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2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
// setup JSDOM server side for testing (necessary for Enzyme to mount)
import 'jsdom-global/register'
import React from 'react'
// TODO: should be loaded from Components instead?
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
import Form from '../lib/components/Form'
import FormGroup from "../lib/components/FormGroup"
import FormComponent from "../lib/components/FormComponent"
import '../lib/components/FormNestedArray'
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
import expect from 'expect'
import Enzyme, { mount, shallow } from 'enzyme'
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
import { Components } from "meteor/vulcan:core"
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
// setup enzyme
// TODO: write a reusable helper and move this to the tests setup
Enzyme.configure({ adapter: new Adapter() })
// we must import all the other components, so that "registerComponent" is called
import "../lib/modules/components"
// and then load them in the app so that <Component.Whatever /> is defined
import { populateComponentsApp, initializeFragments } from "meteor/vulcan:lib"
// we need registered fragments to be initialized because populateComponentsApp will run
// hocs, like withUpdate, that rely on fragments
// actually fills the Components object
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
// fixtures
import SimpleSchema from "simpl-schema";
const addressGroup = {
name: "addresses",
label: "Addresses",
order: 10
const addressSchema = {
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
street: {
type: String,
optional: true,
viewableBy: ["guests"],
editableBy: ["quests"],
insertableBy: ["quests"],
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
max: 100 // limit street address to 100 characters
const arraySchema = {
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
addresses: {
type: Array,
viewableBy: ["guests"],
editableBy: ["quests"],
insertableBy: ["quests"],
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
group: addressGroup
"addresses.$": {
type: new SimpleSchema(addressSchema)
const objectSchema = {
addresses: {
type: new SimpleSchema(addressSchema),
viewableBy: ["guests"],
editableBy: ["quests"],
insertableBy: ["quests"],
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
// stub collection
import { createCollection, getDefaultResolvers, getDefaultMutations } from 'meteor/vulcan:core'
const WithArrays = createCollection({
collectionName: 'WithArrays',
typeName: 'WithArray',
schema: arraySchema,
resolvers: getDefaultResolvers('WithArrays'),
mutations: getDefaultMutations('WithArrays'),
const WithObjects = createCollection({
collectionName: 'WithObjects',
typeName: 'WithObject',
schema: objectSchema,
resolvers: getDefaultResolvers('WithObjects'),
mutations: getDefaultMutations('WithObjects'),
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
const Addresses = createCollection({
collectionName: 'Addresses',
typeName: 'Address',
schema: addressSchema,
resolvers: getDefaultResolvers('Addresses'),
mutations: getDefaultMutations('Addresses'),
// tests
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
describe('vulcan-forms/components', function () {
describe('Form', function () {
const context = {
intl: {
formatMessage: () => "",
formatDate: () => "",
formatTime: () => "",
formatRelative: () => "",
formatNumber: () => "",
formatPlural: () => "",
formatHTMLMessage: () => ""
const mountWithContext = C => mount(C, {
const shallowWithContext = C => shallow(C, {
describe('basic', function () {
it('shallow render', function () {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collection={Addresses} />)
describe('nested array', function () {
it('shallow render', () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collection={WithArrays} />)
it('render a FormGroup for addresses', function () {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collection={WithArrays} />)
const formGroup = wrapper.find('FormGroup').find({ name: 'addresses' })
describe('nested object', function () {
it('shallow render', () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collection={WithObjects} />)
it('define one field', () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collection={WithObjects} />)
const defaultGroup = wrapper.find('FormGroup').first()
const fields = defaultGroup.prop('fields')
expect(fields).toHaveLength(1) // addresses field
const getFormFields = (wrapper) => {
const defaultGroup = wrapper.find('FormGroup').first()
const fields = defaultGroup.prop('fields')
return fields
const getFirstField = () => {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<Form collection={WithObjects} />)
const fields = getFormFields(wrapper)
return fields[0]
it('define the nestedSchema', () => {
const addressField = getFirstField()
describe('FormComponent', function () {
const shallowWithContext = C => shallow(C, {
context: {
getDocument: () => { }
const defaultProps = {
"disabled": false,
"optional": true,
"document": {},
"name": "meetingPlace",
"path": "meetingPlace",
"datatype": [{ type: Object }],
"layout": "horizontal",
"label": "Meeting place",
"currentValues": {},
"formType": "new",
deletedValues: [],
throwError: () => { },
updateCurrentValues: () => { },
errors: [],
clearFieldErrors: () => { },
it('shallow render', function () {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<FormComponent {...defaultProps} />)
describe('nested array', function () {
const props = {
"datatype": [{ type: Array }],
"nestedSchema": {
"street": {},
"country": {},
"zipCode": {}
"nestedInput": true,
"nestedFields": [
"currentValues": {},
it('render a FormNestedArray', function () {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<FormComponent {...props} />)
const formNested = wrapper.find('FormNestedArray')
describe('nested object', function () {
const props = {
"datatype": [{ type: new SimpleSchema({}) }],
"nestedSchema": {
"street": {},
"country": {},
"zipCode": {}
"nestedInput": true,
"nestedFields": [
"currentValues": {},
it('shallow render', function () {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<FormComponent {...props} />)
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
it('render a FormNestedObject', function () {
const wrapper = shallowWithContext(<FormComponent {...props} />)
const formNested = wrapper.find('FormNestedObject')
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00
describe('FormNestedArray', function () {
it('shallow render', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedArray path="foobar" currentValues={{}} />)
it('shows a button', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedArray path="foobar" currentValues={{}} />)
const button = wrapper.find('BootstrapButton')
it('shows an add button', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedArray path="foobar" currentValues={{}} />)
const addButton = wrapper.find('IconAdd')
describe('FormNestedObject', function () {
it('shallow render', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject path="foobar" currentValues={{}} />)
it.skip('render a form for the object', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject path="foobar" currentValues={{}} />)
it('does not show any button', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject path="foobar" currentValues={{}} />)
const button = wrapper.find('BootstrapButton')
it('does not show add button', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject path="foobar" currentValues={{}} />)
const addButton = wrapper.find('IconAdd')
it('does not show remove button', function () {
const wrapper = shallow(<Components.FormNestedObject path="foobar" currentValues={{}} />)
const removeButton = wrapper.find('IconRemove')
2018-07-24 16:07:42 +02:00