express';
import Stripe from 'stripe';
import Charges from '../../modules/charges/collection.js';
import Users from 'meteor/vulcan:users';
-import {Products} from '../../modules/products.js';
-import {Promise} from 'meteor/promise';
+import { Products } from '../../modules/products.js';
+import { Promise } from 'meteor/promise';
registerSetting('stripe', null, 'Stripe settings');
registerSetting('stripe.publishableKey', null, 'Publishable key', true);
- 'stripe.publishableKeyTest',
- null,
- 'Publishable key (test)',
- true
+registerSetting('stripe.publishableKeyTest', null, 'Publishable key (test)', true);
registerSetting('stripe.secretKey', null, 'Secret key');
registerSetting('stripe.secretKeyTest', null, 'Secret key (test)');
registerSetting('stripe.endpointSecret', null, 'Endpoint secret for webhook');
- 'stripe.alwaysUseTest',
- false,
- 'Always use test keys in all environments',
- true
+registerSetting('stripe.alwaysUseTest', false, 'Always use test keys in all environments', true);
const stripeSettings = getSetting('stripe');
@@ -102,13 +92,7 @@ export const receiveAction = async args => {
returnDocument = {};
- const {
- userId,
- productKey,
- associatedCollection,
- associatedId,
- properties,
- } = args;
+ const { userId, productKey, associatedCollection, associatedId, properties } = args;
if (!stripeSettings) {
throw new Error('Please fill in your Stripe settings');
@@ -117,7 +101,7 @@ export const receiveAction = async args => {
// if an associated collection name and document id have been provided,
// get the associated collection and document
if (associatedCollection && associatedId) {
- collection = _.findWhere(Collections, {_name: associatedCollection});
+ collection = _.findWhere(Collections, { _name: associatedCollection });
document = await Connectors.get(collection, associatedId);
@@ -193,7 +177,7 @@ Retrieve or create a Stripe customer
export const getCustomer = async (user, token) => {
- const {id} = token;
+ const { id } = token;
let customer;
@@ -203,7 +187,7 @@ export const getCustomer = async (user, token) => {
} catch (error) {
// if user doesn't have a stripeCustomerId; or if id doesn't match up with Stripe
// create new customer object
- const customerOptions = {email: user.email};
+ const customerOptions = { email: user.email };
if (id) {
customerOptions.source = id;
@@ -213,7 +197,7 @@ export const getCustomer = async (user, token) => {
await updateMutator({
collection: Users,
documentId: user._id,
- data: {stripeCustomerId: customer.id},
+ data: { stripeCustomerId: customer.id },
validate: false,
@@ -226,18 +210,8 @@ export const getCustomer = async (user, token) => {
Create one-time charge.
-export const createCharge = async ({
- user,
- product,
- collection,
- document,
- metadata,
- args,
-}) => {
- const {
- token,
- /* userId, productKey, associatedId, properties, */ coupon,
- } = args;
+export const createCharge = async ({ user, product, collection, document, metadata, args }) => {
+ const { token, /* userId, productKey, associatedId, properties, */ coupon } = args;
const customer = await getCustomer(user, token);
@@ -314,7 +288,7 @@ export const createSubscription = async ({
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const subscription = await stripe.subscriptions.create({
customer: customer.id,
- items: [{plan: product.plan}],
+ items: [{ plan: product.plan }],
@@ -410,9 +384,7 @@ const createOrRetrievePlan = async planObject => {
if (error.statusCode === 404) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- `Creating subscription plan ${
- planObject.plan
- } for ${(planObject.amount &&
+ `Creating subscription plan ${planObject.plan} for ${(planObject.amount &&
(planObject.amount / 100).toLocaleString('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: planObject.currency,
@@ -435,17 +407,9 @@ export const createOrRetrieveSubscriptionPlan = async maybePlanObject =>
Process charges, subscriptions, etc. on Vulcan's side
-export const processAction = async ({
- collection,
- document,
- stripeObject,
- args,
- user,
-}) => {
+export const processAction = async ({ collection, document, stripeObject, args, user }) => {
- debugGroup(
- '--------------- start\x1b[35m processAction \x1b[0m ---------------'
- );
+ debugGroup('--------------- start\x1b[35m processAction \x1b[0m ---------------');
debug(`Collection: ${collection.options.collectionName}`);
debug(`documentId: ${document._id}`);
debug(`Charge: ${stripeObject}`);
@@ -462,9 +426,7 @@ export const processAction = async ({
if (existingCharge) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- `// Charge with Stripe id ${
- stripeObject.id
- } already exists in db; aborting processAction`
+ `// Charge with Stripe id ${stripeObject.id} already exists in db; aborting processAction`
return collection && document ? document : {};
@@ -514,13 +476,13 @@ export const processAction = async ({
? [...document.chargeIds, chargeSaved._id]
: [chargeSaved._id];
- let data = {chargeIds};
+ let data = { chargeIds };
// run collection.charge.sync callbacks
data = await runCallbacks({
name: 'stripe.process.sync',
iterator: data,
- properties: {collection, document, chargeDoc, user},
+ properties: { collection, document, chargeDoc, user },
const updateResult = await updateMutator({
@@ -583,11 +545,7 @@ app.post('/stripe', addRawBody, async function(req, res) {
const sig = req.headers['stripe-signature'];
try {
- const event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(
- req.rawBody,
- sig,
- stripeSettings.endpointSecret
- );
+ const event = stripe.webhooks.constructEvent(req.rawBody, sig, stripeSettings.endpointSecret);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('event ///////////////////');
@@ -615,20 +573,13 @@ app.post('/stripe', addRawBody, async function(req, res) {
// look up corresponding subscription
- const subscription = await stripe.subscriptions.retrieve(
- invoice.subscription
- );
+ const subscription = await stripe.subscriptions.retrieve(invoice.subscription);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log('////// subscription');
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
- const {
- userId,
- productKey,
- associatedCollection,
- associatedId,
- } = subscription.metadata;
+ const { userId, productKey, associatedCollection, associatedId } = subscription.metadata;
if (associatedCollection && associatedId) {
const collection = _.findWhere(Collections, {
@@ -653,7 +604,7 @@ app.post('/stripe', addRawBody, async function(req, res) {
livemode: subscription.livemode,
- processAction({collection, document, stripeObject: charge, args});
+ processAction({ collection, document, stripeObject: charge, args });
} catch (error) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
@@ -762,14 +713,14 @@ webAppConnectHandlersUse(Meteor.bindEnvironment(app), {
Meteor.startup(() => {
name: 'stripe.receive.sync',
- description: "Modify any metadata before calling Stripe's API",
+ description: 'Modify any metadata before calling Stripe\'s API',
arguments: [
- {metadata: 'Metadata about the action'},
- {user: 'The user'},
- {product: 'Product created with addProduct'},
- {collection: 'Associated collection of the charge'},
- {document: 'Associated document in collection to the charge'},
- {args: 'Original mutation arguments'},
+ { metadata: 'Metadata about the action' },
+ { user: 'The user' },
+ { product: 'Product created with addProduct' },
+ { collection: 'Associated collection of the charge' },
+ { document: 'Associated document in collection to the charge' },
+ { args: 'Original mutation arguments' },
runs: 'sync',
newSyntax: true,
@@ -778,14 +729,14 @@ Meteor.startup(() => {
name: 'stripe.receive.async',
- description: "Run after calling Stripe's API",
+ description: 'Run after calling Stripe\'s API',
arguments: [
- {metadata: 'Metadata about the charge'},
- {user: 'The user'},
- {product: 'Product created with addProduct'},
- {collection: 'Associated collection of the charge'},
- {document: 'Associated document in collection to the charge'},
- {args: 'Original mutation arguments'},
+ { metadata: 'Metadata about the charge' },
+ { user: 'The user' },
+ { product: 'Product created with addProduct' },
+ { collection: 'Associated collection of the charge' },
+ { document: 'Associated document in collection to the charge' },
+ { args: 'Original mutation arguments' },
runs: 'sync',
newSyntax: true,
@@ -793,14 +744,13 @@ Meteor.startup(() => {
name: 'stripe.charge.async',
- description:
- 'Perform operations immediately after the stripe subscription has completed',
+ description: 'Perform operations immediately after the stripe subscription has completed',
arguments: [
- {charge: 'The charge'},
- {collection: 'Associated collection of the subscription'},
- {document: 'Associated document in collection to the charge'},
- {args: 'Original mutation arguments'},
- {user: 'The user'},
+ { charge: 'The charge' },
+ { collection: 'Associated collection of the subscription' },
+ { document: 'Associated document in collection to the charge' },
+ { args: 'Original mutation arguments' },
+ { user: 'The user' },
runs: 'async',
newSyntax: true,
@@ -808,14 +758,13 @@ Meteor.startup(() => {
name: 'stripe.subscribe.async',
- description:
- 'Perform operations immediately after the stripe subscription has completed',
+ description: 'Perform operations immediately after the stripe subscription has completed',
arguments: [
- {subscription: 'The subscription'},
- {collection: 'Associated collection of the subscription'},
- {document: 'Associated document in collection to the charge'},
- {args: 'Original mutation arguments'},
- {user: 'The user'},
+ { subscription: 'The subscription' },
+ { collection: 'Associated collection of the subscription' },
+ { document: 'Associated document in collection to the charge' },
+ { args: 'Original mutation arguments' },
+ { user: 'The user' },
runs: 'async',
newSyntax: true,
@@ -826,13 +775,12 @@ Meteor.startup(() => {
description: 'Modify any metadata before sending the charge to stripe',
arguments: [
- modifier:
- 'The modifier object used to update the associated collection',
+ modifier: 'The modifier object used to update the associated collection',
- {collection: 'Collection associated to the product'},
- {document: 'Associated document'},
- {chargeDoc: "Charge document returned by Stripe's API"},
- {user: 'The user'},
+ { collection: 'Collection associated to the product' },
+ { document: 'Associated document' },
+ { chargeDoc: 'Charge document returned by Stripe\'s API' },
+ { user: 'The user' },
runs: 'sync',
returns: 'The modified arguments to be sent to stripe',
@@ -842,10 +790,10 @@ Meteor.startup(() => {
name: 'stripe.process.async',
description: 'Modify any metadata before sending the charge to stripe',
arguments: [
- {collection: 'Collection associated to the product'},
- {document: 'Associated document'},
- {chargeDoc: "Charge document returned by Stripe's API"},
- {user: 'The user'},
+ { collection: 'Collection associated to the product' },
+ { document: 'Associated document' },
+ { chargeDoc: 'Charge document returned by Stripe\'s API' },
+ { user: 'The user' },
runs: 'async',
returns: 'The modified arguments to be sent to stripe',
@@ -858,11 +806,7 @@ Meteor.startup(() => {
// Filter out function type products and those without a plan defined (non-subscription)
- .filter(
- productKey =>
- typeof Products[productKey] === 'object' &&
- Products[productKey].plan
- )
+ .filter(productKey => typeof Products[productKey] === 'object' && Products[productKey].plan)
.map(productKey => createOrRetrievePlan(Products[productKey]))
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/client/setupRedux.js b/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/client/setupRedux.js
index a4e6f230f..dfac96a16 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/client/setupRedux.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/client/setupRedux.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
-import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
-import {addCallback} from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
-import {initStore} from '../modules/redux';
+import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
+import { addCallback } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
+import { initStore } from '../modules/redux';
const setupRedux = () => {
const store = initStore();
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/modules/redux.js b/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/modules/redux.js
index d4f71cc7d..d8ba23920 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/modules/redux.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/modules/redux.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {createStore, applyMiddleware, compose, combineReducers} from 'redux';
+import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import _isEmpty from 'lodash/isEmpty';
// TODO: now we should add some callback call to add the store to
// Apollo SSR + client side too
@@ -48,9 +48,7 @@ export const configureStore = (
if (options.reducers) {
reducers =
- typeof options.reducers === 'object'
- ? combineReducers(options.reducers)
- : options.reducers;
+ typeof options.reducers === 'object' ? combineReducers(options.reducers) : options.reducers;
return store;
@@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ export const configureStore = (
// **Notes: server side, addAction to server share with every req**
let actions = {};
export const addAction = addedAction => {
- actions = {...actions, ...addedAction};
+ actions = { ...actions, ...addedAction };
return actions;
export const getActions = () => actions;
@@ -73,7 +71,7 @@ export const getActions = () => actions;
let reducers = {};
export const addReducer = addedReducer => {
- reducers = {...reducers, ...addedReducer};
+ reducers = { ...reducers, ...addedReducer };
return reducers;
export const getReducers = () => reducers;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/server/setupRedux.js b/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/server/setupRedux.js
index d2e70ef99..3fd779d0f 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/server/setupRedux.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-redux/lib/server/setupRedux.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import React from 'react';
-import {Provider} from 'react-redux';
-import {addCallback} from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
-import {initStore} from '../modules/redux';
+import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
+import { addCallback } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
+import { initStore } from '../modules/redux';
const setupRedux = () => {
const store = initStore();
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-styled-components/lib/server/setupStyledComponents.js b/packages/vulcan-styled-components/lib/server/setupStyledComponents.js
index 3f26398d0..5eef6265c 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-styled-components/lib/server/setupStyledComponents.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-styled-components/lib/server/setupStyledComponents.js
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
// Setup SSR
-import {ServerStyleSheet} from 'styled-components';
-import {addCallback} from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
+import { ServerStyleSheet } from 'styled-components';
+import { addCallback } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
const setupStyledComponents = () => {
- addCallback('router.server.wrapper', function collectStyles(app, {context}) {
+ addCallback('router.server.wrapper', function collectStyles(app, { context }) {
const stylesheet = new ServerStyleSheet();
// @see https://www.styled-components.com/docs/advanced/#example
const wrappedApp = stylesheet.collectStyles(app);
@@ -12,10 +12,7 @@ const setupStyledComponents = () => {
return wrappedApp;
- addCallback('router.server.postRender', function appendStyleTags(
- sink,
- {context}
- ) {
+ addCallback('router.server.postRender', function appendStyleTags(sink, { context }) {
return sink;
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-test/lib/modules/initComponentTest.js b/packages/vulcan-test/lib/modules/initComponentTest.js
index a9016c589..25cd50f03 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-test/lib/modules/initComponentTest.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-test/lib/modules/initComponentTest.js
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16.3';
const initComponentTest = () => {
// setup enzyme
- Enzyme.configure({adapter: new Adapter()});
+ Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
// and then load them in the app so that is defined
- import {populateComponentsApp, initializeFragments} from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
+ import { populateComponentsApp, initializeFragments } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
// we need registered fragments to be initialized because populateComponentsApp will run
// hocs, like withUpdate, that rely on fragments
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-users/lib/modules/helpers.js b/packages/vulcan-users/lib/modules/helpers.js
index eb7e4454d..f5b8cad60 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-users/lib/modules/helpers.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-users/lib/modules/helpers.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {Utils} from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
+import { Utils } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
import Users from './collection.js';
import moment from 'moment';
import _ from 'underscore';
@@ -32,12 +32,7 @@ Users.getUser = function(userOrUserId) {
Users.getUserName = function(user) {
try {
if (user.username) return user.username;
- if (
- user &&
- user.services &&
- user.services.twitter &&
- user.services.twitter.screenName
- )
+ if (user && user.services && user.services.twitter && user.services.twitter.screenName)
return user.services.twitter.screenName;
} catch (error) {
console.log(error); // eslint-disable-line
@@ -189,7 +184,7 @@ Users.hasCompletedProfile = function(user) {
Users.findLast = function(user, collection) {
- return collection.findOne({userId: user._id}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}});
+ return collection.findOne({ userId: user._id }, { sort: { createdAt: -1 } });
Users.timeSinceLast = function(user, collection) {
@@ -263,5 +258,5 @@ Users.getRequiredFields = function() {
// };
Users.findByEmail = function(email) {
- return Users.findOne({email: email});
+ return Users.findOne({ email: email });
diff --git a/packages/vulcan-users/lib/modules/resolvers.js b/packages/vulcan-users/lib/modules/resolvers.js
index 484fa8527..876dfc8d9 100644
--- a/packages/vulcan-users/lib/modules/resolvers.js
+++ b/packages/vulcan-users/lib/modules/resolvers.js
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-import {addGraphQLResolvers, Connectors} from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
+import { addGraphQLResolvers, Connectors } from 'meteor/vulcan:lib';
const specificResolvers = {
Query: {
@@ -26,30 +26,26 @@ const defaultOptions = {
const resolvers = {
multi: {
- async resolver(root, {input = {}}, {currentUser, Users}, {cacheControl}) {
- const {terms = {}, enableCache = false, enableTotal = true} = input;
+ async resolver(root, { input = {} }, { currentUser, Users }, { cacheControl }) {
+ const { terms = {}, enableCache = false, enableTotal = true } = input;
if (cacheControl && enableCache) {
const maxAge = defaultOptions.cacheMaxAge;
- cacheControl.setCacheHint({maxAge});
+ cacheControl.setCacheHint({ maxAge });
// get selector and options from terms and perform Mongo query
- let {selector, options} = await Users.getParameters(terms);
+ let { selector, options } = await Users.getParameters(terms);
options.skip = terms.offset;
const users = await Connectors.find(Users, selector, options);
// restrict documents fields
- const restrictedUsers = Users.restrictViewableFields(
- currentUser,
- Users,
- users
- );
+ const restrictedUsers = Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, Users, users);
// prime the cache
restrictedUsers.forEach(user => Users.loader.prime(user._id, user));
- const data = {results: restrictedUsers};
+ const data = { results: restrictedUsers };
if (enableTotal) {
// get total count of documents matching the selector
@@ -61,22 +57,22 @@ const resolvers = {
single: {
- async resolver(root, {input = {}}, {currentUser, Users}, {cacheControl}) {
- const {selector = {}, enableCache = false} = input;
- const {documentId, slug} = selector;
+ async resolver(root, { input = {} }, { currentUser, Users }, { cacheControl }) {
+ const { selector = {}, enableCache = false } = input;
+ const { documentId, slug } = selector;
if (cacheControl && enableCache) {
const maxAge = defaultOptions.cacheMaxAge;
- cacheControl.setCacheHint({maxAge});
+ cacheControl.setCacheHint({ maxAge });
// don't use Dataloader if user is selected by slug
const user = documentId
? await Users.loader.load(documentId)
: slug
- ? await Connectors.get(Users, {slug})
+ ? await Connectors.get(Users, { slug })
: await Connectors.get(Users);
- return {result: Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, Users, user)};
+ return { result: Users.restrictViewableFields(currentUser, Users, user) };