2017-06-01 11:49:32 +09:00
intl polyfill. See https://github.com/andyearnshaw/Intl.js/
2017-09-22 12:24:15 +02:00
import { getSetting, registerSetting } from '../modules/settings.js';
registerSetting('locale', 'en');
2017-06-01 11:49:32 +09:00
var areIntlLocalesSupported = require('intl-locales-supported');
var localesMyAppSupports = [
2017-09-22 12:24:15 +02:00
getSetting('locale', 'en')
2017-06-01 11:49:32 +09:00
if (global.Intl) {
// Determine if the built-in `Intl` has the locale data we need.
if (!areIntlLocalesSupported(localesMyAppSupports)) {
// `Intl` exists, but it doesn't have the data we need, so load the
// polyfill and replace the constructors with need with the polyfill's.
var IntlPolyfill = require('intl');
Intl.NumberFormat = IntlPolyfill.NumberFormat;
Intl.DateTimeFormat = IntlPolyfill.DateTimeFormat;
} else {
// No `Intl`, so use and load the polyfill.
global.Intl = require('intl');