2015-04-22 07:50:11 +09:00
// ------------------------------------- Schemas -------------------------------- //
2015-04-25 12:39:07 +09:00
private: Match.Optional(Boolean),
2015-04-22 07:50:11 +09:00
editable: Match.Optional(Boolean), // editable: true means the field can be edited by the document's owner
2015-04-25 12:39:07 +09:00
hidden: Match.Optional(Boolean), // hidden: true means the field is never shown in a form no matter what
editableBy: Match.Optional([String])
2015-04-22 07:50:11 +09:00
// ------------------------------------- Views -------------------------------- //
// object containing post list view parameters
viewParameters = {};
// will be common to all other view unless specific properties are overwritten
viewParameters.baseParameters = {
find: {
options: {
limit: 10
viewParameters.top = function (terms) {
return {
options: {sort: {sticky: -1, score: -1}}
viewParameters.new = function (terms) {
return {
options: {sort: {sticky: -1, postedAt: -1}}
viewParameters.best = function (terms) {
return {
options: {sort: {sticky: -1, baseScore: -1}}
viewParameters.pending = function (terms) {
return {
find: {
status: 1
options: {sort: {createdAt: -1}},
showFuture: true
viewParameters.scheduled = function (terms) {
return {
find: {postedAt: {$gte: new Date()}},
options: {sort: {postedAt: -1}}
viewParameters.userPosts = function (terms) {
return {
find: {userId: terms.userId},
options: {limit: 5, sort: {postedAt: -1}}
viewParameters.userUpvotedPosts = function (terms) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(terms.userId);
var postsIds = _.pluck(user.votes.upvotedPosts, "itemId");
return {
find: {_id: {$in: postsIds}, userId: {$ne: terms.userId}}, // exclude own posts
options: {limit: 5, sort: {postedAt: -1}}
viewParameters.userDownvotedPosts = function (terms) {
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(terms.userId);
var postsIds = _.pluck(user.votes.downvotedPosts, "itemId");
// TODO: sort based on votedAt timestamp and not postedAt, if possible
return {
find: {_id: {$in: postsIds}},
options: {limit: 5, sort: {postedAt: -1}}
// ------------------------------ Dynamic Templates ------------------------------ //
templates = {}
// note: not used anymore, but keep for backwards compatibility
getTemplate = function (name) {
// for now, always point back to the original template
var originalTemplate = (_.invert(templates))[name];
return !!originalTemplate ? originalTemplate : name;
// if template has been overwritten, return this; else return template name
// return !!templates[name] ? templates[name] : name;
// ------------------------------- Vote Power -------------------------------- //
// The equation to determine voting power
// Default to returning 1 for everybody
getVotePower = function (user) {
return 1;