2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
@ charset "UTF-8" ;
/* line 5, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
html , body , div , span , applet , object , iframe ,
h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 , h6 , p , blockquote , pre ,
a , abbr , acronym , address , big , cite , code ,
del , dfn , em , img , ins , kbd , q , s , samp ,
small , strike , strong , sub , sup , tt , var ,
b , u , i , center ,
dl , dt , dd , ol , ul , li ,
fieldset , form , label , legend ,
table , caption , tbody , tfoot , thead , tr , th , td ,
article , aside , canvas , details , embed ,
figure , figcaption , footer , header , hgroup ,
menu , nav , output , ruby , section , summary ,
time , mark , audio , video {
margin : 0 ;
padding : 0 ;
border : 0 ;
font : inherit ;
font-size : 100 % ;
vertical-align : baseline ; }
/* line 22, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
html {
line-height : 1 ; }
/* line 24, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
ol , ul {
list-style : none ; }
/* line 26, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
table {
border-collapse : collapse ;
border-spacing : 0 ; }
/* line 28, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
caption , th , td {
text-align : left ;
font-weight : normal ;
vertical-align : middle ; }
/* line 30, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
q , blockquote {
quotes : none ; }
/* line 103, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
q : before , q : after , blockquote : before , blockquote : after {
content : "" ;
content : none ; }
/* line 32, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
a img {
border : none ; }
/* line 116, ../../../../../../../../../Applications/CodeKit.app/Contents/Resources/engines/compass/compass-core/stylesheets/compass/reset/_utilities.scss */
article , aside , details , figcaption , figure , footer , header , hgroup , main , menu , nav , section , summary {
display : block ; }
/*================ FUNCTIONS =================*/
/*================ MIXINS =================*/
/*================ CLASSES =================*/
/* line 111, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. popover {
background : white ;
border : 1px solid # f36c3d ;
-moz-border-radius : 3px ;
-webkit-border-radius : 3px ;
border-radius : 3px ;
-moz-box-shadow : 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 25 ) ;
-webkit-box-shadow : 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 25 ) ;
box-shadow : 0px 1px 2px 0px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 25 ) ;
z-index : 100 ;
-moz-transition : all , 300ms ;
-o-transition : all , 300ms ;
-webkit-transition : all , 300ms ;
transition : all , 300ms ; }
/* line 119, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. grid-block {
background : # fff ;
-moz-border-radius : 3px ;
-webkit-border-radius : 3px ;
border-radius : 3px ;
padding : 15px ;
margin-bottom : 10px ;
-moz-box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ;
-webkit-box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ;
box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ; }
/* line 127, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. has-shadow {
-moz-box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ;
-webkit-box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ;
box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ; }
/* line 130, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. cf {
/* For modern browsers */
/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */
* zoom : 1 ; }
/* line 6, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. cf : before , . cf : after {
content : "" ;
display : table ; }
/* line 10, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. cf : after {
clear : both ; }
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
/* line 133, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. mobile-menu-button {
position : relative ;
top : 50 % ;
-moz-transform : translateY ( -50 % ) ;
-ms-transform : translateY ( -50 % ) ;
-webkit-transform : translateY ( -50 % ) ;
transform : translateY ( -50 % ) ; }
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
/*================ FLEXBOX =================*/
/* line 2, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . form-block , . accounts-dialog . form-block {
background : # e7eff2 ;
border-radius : 3px ;
margin-bottom : 10px ;
padding : 10px ; }
/* line 9, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form > div , . accounts-dialog > div {
/* For modern browsers */
/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */
* zoom : 1 ; }
/* line 6, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
form > div : before , form > div : after , . accounts-dialog > div : before , . accounts-dialog > div : after {
content : "" ;
display : table ; }
/* line 10, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
form > div : after , . accounts-dialog > div : after {
clear : both ; }
/* line 12, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group , form . form-group , . accounts-dialog . control-group , . accounts-dialog . form-group {
/* For modern browsers */
/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */
* zoom : 1 ;
margin-bottom : 15px ; }
/* line 6, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
form . control-group : before , form . control-group : after , form . form-group : before , form . form-group : after , . accounts-dialog . control-group : before , . accounts-dialog . control-group : after , . accounts-dialog . form-group : before , . accounts-dialog . form-group : after {
content : "" ;
display : table ; }
/* line 10, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
form . control-group : after , form . form-group : after , . accounts-dialog . control-group : after , . accounts-dialog . form-group : after {
clear : both ; }
/* line 15, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group > label , form . form-group > label , . accounts-dialog . control-group > label , . accounts-dialog . form-group > label {
float : left ;
margin-right : 10px ; }
/* line 19, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group . controls , form . form-group . controls , . accounts-dialog . control-group . controls , . accounts-dialog . form-group . controls {
margin-left : 150px ;
position : relative ; }
/* line 22, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group . controls . inline-link , form . form-group . controls . inline-link , . accounts-dialog . control-group . controls . inline-link , . accounts-dialog . form-group . controls . inline-link {
position : absolute ;
display : block ;
top : 2px ;
right : 8px ; }
/* line 27, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group . controls . inline-link . loading , form . form-group . controls . inline-link . loading , . accounts-dialog . control-group . controls . inline-link . loading , . accounts-dialog . form-group . controls . inline-link . loading {
background : url ( / img / loading . gif ) center center no-repeat ;
height : 22px ;
width : 18px ;
font : 0 / 0 a ;
text-shadow : none ;
color : transparent ; }
/* line 34, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group . controls label , form . form-group . controls label , . accounts-dialog . control-group . controls label , . accounts-dialog . form-group . controls label {
display : block ;
margin-bottom : 5px ; }
/* line 38, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group . controls label . inline , form . form-group . controls label . inline , . accounts-dialog . control-group . controls label . inline , . accounts-dialog . form-group . controls label . inline {
display : inline-block ;
margin-bottom : 0 ; }
/* line 43, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group . inline , form . form-group . inline , . accounts-dialog . control-group . inline , . accounts-dialog . form-group . inline {
margin-bottom : 10px ; }
/* line 44, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group . inline . controls , form . form-group . inline . controls , . accounts-dialog . control-group . inline . controls , . accounts-dialog . form-group . inline . controls {
margin-left : 0px ;
width : 80 % ;
float : left ; }
/* line 49, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . control-group . inline . submit , form . form-group . inline . submit , . accounts-dialog . control-group . inline . submit , . accounts-dialog . form-group . inline . submit {
float : right ; }
/* line 55, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . form-actions , . accounts-dialog . form-actions {
/* For modern browsers */
/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */
* zoom : 1 ; }
/* line 6, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
form . form-actions : before , form . form-actions : after , . accounts-dialog . form-actions : before , . accounts-dialog . form-actions : after {
content : "" ;
display : table ; }
/* line 10, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
form . form-actions : after , . accounts-dialog . form-actions : after {
clear : both ; }
/* line 57, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . form-actions a , . accounts-dialog . form-actions a {
float : left ;
display : block ; }
/* line 61, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . form-actions . button , . accounts-dialog . form-actions . button {
float : right ; }
/* line 65, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form input [ type = "text" ] , form input [ type = "password" ] , form input [ type = "number" ] , form input [ type = "email" ] , form textarea , form . login-form input , form input . form-control , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "text" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "password" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "email" ] , . accounts-dialog textarea , . accounts-dialog . login-form input , . accounts-dialog input . form-control {
display : block ;
padding : 5px 6px ;
width : 100 % ;
font-size : 14px ;
-webkit-box-sizing : border-box ;
/* Safari/Chrome, other WebKit */
-moz-box-sizing : border-box ;
/* Firefox, other Gecko */
box-sizing : border-box ;
/* Opera/IE 8+ */
border : 1px solid # b5b0b0 ;
-moz-transition : border-color 500ms ;
-o-transition : border-color 500ms ;
-webkit-transition : border-color 500ms ;
transition : border-color 500ms ; }
/* line 74, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form input [ type = "text" ] : focus , form input [ type = "password" ] : focus , form input [ type = "number" ] : focus , form input [ type = "email" ] : focus , form textarea : focus , form . login-form input : focus , form input . form-control : focus , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "text" ] : focus , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "password" ] : focus , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "number" ] : focus , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "email" ] : focus , . accounts-dialog textarea : focus , . accounts-dialog . login-form input : focus , . accounts-dialog input . form-control : focus {
outline : none ;
border-color : # f36c3d ;
-moz-box-shadow : 0px 0px 5px 0px rgba ( 243 , 108 , 61 , 0 . 3 ) ;
-webkit-box-shadow : 0px 0px 5px 0px rgba ( 243 , 108 , 61 , 0 . 3 ) ;
box-shadow : 0px 0px 5px 0px rgba ( 243 , 108 , 61 , 0 . 3 ) ; }
/* line 79, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form input [ type = "text" ] [ type = "number" ] , form input [ type = "password" ] [ type = "number" ] , form input [ type = "number" ] [ type = "number" ] , form input [ type = "email" ] [ type = "number" ] , form textarea [ type = "number" ] , form . login-form input [ type = "number" ] , form input . form-control [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "text" ] [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "password" ] [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "number" ] [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "email" ] [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog textarea [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog . login-form input [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog input . form-control [ type = "number" ] {
width : 30 % ; }
/* line 83, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form input [ type = "text" ] , form input [ type = "password" ] , form input [ type = "number" ] , form . login-form input , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "text" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "password" ] , . accounts-dialog input [ type = "number" ] , . accounts-dialog . login-form input {
height : 30px ;
line-height : 20px ; }
/* line 87, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form input [ disabled = 'disabled' ] , . accounts-dialog input [ disabled = 'disabled' ] {
color : # b3c1c6 ;
background : # e7eff2 ; }
/* line 91, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form textarea , . accounts-dialog textarea {
min-height : 100px ;
line-height : 1 . 4 ; }
/* line 95, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
form . note , . accounts-dialog . note {
padding : 5px 0 ;
color : # b3c1c6 ;
font-size : 80 % ; }
/* line 101, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
input [ type = "submit" ] , button , . button , . btn {
-webkit-appearance : none ;
border-radius : 3px ;
background : # f36c3d ;
color : white ;
text-align : center ;
display : block ;
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
max-width : 300px ;
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
padding : 10px 12px ;
line-height : 1 ;
border : none ;
font-size : 15px ;
cursor : pointer ;
margin : 0 ;
font-weight : normal ; }
/* line 118, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
input [ type = "submit" ] . disabled , button . disabled , . button . disabled , . btn . disabled {
background : # dfdbdb ;
pointer-events : none ; }
/* line 122, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
input [ type = "submit" ] : link , input [ type = "submit" ] : hover , input [ type = "submit" ] : active , input [ type = "submit" ] : visited , button : link , button : hover , button : active , button : visited , . button : link , . button : hover , . button : active , . button : visited , . btn : link , . btn : hover , . btn : active , . btn : visited {
color : white ; }
/* line 125, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
input [ type = "submit" ] . inline , button . inline , . button . inline , . btn . inline {
display : inline-block ; }
/* line 129, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
. twitter-signup {
margin-bottom : 20px ;
padding-bottom : 20px ;
border-bottom : 1px solid # dfdbdb ; }
/* line 133, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
. twitter-signup . twitter-button {
background : # 00aced ; }
/* line 137, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
. category-slug {
font-size : 12px ;
float : left ;
width : 80 % ;
display : block ; }
/* line 143, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
. ui-autocomplete {
background : white ;
width : 200px ! important ;
padding : 10px ;
font-size : 14px ;
-moz-box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ;
-webkit-box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ;
box-shadow : 0 1px 1px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 15 ) ; }
/* line 151, ../scss/partials/_forms.scss */
. help-block {
color : # b3c1c6 ;
margin-bottom : 15px ; }
/* line 1, ../scss/partials/_common.scss */
. hidden {
display : none ; }
/* line 4, ../scss/partials/_common.scss */
. visible {
display : block ; }
/* line 7, ../scss/partials/_common.scss */
. overlay {
position : fixed ;
top : 0 ;
left : 0 ;
height : 100 % ;
width : 100 % ;
z-index : 50 ; }
/* line 15, ../scss/partials/_common.scss */
a , a : link , a : visited , a : hover , a : active {
text-decoration : none ; }
/* line 1, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
* , * : before , * : after {
-moz-box-sizing : border-box ;
-webkit-box-sizing : border-box ;
box-sizing : border-box ;
line-height : 1 . 5 ; }
/* line 6, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
html , body , . outer-wrapper {
height : 100 % ; }
/* line 9, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
body {
background : # e0f1f7 ;
font-size : 14px ; }
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
@ media screen and ( max-width : 40em ) {
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
/* line 9, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
body {
overflow-x : hidden ; } }
/* line 16, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
html , body , input , button {
font-family : "Helvetica Neue" , Helvetica , Arial , sans-serif ; }
@ media only screen and ( -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1 . 5 ) {
/* line 21, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
body {
background-size : 10px 10px ; } }
/* line 26, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
. outer-wrapper {
position : relative ; }
/* line 29, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
. content-wrapper {
padding-bottom : 20px ; }
/* line 32, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
# spinner {
margin : 100px 0 ; }
/* line 35, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
. debug {
display : none ; }
/* line 39, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
. footer {
text-align : center ;
padding : 10px 0 70px 0 ;
color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 4 ) ;
font-size : 14px ; }
/* line 44, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
. footer . absolute {
position : absolute ; }
/* line 48, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
# login-buttons . loading {
display : none ; }
/* line 51, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
# loading , . loading-page {
height : 300px ; }
/* line 55, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
. content-wrapper {
padding : 0 10px ; }
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
@ media screen and ( max-width : 40em ) {
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
/* line 55, ../scss/partials/_main.scss */
. content-wrapper {
overflow-x : hidden ;
overflow-y : hidden ; } }
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
/* line 3, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
. mobile-nav {
position : fixed ;
overflow : auto ;
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
left : -200px ;
left : calc ( ( 100 % - 60px ) * -1 ) ;
width : 200px ;
width : calc ( 100 % - 60px ) ;
height : 100 % ;
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
top : 0px ;
bottom : 0px ;
background : # 444 ;
color : white ;
-moz-box-shadow : inset -3px 0px 7px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 5 ) ;
-webkit-box-shadow : inset -3px 0px 7px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 5 ) ;
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
box-shadow : inset -3px 0px 7px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 5 ) ;
z-index : 100 ; }
/* line 19, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-nav , . inner-wrapper {
-moz-transition : all 300ms ease-out 0ms ;
-o-transition : all 300ms ease-out 0ms ;
-webkit-transition : all 300ms ease-out ;
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
-webkit-transition-delay : 0ms ;
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
transition : all 300ms ease-out 0ms ; }
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
/* line 23, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. inner-wrapper {
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
position : relative ;
left : 0px ; }
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
/* line 28, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-nav-open {
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
overflow : hidden ; }
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
/* line 30, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-nav-open . mobile-nav {
left : 0px ; }
/* line 33, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-nav-open . outer-wrapper {
overflow : hidden ; }
/* line 35, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-nav-open . outer-wrapper . inner-wrapper {
left : 200px ;
left : calc ( 100 % - 60px ) ; }
/* line 61, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu-button {
display : block ;
background : # f36c3d ;
border-radius : 3px ;
height : 30px ;
width : 40px ;
z-index : 100 ; }
/* line 46, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu-button , . mobile-menu-button : link , . mobile-menu-button : visited , . mobile-menu-button : hover {
color : white ; }
/* line 51, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu-button i {
position : absolute ;
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
width : 100 % ;
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
text-align : center ;
line-height : 30px ;
height : 30px ;
font-size : 18px ; }
@ media screen and ( min-width : 40em ) {
/* line 61, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu-button {
display : none ; } }
/* line 69, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu-button span {
display : none ; }
/* line 72, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu-button . menu {
float : left ; }
/* line 75, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu-button . submit {
float : right ; }
@ media screen and ( max-width : 40em ) {
/* line 81, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. desktop-nav {
display : none ; } }
/* line 88, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu li {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
border-bottom : 1px rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 . 1 ) solid ; }
/* line 91, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu li : last-child {
border : none ; }
/* line 95, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu a {
display : block ;
height : auto ;
line-height : inherit ;
padding : 10px ;
font-size : 15px ; }
/* line 101, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu a , . mobile-menu a : link , . mobile-menu a : visited {
color : white ; }
/* line 107, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu . dropdown > a : after {
display : inline-block ;
position : relative ;
top : -1px ;
margin-left : 4px ;
content : "▼" ;
font-size : 8px ; }
/* line 118, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu . dropdown-menu li {
margin-bottom : 0 ;
border-bottom : 1px rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 . 1 ) solid ; }
/* line 120, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-menu . dropdown-menu li a {
background : # 333 ; }
/* line 128, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-submit {
padding : 10px ;
border-bottom : 1px rgba ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 . 1 ) solid ; }
/* line 131, ../scss/partials/_mobile_nav.scss */
. mobile-submit . button {
max-width : none ; }
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
/* line 1, ../scss/partials/_typography.scss */
h1 , h2 , h3 , h4 , h5 {
line-height : 1 . 3 ; }
/* line 4, ../scss/partials/_typography.scss */
h1 {
font-size : 40px ; }
/* line 7, ../scss/partials/_typography.scss */
h2 {
font-size : 30px ; }
/* line 10, ../scss/partials/_typography.scss */
h3 {
font-size : 20px ; }
/* line 13, ../scss/partials/_typography.scss */
h4 {
font-size : 16px ; }
/* line 1, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. header {
background : white ;
margin-bottom : 10px ;
padding : 15px ; }
/* line 5, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. header , . header a , . header a : link , . header a : visited {
color : white ; }
/* line 10, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. logo-image a , . logo-image img {
display : block ;
height : 100 % ;
width : 100 % ; }
/* line 17, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
ul li {
margin : 0 0 10px 0 ; }
/* line 21, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. module {
background : white ;
margin-bottom : 10px ;
padding : 15px ; }
/* line 26, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. notifications-toggle {
background : white ;
margin-bottom : 10px ;
padding : 15px ; }
/* line 31, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. filter-sort {
/* For modern browsers */
/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */
* zoom : 1 ;
padding : 15px ;
background : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 05 ) ; }
/* line 6, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. filter-sort : before , . filter-sort : after {
content : "" ;
display : table ; }
/* line 10, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. filter-sort : after {
clear : both ; }
/* line 35, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. filter-sort a , . filter-sort span {
display : inline-block ;
margin-right : 20px ; }
/* line 38, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. filter-sort a . active , . filter-sort span . active {
border-bottom : 2px solid # 7ac0e4 ; }
/* line 41, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. filter-sort a : last-child , . filter-sort span : last-child {
margin-right : 0 ; }
/* line 45, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. filter-sort . filter {
float : left ; }
/* line 48, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. filter-sort . sort {
float : right ; }
/* line 53, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. user-list , . user-table {
font-size : 13px ; }
/* line 56, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. user-list . user . user-avatar , . user-table . user . user-avatar {
height : 30px ;
width : 30px ;
background-size : 30px 30px ;
display : block ;
-moz-border-radius : 30px ;
-webkit-border-radius : 30px ;
border-radius : 30px ; }
/* line 68, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
table {
width : 100 % ; }
/* line 70, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
table tr {
border-bottom : 1px solid # eee ; }
/* line 72, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
table tr td , table tr th {
padding : 10px ; }
/* line 78, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
table thead tr td , table thead tr th {
font-weight : bold ; }
/* line 91, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. search-date-header {
background : # e7eff2 ; }
/* line 93, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. search-date-header th {
/* For modern browsers */
/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */
* zoom : 1 ; }
/* line 6, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. search-date-header th : before , . search-date-header th : after {
content : "" ;
display : table ; }
/* line 10, ../scss/partials/_mixins.scss */
. search-date-header th : after {
clear : both ; }
/* line 96, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. search-date-header . search-date {
display : block ;
float : left ;
font-weight : bold ; }
/* line 101, ../scss/partials/_elements.scss */
. search-date-header . search-count {
font-size : 13px ;
display : block ;
float : right ; }
/* line 1, ../scss/partials/_dropdown.scss */
. has-dropdown . dropdown {
position : relative ; }
/* line 4, ../scss/partials/_dropdown.scss */
. has-dropdown . dropdown > a : after {
display : inline-block ;
position : relative ;
top : -1px ;
margin-left : 4px ;
content : "▼" ;
font-size : 8px ; }
/* line 13, ../scss/partials/_dropdown.scss */
. has-dropdown . dropdown . dropdown-menu {
display : none ;
top : 10px ;
left : 10px ;
position : absolute ;
padding-top : 20px ;
z-index : 10000 ; }
/* line 20, ../scss/partials/_dropdown.scss */
. has-dropdown . dropdown . dropdown-menu , . has-dropdown . dropdown . dropdown-menu a , . has-dropdown . dropdown . dropdown-menu a : link , . has-dropdown . dropdown . dropdown-menu a : visited {
color : # 4a4444 ; }
/* line 23, ../scss/partials/_dropdown.scss */
. has-dropdown . dropdown . dropdown-menu ul {
background : white ;
padding : 10px ;
min-width : 140px ;
-moz-border-radius : 3px ;
-webkit-border-radius : 3px ;
border-radius : 3px ;
-moz-box-shadow : 0 1px 3px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 35 ) ;
-webkit-box-shadow : 0 1px 3px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 35 ) ;
box-shadow : 0 1px 3px rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 . 35 ) ; }
2014-08-12 17:11:36 +09:00
/* line 29, ../scss/partials/_dropdown.scss */
. has-dropdown . dropdown . dropdown-menu ul li {
margin-bottom : 0 ; }
/* line 31, ../scss/partials/_dropdown.scss */
. has-dropdown . dropdown . dropdown-menu ul li a {
font-size : 14px ; }
/* line 38, ../scss/partials/_dropdown.scss */
2014-08-12 16:16:44 +09:00
. has-dropdown . dropdown : hover . dropdown-menu {
display : block ; }