2014-07-05 11:24:28 +09:00
2014-07-04 14:07:50 +09:00
log: function (a){
postLink: function(){
return !!this.url ? getOutgoingUrl(this.url) : "/posts/"+this._id;
sourceLink: function(){
return !!this.url ? this.url : "/posts/"+this._id;
postTarget: function() {
return !!this.url ? '_blank' : '';
domain: function(){
var a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = this.url;
return a.hostname;
current_domain: function(){
return "http://"+document.domain;
can_edit: function(){
return canEdit(Meteor.user(), this);
authorName: function(){
return getAuthorName(this);
profileUrl: function(){
// note: we don't want the post to be re-rendered every time user properties change
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId, {reactive: false});
return getProfileUrl(user);
short_score: function(){
return Math.floor(this.score*1000)/1000;
ago: function(){
// if post is approved show submission time, else show creation time.
time = this.status == STATUS_APPROVED ? this.postedAt : this.createdAt;
return moment(time).fromNow();
timestamp: function(){
time = this.status == STATUS_APPROVED ? this.postedAt : this.createdAt;
return moment(time).format("MMMM Do, h:mm:ss a");
userAvatar: function(){
var author = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId, {reactive: false});
return getAvatarUrl(author);
inactiveClass: function(){
return (isAdmin(Meteor.user()) && this.inactive) ? i18n.t('inactive') : "";
categoryLink: function(){
return getCategoryUrl(this.slug);
commentsDisplayText: function(){
return this.comments == 1 ? i18n.t('comment') : i18n.t('comments');
pointsUnitDisplayText: function(){
return this.upvotes == 1 ? i18n.t('point') : i18n.t('points');
isApproved: function(){
return this.status == STATUS_APPROVED;
viaTwitter: function () {
return !!getSetting('twitterAccount') ? 'via='+getSetting('twitterAccount') : '';