
157 lines
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2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
import { newMutation, registerSetting, getSetting } from 'meteor/vulcan:core';
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
import moment from 'moment';
import Posts from '../../modules/posts/index.js';
import Comments from '../../modules/comments/index.js';
2017-09-15 11:14:09 +02:00
import Categories from '../../modules/categories/index.js';
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
import Users from 'meteor/vulcan:users';
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
registerSetting('forum.seedOnStart', true, 'Seed the app with dummy content on startup');
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
if (getSetting('seedOnStart')) {
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
const dummyFlag = {
fieldName: 'isDummy',
fieldSchema: {
type: Boolean,
optional: true,
hidden: true
fieldName: 'dummySlug',
fieldSchema: {
type: String,
optional: true,
hidden: true // never show this
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
var toTitleCase = function (str) {
return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();});
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
var createPost = function (slug, postedAt, username, thumbnail) {
const user = Users.findOne({username: username});
var post = {
postedAt: postedAt,
body: Assets.getText("lib/assets/content/" + slug + ".md"),
title: toTitleCase(slug.replace(/_/g, ' ')),
dummySlug: slug,
isDummy: true,
userId: user._id
if (typeof thumbnail !== "undefined")
post.thumbnailUrl = "/packages/example-forum/lib/assets/images/" + thumbnail;
collection: Posts,
document: post,
currentUser: user,
validate: false
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
var createComment = function (slug, username, body, parentBody) {
const user = Users.findOne({username: username});
var comment = {
postId: Posts.findOne({dummySlug: slug})._id,
userId: user._id,
body: body,
isDummy: true,
disableNotifications: true
var parentComment = Comments.findOne({body: parentBody});
if (parentComment)
comment.parentCommentId = parentComment._id;
collection: Comments,
document: comment,
currentUser: user,
validate: false
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
const createUser = function (username, email) {
const user = {
isDummy: true
collection: Users,
document: user,
validate: false
var createDummyUsers = function () {
console.log('// inserting dummy users…');
createUser('Bruce', '');
createUser('Arnold', '');
createUser('Julia', '');
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
var createDummyPosts = function () {
console.log('// inserting dummy posts');
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createPost("read_this_first", moment().toDate(), "Bruce", "telescope.png");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createPost("deploying", moment().subtract(10, 'minutes').toDate(), "Arnold");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createPost("customizing", moment().subtract(3, 'hours').toDate(), "Julia");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createPost("getting_help", moment().subtract(1, 'days').toDate(), "Bruce", "stackoverflow.png");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createPost("removing_getting_started_posts", moment().subtract(2, 'days').toDate(), "Julia");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
var createDummyComments = function () {
console.log('// inserting dummy comments…');
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createComment("read_this_first", "Bruce", "What an awesome app!");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createComment("deploying", "Arnold", "Deploy to da choppah!");
createComment("deploying", "Julia", "Do you really need to say this all the time?", "Deploy to da choppah!");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createComment("customizing", "Julia", "This is really cool!");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
createComment("removing_getting_started_posts", "Bruce", "Yippee ki-yay!");
createComment("removing_getting_started_posts", "Arnold", "I'll be back.", "Yippee ki-yay!");
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
Vulcan.removeGettingStartedContent = () => {
Users.remove({'profile.isDummy': true});
Posts.remove({isDummy: true});
Comments.remove({isDummy: true});
Categories.remove({isDummy: true});
console.log('// Getting started content removed');
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00
Meteor.startup(function () {
// insert dummy content only if createDummyContent hasn't happened and there aren't any posts or users in the db
if (!Users.find().count()) {
if (!Posts.find().count()) {
if (!Comments.find().count()) {
2017-09-04 18:37:21 +09:00
2017-09-22 15:08:20 +02:00