**Note:** Telescope is beta software. Most of it should work but it's still a little unpolished and you'll probably find some bugs. Use at your own risk :)
- Use the [Heroku buildpack for Meteorite](https://github.com/oortcloud/heroku-buildpack-meteorite) to push to Heroku: `heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack https://github.com/oortcloud/heroku-buildpack-meteorite.git`
- Set the mail URL variable used for email notifications (for example, with [Mailgun](http://mailgun.com) on Heroku: `heroku config:add MAIL_URL=smtp://postmaster%40YOUR_DOMAIN.mailgun.org:YOUR_PASSWORD@smtp.mailgun.org:587/`)
- Check out the settings page and fill out basic things like the site's name
# Local Variables
Meteor uses local environment variables for a few things, such as configuring email. While this is straightforward to do on Heroku (see above), on a local dev environment the best way is to set up an alias for the `mrt` command.