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// Copyright © 2008 Point Grey Research, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is the confidential and proprietary information of Point
// Grey Research, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You shall not
// disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in
// accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into
// with Point Grey Research, Inc. (PGR).
// $Id: FlyCapture2Defs.h 286572 2016-06-15 01:49:45Z matthewg $
#include <memory.h>
// Definitions file for FlyCapture2.
// Holds structures, enumerations and other global definitions that are used
// across the entire FlyCapture2 API.
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
#ifndef FULL_32BIT_VALUE
namespace FlyCapture2
* @defgroup GlobalConstants Global constants
/** The maximum length that is allocated for a string. */
static const unsigned int sk_maxStringLength = 512;
/** The maximum number of ports one device can have. */
static const unsigned int sk_maxNumPorts = 32;
* @defgroup Enumerations Enumerations
/** The error types returned by functions. */
enum ErrorType
PGRERROR_UNDEFINED = -1, /**< Undefined */
PGRERROR_OK, /**< Function returned with no errors. */
PGRERROR_FAILED, /**< General failure. */
PGRERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, /**< Function has not been implemented. */
PGRERROR_FAILED_BUS_MASTER_CONNECTION, /**< Could not connect to Bus Master. */
PGRERROR_NOT_CONNECTED, /**< Camera has not been connected. */
PGRERROR_INIT_FAILED, /**< Initialization failed. */
PGRERROR_NOT_INTITIALIZED, /**< Camera has not been initialized. */
PGRERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, /**< Invalid parameter passed to function. */
PGRERROR_INVALID_SETTINGS, /**< Setting set to camera is invalid. */
PGRERROR_INVALID_BUS_MANAGER, /**< Invalid Bus Manager object. */
PGRERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED, /**< Could not allocate memory. */
PGRERROR_LOW_LEVEL_FAILURE, /**< Low level error. */
PGRERROR_NOT_FOUND, /**< Device not found. */
PGRERROR_INVALID_PACKET_SIZE, /**< Packet size set to camera is invalid. */
PGRERROR_INVALID_MODE, /**< Invalid mode has been passed to function. */
PGRERROR_NOT_IN_FORMAT7, /**< Error due to not being in Format7. */
PGRERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, /**< This feature is unsupported. */
PGRERROR_TIMEOUT, /**< Timeout error. */
PGRERROR_BUS_MASTER_FAILED, /**< Bus Master Failure. */
PGRERROR_INVALID_GENERATION, /**< Generation Count Mismatch. */
PGRERROR_LUT_FAILED, /**< Look Up Table failure. */
PGRERROR_STROBE_FAILED, /**< Strobe failure. */
PGRERROR_TRIGGER_FAILED, /**< Trigger failure. */
PGRERROR_PROPERTY_FAILED, /**< Property failure. */
PGRERROR_PROPERTY_NOT_PRESENT, /**< Property is not present. */
PGRERROR_REGISTER_FAILED, /**< Register access failed. */
PGRERROR_READ_REGISTER_FAILED, /**< Register read failed. */
PGRERROR_WRITE_REGISTER_FAILED, /**< Register write failed. */
PGRERROR_ISOCH_FAILED, /**< Isochronous failure. */
PGRERROR_ISOCH_ALREADY_STARTED, /**< Isochronous transfer has already been started. */
PGRERROR_ISOCH_NOT_STARTED, /**< Isochronous transfer has not been started. */
PGRERROR_ISOCH_START_FAILED, /**< Isochronous start failed. */
PGRERROR_ISOCH_RETRIEVE_BUFFER_FAILED, /**< Isochronous retrieve buffer failed. */
PGRERROR_ISOCH_STOP_FAILED, /**< Isochronous stop failed. */
PGRERROR_ISOCH_SYNC_FAILED, /**< Isochronous image synchronization failed. */
PGRERROR_ISOCH_BANDWIDTH_EXCEEDED, /**< Isochronous bandwidth exceeded. */
PGRERROR_IMAGE_CONVERSION_FAILED, /**< Image conversion failed. */
PGRERROR_IMAGE_LIBRARY_FAILURE, /**< Image library failure. */
PGRERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL, /**< Buffer is too small. */
PGRERROR_IMAGE_CONSISTENCY_ERROR, /**< There is an image consistency error. */
PGRERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER, /**< The installed driver is not compatible with the library. */
/** The type of bus callback to register a callback function for. */
enum BusCallbackType
BUS_RESET, /**< Register for all bus events. */
ARRIVAL, /**< Register for arrivals only. */
REMOVAL, /**< Register for removals only. */
* The grab strategy employed during image transfer. This type controls
* how images that stream off the camera accumulate in a user buffer
* for handling.
@remark Unlike earlier versions of the FlyCapture SDK, it is no longer
* necessary to explicitly start the image grabbing process before
* specifying an image grabbing mode.
enum GrabMode
* Grabs the newest image in the user buffer each time the
* RetrieveBuffer() function is called. Older images are dropped
* instead of accumulating in the user buffer. Grabbing blocks if the
* camera has not finished transmitting the next available image. If
* the camera is transmitting images faster than the application can
* grab them, images may be dropped and only the most recent image
* is stored for grabbing. Note that this mode is the equivalent of
* flycaptureLockLatest in earlier versions of the FlyCapture SDK.
* Images accumulate in the user buffer, and the oldest image is
* grabbed for handling before being discarded. This member can be
* used to guarantee that each image is seen. However, image processing
* time must not exceed transmission time from the camera to the
* buffer. Grabbing blocks if the camera has not finished transmitting
* the next available image. The buffer size is controlled by the
* numBuffers parameter in the FC2Config struct. Note that this mode is
* the equivalent of flycaptureLockNext in earlier versions of the
* FlyCapture SDK.
* Unspecified grab mode.
/** Timeout options for grabbing images. */
enum GrabTimeout
TIMEOUT_NONE = 0, /**< Non-blocking wait. */
TIMEOUT_INFINITE = -1, /**< Wait indefinitely. */
TIMEOUT_UNSPECIFIED = -2, /**< Unspecified timeout setting. */
/** Bandwidth allocation options for 1394 devices. */
enum BandwidthAllocation
/** Do not allocate bandwidth. */
/** Allocate bandwidth. This is the default setting. */
* Bandwidth allocation is not supported by either the camera or
* operating system.
/** Not specified. This leaves the current setting unchanged. */
/** Interfaces that a camera may use to communicate with a host. */
enum InterfaceType
INTERFACE_IEEE1394, /**< IEEE-1394 (Includes 1394a and 1394b). */
INTERFACE_USB2, /**< USB 2.0. */
INTERFACE_USB3, /**< USB 3.0. */
INTERFACE_UNKNOWN, /**< Unknown interface. */
* Camera properties. Not all properties may be supported, depending
* on the camera model.
enum PropertyType
BRIGHTNESS, /**< Brightness. */
AUTO_EXPOSURE, /**< Auto exposure. */
SHARPNESS, /**< Sharpness */
WHITE_BALANCE, /**< White balance. */
HUE, /**< Hue. */
SATURATION, /**< Saturation. */
GAMMA, /**< Gamma. */
IRIS, /**< Iris. */
FOCUS, /**< Focus. */
ZOOM, /**< Zoom. */
PAN, /**< Pan. */
TILT, /**< Tilt. */
SHUTTER, /**< Shutter. */
GAIN, /**< Gain. */
TRIGGER_MODE, /**< Trigger mode. */
TRIGGER_DELAY, /**< Trigger delay. */
FRAME_RATE, /**< Frame rate. */
TEMPERATURE, /**< Temperature. */
UNSPECIFIED_PROPERTY_TYPE, /**< Unspecified property type. */
/** Frame rates in frames per second. */
enum FrameRate
FRAMERATE_1_875, /**< 1.875 fps. */
FRAMERATE_3_75, /**< 3.75 fps. */
FRAMERATE_7_5, /**< 7.5 fps. */
FRAMERATE_15, /**< 15 fps. */
FRAMERATE_30, /**< 30 fps. */
FRAMERATE_60, /**< 60 fps. */
FRAMERATE_120, /**< 120 fps. */
FRAMERATE_240, /**< 240 fps. */
FRAMERATE_FORMAT7, /**< Custom frame rate for Format7 functionality. */
NUM_FRAMERATES, /**< Number of possible camera frame rates. */
/** DCAM video modes. */
enum VideoMode
VIDEOMODE_160x120YUV444, /**< 160x120 YUV444. */
VIDEOMODE_320x240YUV422, /**< 320x240 YUV422. */
VIDEOMODE_640x480YUV411, /**< 640x480 YUV411. */
VIDEOMODE_640x480YUV422, /**< 640x480 YUV422. */
VIDEOMODE_640x480RGB, /**< 640x480 24-bit RGB. */
VIDEOMODE_640x480Y8, /**< 640x480 8-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_640x480Y16, /**< 640x480 16-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_800x600YUV422, /**< 800x600 YUV422. */
VIDEOMODE_800x600RGB, /**< 800x600 RGB. */
VIDEOMODE_800x600Y8, /**< 800x600 8-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_800x600Y16, /**< 800x600 16-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_1024x768YUV422, /**< 1024x768 YUV422. */
VIDEOMODE_1024x768RGB, /**< 1024x768 RGB. */
VIDEOMODE_1024x768Y8, /**< 1024x768 8-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_1024x768Y16, /**< 1024x768 16-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_1280x960YUV422, /**< 1280x960 YUV422. */
VIDEOMODE_1280x960RGB, /**< 1280x960 RGB. */
VIDEOMODE_1280x960Y8, /**< 1280x960 8-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_1280x960Y16, /**< 1280x960 16-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_1600x1200YUV422, /**< 1600x1200 YUV422. */
VIDEOMODE_1600x1200RGB, /**< 1600x1200 RGB. */
VIDEOMODE_1600x1200Y8, /**< 1600x1200 8-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_1600x1200Y16, /**< 1600x1200 16-bit. */
VIDEOMODE_FORMAT7, /**< Custom video mode for Format7 functionality. */
NUM_VIDEOMODES, /**< Number of possible video modes. */
/** Camera modes for DCAM formats as well as Format7. */
enum Mode
MODE_0 = 0,
NUM_MODES, /**< Number of modes */
/** Pixel formats available for Format7 modes. */
enum PixelFormat
PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO8 = 0x80000000, /**< 8 bits of mono information. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_411YUV8 = 0x40000000, /**< YUV 4:1:1. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_422YUV8 = 0x20000000, /**< YUV 4:2:2. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_444YUV8 = 0x10000000, /**< YUV 4:4:4. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB8 = 0x08000000, /**< R = G = B = 8 bits. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO16 = 0x04000000, /**< 16 bits of mono information. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGB16 = 0x02000000, /**< R = G = B = 16 bits. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_S_MONO16 = 0x01000000, /**< 16 bits of signed mono information. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_S_RGB16 = 0x00800000, /**< R = G = B = 16 bits signed. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW8 = 0x00400000, /**< 8 bit raw data output of sensor. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW16 = 0x00200000, /**< 16 bit raw data output of sensor. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_MONO12 = 0x00100000, /**< 12 bits of mono information. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW12 = 0x00080000, /**< 12 bit raw data output of sensor. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_BGR = 0x80000008, /**< 24 bit BGR. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRU = 0x40000008, /**< 32 bit BGRU. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBU = 0x40000002, /**< 32 bit RGBU. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_BGR16 = 0x02000001, /**< R = G = B = 16 bits. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRU16 = 0x02000002, /**< 64 bit BGRU. */
PIXEL_FORMAT_422YUV8_JPEG = 0x40000001, /**< JPEG compressed stream. */
NUM_PIXEL_FORMATS = 20, /**< Number of pixel formats. */
UNSPECIFIED_PIXEL_FORMAT = 0 /**< Unspecified pixel format. */
/** Bus speeds. */
enum BusSpeed
BUSSPEED_S100, /**< 100Mbits/sec. */
BUSSPEED_S200, /**< 200Mbits/sec. */
BUSSPEED_S400, /**< 400Mbits/sec. */
BUSSPEED_S480, /**< 480Mbits/sec. Only for USB2 cameras. */
BUSSPEED_S800, /**< 800Mbits/sec. */
BUSSPEED_S1600, /**< 1600Mbits/sec. */
BUSSPEED_S3200, /**< 3200Mbits/sec. */
BUSSPEED_S5000, /**< 5000Mbits/sec. Only for USB3 cameras. */
BUSSPEED_10BASE_T, /**< 10Base-T. Only for GigE Vision cameras. */
BUSSPEED_100BASE_T, /**< 100Base-T. Only for GigE Vision cameras.*/
BUSSPEED_1000BASE_T, /**< 1000Base-T (Gigabit Ethernet). Only for GigE Vision cameras. */
BUSSPEED_10000BASE_T, /**< 10000Base-T. Only for GigE Vision cameras. */
BUSSPEED_S_FASTEST, /**< The fastest speed available. */
BUSSPEED_ANY, /**< Any speed that is available. */
BUSSPEED_SPEED_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< Unknown bus speed. */
enum PCIeBusSpeed
PCIE_BUSSPEED_2_5, /** 2.5 Gb/s */
PCIE_BUSSPEED_5_0, /** 5.0 Gb/s */
PCIE_BUSSPEED_UNKNOWN = -1, /** Speed is unknown */
/** Types of low level drivers that flycapture uses. */
enum DriverType
DRIVER_1394_CAM, /**< PGRCam.sys. */
DRIVER_1394_PRO, /**< PGR1394.sys. */
DRIVER_1394_JUJU, /**< firewire_core. */
DRIVER_1394_VIDEO1394, /**< video1394. */
DRIVER_1394_RAW1394, /**< raw1394. */
DRIVER_USB_NONE, /**< No usb driver used just BSD stack. (Linux only) */
DRIVER_USB_CAM, /**< PGRUsbCam.sys. */
DRIVER_GIGE_NONE, /**< no gige drivers used,MS/BSD stack. */
DRIVER_GIGE_PRO, /**< PGRGigEPro.sys. */
DRIVER_GIGE_LWF, /**< PgrLwf.sys. */
DRIVER_UNKNOWN = -1, /**< Unknown driver type. */
* Color processing algorithms. Please refer to our knowledge base at
* article at http://www.ptgrey.com/support/kb/index.asp?a=4&q=33 for
* complete details for each algorithm.
enum ColorProcessingAlgorithm
/** Default method. */
/** No color processing. */
* Fastest but lowest quality. Equivalent to
/** Weights surrounding pixels based on localized edge orientation. */
/** Well-balanced speed and quality. */
/** Slowest but produces good results. */
/** Multithreaded with similar results to edge sensing. */
/** Best quality but much faster than rigorous. */
/** Bayer tile formats. */
enum BayerTileFormat
NONE, /**< No bayer tile format. */
RGGB, /**< Red-Green-Green-Blue. */
GRBG, /**< Green-Red-Blue-Green. */
GBRG, /**< Green-Blue-Red-Green. */
BGGR, /**< Blue-Green-Green-Red. */
/** File formats to be used for saving images to disk. */
enum ImageFileFormat
FROM_FILE_EXT = -1, /**< Determine file format from file extension. */
PGM, /**< Portable gray map. */
PPM, /**< Portable pixmap. */
BMP, /**< Bitmap. */
JPEG, /**< JPEG. */
JPEG2000, /**< JPEG 2000. */
TIFF, /**< Tagged image file format. */
PNG, /**< Portable network graphics. */
RAW, /**< Raw data. */
* @defgroup GigEEnums GigE specific enumerations
* These enumerations are specific to GigE camera operation only.
/** Possible properties that can be queried from the camera. */
enum GigEPropertyType
* @defgroup Structures Structures
/** The current version of the library. */
struct FC2Version
unsigned int major; /**< Major version number. */
unsigned int minor; /**< Minor version number. */
unsigned int type; /**< Type version number. */
unsigned int build; /**< Build version number. */
/** A GUID to the camera. It is used to uniquely identify a camera. */
class PGRGuid
unsigned int value[4];
/** Constructor. */
PGRGuid() { memset( value, 0x0, 4 * sizeof(unsigned int) ); }
/** Equality operator. */
bool operator==( const PGRGuid& guid ) const
if ( this->value[0] == guid.value[0] &&
this->value[1] == guid.value[1] &&
this->value[2] == guid.value[2] &&
this->value[3] == guid.value[3] )
return true;
return false;
/** Inequality operator. */
bool operator!=( const PGRGuid& guid )
return !(operator==( guid ));
* @defgroup GigEStructures GigE specific structures
* These structures are specific to GigE camera operation only.
/** IPv4 address. */
struct IPAddress
unsigned char octets[4];
IPAddress() { memset(octets, 0x0, 4 * sizeof(unsigned char) ); }
IPAddress( unsigned int ipAddressVal )
this->octets[0] = (unsigned char)(ipAddressVal >> 24) & 0xFF;
this->octets[1] = (unsigned char)(ipAddressVal >> 16) & 0xFF;
this->octets[2] = (unsigned char)(ipAddressVal >> 8) & 0xFF;
this->octets[3] = (unsigned char)(ipAddressVal >> 0) & 0xFF;
/** Equality operator. */
bool operator==( const IPAddress& address ) const
if ( this->octets[0] == address.octets[0] &&
this->octets[1] == address.octets[1] &&
this->octets[2] == address.octets[2] &&
this->octets[3] == address.octets[3] )
return true;
return false;
/** Inequality operator. */
bool operator!=( const IPAddress& address )
return !(operator==( address ));
/** MAC address. */
struct MACAddress
unsigned char octets[6];
MACAddress() { memset(octets, 0x0, 6 * sizeof(unsigned char) ); }
MACAddress( unsigned int macAddressValHigh, unsigned int macAddressValLow )
this->octets[0] = (unsigned char)(macAddressValHigh >> 8) & 0xFF;
this->octets[1] = (unsigned char)(macAddressValHigh >> 0) & 0xFF;
this->octets[2] = (unsigned char)(macAddressValLow >> 24) & 0xFF;
this->octets[3] = (unsigned char)(macAddressValLow >> 16) & 0xFF;
this->octets[4] = (unsigned char)(macAddressValLow >> 8) & 0xFF;
this->octets[5] = (unsigned char)(macAddressValLow >> 0) & 0xFF;
/** Equality operator. */
bool operator==( const MACAddress& address ) const
if ( this->octets[0] == address.octets[0] &&
this->octets[1] == address.octets[1] &&
this->octets[2] == address.octets[2] &&
this->octets[3] == address.octets[3] &&
this->octets[4] == address.octets[4] &&
this->octets[5] == address.octets[5] )
return true;
return false;
/** Inequality operator. */
bool operator!=( const MACAddress& address )
return !(operator==( address ));
/** A GigE property. */
struct GigEProperty
/** The type of property. */
GigEPropertyType propType;
* Whether the property is readable. If this is false, then
* no other value in this structure is valid.
bool isReadable;
/** Whether the property is writable. */
bool isWritable;
/** Minimum value. */
unsigned int min;
/** Maximum value. */
unsigned int max;
/** Current value. */
unsigned int value;
/** Information about a single GigE stream channel. */
struct GigEStreamChannel
/** Network interface index used (or to use). */
unsigned int networkInterfaceIndex;
/** Host port on the PC where the camera will send the data stream. */
unsigned int hostPort;
/** Disable IP fragmentation of packets. */
bool doNotFragment;
/** Packet size, in bytes. */
unsigned int packetSize;
/** Inter packet delay, in timestamp counter units. */
unsigned int interPacketDelay;
/** Destination IP address. It can be a multicast or unicast address. */
IPAddress destinationIpAddress;
/** Source UDP port of the stream channel. Read only. */
unsigned int sourcePort;
networkInterfaceIndex = 0;
hostPort = 0;
doNotFragment = false;
packetSize = 0;
interPacketDelay = 0;
sourcePort = 0;
* Configuration for a GigE camera. These options are options that are
* generally should be set before starting isochronous transfer.
struct GigEConfig
/** Turn on/off packet resend functionality */
bool enablePacketResend;
* Number of retries to perform when a register read/write timeout
* is received by the library. The default value is 0.
unsigned int registerTimeoutRetries;
* Register read/write timeout value, in microseconds.
* The default value is dependent on the interface type.
unsigned int registerTimeout;
enablePacketResend = false;
registerTimeoutRetries = 3;
registerTimeout = 20000;
/** Format 7 information for a single mode. */
struct GigEImageSettingsInfo
/** Maximum image width. */
unsigned int maxWidth;
/** Maximum image height. */
unsigned int maxHeight;
/** Horizontal step size for the offset. */
unsigned int offsetHStepSize;
/** Vertical step size for the offset. */
unsigned int offsetVStepSize;
/** Horizontal step size for the image. */
unsigned int imageHStepSize;
/** Vertical step size for the image. */
unsigned int imageVStepSize;
/** Supported pixel formats in a bit field. */
unsigned int pixelFormatBitField;
/** Vendor unique pixel formats in a bit field. */
unsigned int vendorPixelFormatBitField;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
maxWidth = 0;
maxHeight = 0;
offsetHStepSize = 0;
offsetVStepSize = 0;
imageHStepSize = 0;
imageVStepSize = 0;
pixelFormatBitField = 0;
vendorPixelFormatBitField = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** Image settings for a GigE camera. */
struct GigEImageSettings
/** Horizontal image offset. */
unsigned int offsetX;
/** Vertical image offset. */
unsigned int offsetY;
/** Width of image. */
unsigned int width;
/** Height of image. */
unsigned int height;
/** Pixel format of image. */
PixelFormat pixelFormat;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
offsetX = 0;
offsetY = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
* @defgroup IIDCStructures IIDC specific structures
* These structures are specific to IIDC camera operation only.
/** Format 7 image settings. */
struct Format7ImageSettings
/** Format 7 mode. */
Mode mode;
/** Horizontal image offset. */
unsigned int offsetX;
/** Vertical image offset. */
unsigned int offsetY;
/** Width of image. */
unsigned int width;
/** Height of image. */
unsigned int height;
/** Pixel format of image. */
PixelFormat pixelFormat;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
mode = MODE_0;
offsetX = 0;
offsetY = 0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** Format 7 information for a single mode. */
struct Format7Info
/** Format 7 mode. */
Mode mode;
/** Maximum image width. */
unsigned int maxWidth;
/** Maximum image height. */
unsigned int maxHeight;
/** Horizontal step size for the offset. */
unsigned int offsetHStepSize;
/** Vertical step size for the offset. */
unsigned int offsetVStepSize;
/** Horizontal step size for the image. */
unsigned int imageHStepSize;
/** Vertical step size for the image. */
unsigned int imageVStepSize;
/** Supported pixel formats in a bit field. */
unsigned int pixelFormatBitField;
/** Vendor unique pixel formats in a bit field. */
unsigned int vendorPixelFormatBitField;
/** Current packet size in bytes. */
unsigned int packetSize;
/** Minimum packet size in bytes for current mode. */
unsigned int minPacketSize;
/** Maximum packet size in bytes for current mode. */
unsigned int maxPacketSize;
/** Current packet size as a percentage of maximum packet size. */
float percentage;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
mode = MODE_0;
maxWidth = 0;
maxHeight = 0;
offsetHStepSize = 0;
offsetVStepSize = 0;
imageHStepSize = 0;
imageVStepSize = 0;
pixelFormatBitField = 0;
vendorPixelFormatBitField = 0;
packetSize = 0;
minPacketSize = 0;
maxPacketSize = 0;
percentage = 0.0f;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** Format 7 packet information. */
struct Format7PacketInfo
/** Recommended bytes per packet. */
unsigned int recommendedBytesPerPacket;
/** Maximum bytes per packet. */
unsigned int maxBytesPerPacket;
/** Minimum bytes per packet. */
unsigned int unitBytesPerPacket;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
recommendedBytesPerPacket = 0;
maxBytesPerPacket = 0;
unitBytesPerPacket = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
* Configuration for a camera. These options are options that are
* generally should be set before starting isochronous transfer.
struct FC2Config
/** Number of buffers used by the FlyCapture2 library to grab images. */
unsigned int numBuffers;
* Number of notifications per image. This value should only be set
* after the image settings to be used is set to the camera.
* The default number of notifications is 1.
* There are 4 general scenarios:
* - 1 notification - End of image
* - 2 notifications - After first packet and end of image
* - 3 notifications - After first packet, middle of image, end of image
* - x notifications - After first packet, (x -2) spread evenly, end of image
* Specifying zero for the number of notifications will be ignored (the current value
* will not be modified).
* Note that the event numbers start at 0. Ex. when 3 notifications are
* used, the three events will be 0, 1 and 2.
unsigned int numImageNotifications;
* Minimum number of notifications needed for the current image
* settings on the camera. Read-only value.
unsigned int minNumImageNotifications;
* Time in milliseconds that RetrieveBuffer() and WaitForBufferEvent()
* will wait for an image before timing out and returning.
int grabTimeout;
/** Grab mode for the camera. The default is DROP_FRAMES. */
GrabMode grabMode;
/** This parameter enables RetireveBuffer to run in high
* performance mode. This means that any interaction
* with the camera, other then grabbing the image is disabled.
* Currently Retrieve buffer reads registers on the camera to
* determine which embedded image information settings have been
* enabled, and it reads what the bayer tile is currently set to.
* When High Performance mode is on, these reads are disabled. This
* means that any changes to the Bayer Tile or to the Embedded image
* info after StartCapture() will not be tracked when made using
* direct register writes. If the corresponding SetEmbededImageInfo()
* and GetEmbededImageInfo() calls are used then the changes will be
* appropriately reflected. This also means that changes to embedded
* image info from other processes will not be updated either.*/
bool highPerformanceRetrieveBuffer;
/** Isochronous bus speed. */
BusSpeed isochBusSpeed;
/** Asynchronous bus speed. */
BusSpeed asyncBusSpeed;
* Bandwidth allocation flag that tells the camera the bandwidth
* allocation strategy to employ.
BandwidthAllocation bandwidthAllocation;
* Number of retries to perform when a register read/write timeout
* is received by the library. The default value is 0.
unsigned int registerTimeoutRetries;
* Register read/write timeout value, in microseconds.
* The default value is dependent on the interface type.
unsigned int registerTimeout;
/** Reserved for future use */
unsigned int reserved[16];
numBuffers = 0;
numImageNotifications = 0;
minNumImageNotifications = 0;
isochBusSpeed = BUSSPEED_ANY;
asyncBusSpeed = BUSSPEED_ANY;
registerTimeoutRetries = 0;
registerTimeout = 0;
highPerformanceRetrieveBuffer = false;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
* Information about a specific camera property. This structure is also
* also used as the TriggerDelayInfo structure.
struct PropertyInfo
/** Property info type. */
PropertyType type;
/** Flag indicating if the property is present. */
bool present;
/** Flag indicating if auto is supported. */
bool autoSupported;
/** Flag indicating if manual is supported. */
bool manualSupported;
/** Flag indicating if on/off is supported. */
bool onOffSupported;
/** Flag indicating if one push is supported. */
bool onePushSupported;
/** Flag indicating if absolute mode is supported. */
bool absValSupported;
/** Flag indicating if property value can be read out. */
bool readOutSupported;
/** Minimum value (as an integer). */
unsigned int min;
/** Maximum value (as an integer). */
unsigned int max;
/** Minimum value (as a floating point value). */
float absMin;
/** Maximum value (as a floating point value). */
float absMax;
/** Textual description of units. */
char pUnits[sk_maxStringLength];
/** Abbreviated textual description of units. */
char pUnitAbbr[sk_maxStringLength];
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
present = false;
autoSupported = false;
manualSupported = false;
onOffSupported = false;
onePushSupported = false;
absValSupported = false;
readOutSupported = false;
min = 0;
max = 0;
absMin = 0.0f;
absMax = 0.0f;
memset( pUnits, 0, sk_maxStringLength );
memset( pUnitAbbr, 0, sk_maxStringLength );
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
PropertyInfo( PropertyType propType )
type = propType;
present = false;
autoSupported = false;
manualSupported = false;
onOffSupported = false;
onePushSupported = false;
absValSupported = false;
readOutSupported = false;
min = 0;
max = 0;
absMin = 0.0f;
absMax = 0.0f;
memset( pUnits, 0, sk_maxStringLength );
memset( pUnitAbbr, 0, sk_maxStringLength );
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** The TriggerDelayInfo structure is identical to PropertyInfo. */
typedef PropertyInfo TriggerDelayInfo;
* A specific camera property. \n
* For example, to set the gain to 12dB, set the following values:
* - \a type - \c GAIN
* - \a absControl - \c true
* - \a onePush - \c false
* - \a onOff - \c true
* - \a autoManualMode - \c false
* - \a absValue - \c 12.0
struct Property
/** Property info type. */
PropertyType type;
/** Flag indicating if the property is present. */
bool present;
* Flag controlling absolute mode (real world units)
* or non-absolute mode (camera internal units).
bool absControl;
/** Flag controlling one push. */
bool onePush;
/** Flag controlling on/off. */
bool onOff;
/** Flag controlling auto. */
bool autoManualMode;
* Value A (integer).
* Used to configure properties in non-absolute mode.
unsigned int valueA;
* Value B (integer). For white balance, value B applies to the blue value and
* value A applies to the red value.
unsigned int valueB;
* Floating point value.
* Used to configure properties in absolute mode.
float absValue;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
present = false;
absControl = false;
onePush = false;
onOff = false;
autoManualMode = false;
valueA = 0;
valueB = 0;
absValue = 0.0f;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
Property( PropertyType propType )
type = propType;
present = false;
absControl = false;
onePush = false;
onOff = false;
autoManualMode = false;
valueA = 0;
valueB = 0;
absValue = 0.0f;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** The TriggerDelay structure is identical to Property. */
typedef Property TriggerDelay;
/** Information about a camera trigger property. */
struct TriggerModeInfo
/** Presence of trigger mode. */
bool present;
/** Flag indicating if trigger value can be read out. */
bool readOutSupported;
/** Flag indicating if on/off is supported. */
bool onOffSupported;
/** Flag indicating if polarity is supported. */
bool polaritySupported;
/** Flag indicating if the value is readable. */
bool valueReadable;
/** Source mask. */
unsigned int sourceMask;
/** Flag indicating if software trigger is supported. */
bool softwareTriggerSupported;
/** Mode mask. */
unsigned int modeMask;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
present = false;
readOutSupported = false;
onOffSupported = false;
polaritySupported = false;
valueReadable = false;
sourceMask = 0;
softwareTriggerSupported = false;
modeMask = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** A camera trigger. */
struct TriggerMode
/** Flag controlling on/off. */
bool onOff;
/** Polarity value. */
unsigned int polarity;
/** Source value. */
unsigned int source;
/** Mode value. */
unsigned int mode;
/** Parameter value. */
unsigned int parameter;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
onOff = false;
polarity = 0;
source = 0;
mode = 0;
parameter = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** A camera strobe property. */
struct StrobeInfo
/** Source value. */
unsigned int source;
/** Presence of strobe. */
bool present;
/** Flag indicating if strobe value can be read out. */
bool readOutSupported;
/** Flag indicating if on/off is supported. */
bool onOffSupported;
/** Flag indicating if polarity is supported. */
bool polaritySupported;
/** Minimum value. */
float minValue;
/** Maximum value. */
float maxValue;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
source = 0;
present = false;
readOutSupported = false;
onOffSupported = false;
polaritySupported = false;
minValue = 0.0f;
maxValue = 0.0f;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** A camera strobe. */
struct StrobeControl
/** Source value. */
unsigned int source;
/** Flag controlling on/off. */
bool onOff;
/** Signal polarity. */
unsigned int polarity;
/** Signal delay (in ms). */
float delay;
/** Signal duration (in ms). */
float duration;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
source = 0;
onOff = false;
polarity = 0;
delay = 0.0f;
duration = 0.0f;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** Timestamp information. */
struct TimeStamp
/** Seconds. */
long long seconds;
/** Microseconds. */
unsigned int microSeconds;
/** 1394 cycle time seconds. */
unsigned int cycleSeconds;
/** 1394 cycle time count. */
unsigned int cycleCount;
/** 1394 cycle time offset. */
unsigned int cycleOffset;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
seconds = 0;
microSeconds = 0;
cycleSeconds = 0;
cycleCount = 0;
cycleOffset = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** Camera configuration ROM. */
struct ConfigROM
/** Vendor ID of a node. */
unsigned int nodeVendorId;
/** Chip ID (high part). */
unsigned int chipIdHi;
/** Chip ID (low part). */
unsigned int chipIdLo;
/** Unit Spec ID, usually 0xa02d. */
unsigned int unitSpecId;
/** Unit software version. */
unsigned int unitSWVer;
/** Unit sub software version. */
unsigned int unitSubSWVer;
/** Vendor unique info 0. */
unsigned int vendorUniqueInfo_0;
/** Vendor unique info 1. */
unsigned int vendorUniqueInfo_1;
/** Vendor unique info 2. */
unsigned int vendorUniqueInfo_2;
/** Vendor unique info 3. */
unsigned int vendorUniqueInfo_3;
/** Keyword. */
char pszKeyword[ sk_maxStringLength ];
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
nodeVendorId = 0;
chipIdHi = 0;
chipIdLo = 0;
unitSpecId = 0;
unitSWVer = 0;
unitSubSWVer = 0;
vendorUniqueInfo_0 = 0;
vendorUniqueInfo_1 = 0;
vendorUniqueInfo_2 = 0;
vendorUniqueInfo_3 = 0;
memset( pszKeyword, 0, sizeof ( pszKeyword ) );
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** Camera information. */
struct CameraInfo
/** Device serial number. */
unsigned int serialNumber;
/** Interface type. */
InterfaceType interfaceType;
/** Driver type. */
DriverType driverType;
/** Flag indicating if this is a color camera. */
bool isColorCamera;
/** Device model name. */
char modelName[sk_maxStringLength];
/** Device vendor name. */
char vendorName[sk_maxStringLength];
/** String detailing the sensor information. */
char sensorInfo[sk_maxStringLength];
/** String providing the sensor resolution. */
char sensorResolution[sk_maxStringLength];
/** Driver name of driver being used. */
char driverName[sk_maxStringLength];
/** Firmware version of camera. */
char firmwareVersion[sk_maxStringLength];
/** Firmware build time. */
char firmwareBuildTime[sk_maxStringLength];
/** Maximum bus speed. */
BusSpeed maximumBusSpeed;
/** Bayer tile format. */
BayerTileFormat bayerTileFormat;
/** Bus number, set to 0 for GigE and USB cameras **/
unsigned short busNumber;
/** ieee1394 Node number, set to 0 for GigE and USB cameras **/
unsigned short nodeNumber;
/** PCIe Bus Speed, set to PCIE_BUSSPEED_UNKNOWN for unsupported drivers **/
PCIeBusSpeed pcieBusSpeed;
/** @name IIDC specific information */
/** DCAM version. */
unsigned int iidcVer;
/** Configuration ROM data. */
ConfigROM configROM;
/** @name GigE specific information */
/** GigE Vision version. */
unsigned int gigEMajorVersion;
/** GigE Vision minor version. */
unsigned int gigEMinorVersion;
/** User defined name. */
char userDefinedName[sk_maxStringLength];
/** XML URL 1. */
char xmlURL1[sk_maxStringLength];
/** XML URL 2. */
char xmlURL2[sk_maxStringLength];
/** MAC address */
MACAddress macAddress;
/** IP address. */
IPAddress ipAddress;
/** Subnet mask. */
IPAddress subnetMask;
/** Default gateway. */
IPAddress defaultGateway;
/** Status/Content of CCP register */
unsigned int ccpStatus;
/** Local Application IP Address. */
unsigned int applicationIPAddress;
/** Local Application port. */
unsigned int applicationPort;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
serialNumber = 0;
interfaceType = INTERFACE_UNKNOWN;
driverType = DRIVER_UNKNOWN;
isColorCamera = false;
memset( modelName, 0, sizeof( modelName ) );
memset( vendorName, 0, sizeof( vendorName ) );
memset( sensorInfo, 0, sizeof( sensorInfo ) );
memset( sensorResolution, 0, sizeof( sensorResolution ) );
memset( driverName, 0, sizeof(driverName) );
memset( firmwareVersion, 0, sizeof( firmwareVersion ) );
memset( firmwareBuildTime, 0, sizeof( firmwareBuildTime ) );
bayerTileFormat = NONE;
busNumber = 0;
nodeNumber = 0;
iidcVer = 0;
// GigE
gigEMajorVersion = 0;
gigEMinorVersion = 0;
ccpStatus = 0;
applicationIPAddress = 0;
applicationPort = 0;
memset( userDefinedName, 0x0, sizeof(userDefinedName) );
memset( xmlURL1, 0x0, sizeof(xmlURL1) );
memset( xmlURL2, 0x0, sizeof(xmlURL2) );
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** Properties of a single embedded image info property. */
struct EmbeddedImageInfoProperty
/** Whether this property is available. */
bool available;
/** Whether this property is on or off. */
bool onOff;
available = false;
onOff = false;
/** Properties of the possible embedded image information. */
struct EmbeddedImageInfo
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty timestamp;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty gain;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty shutter;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty brightness;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty exposure;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty whiteBalance;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty frameCounter;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty strobePattern;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty GPIOPinState;
EmbeddedImageInfoProperty ROIPosition;
/** Metadata related to an image. */
struct ImageMetadata
/** Embedded timestamp. */
unsigned int embeddedTimeStamp;
/** Embedded gain. */
unsigned int embeddedGain;
/** Embedded shutter. */
unsigned int embeddedShutter;
/** Embedded brightness. */
unsigned int embeddedBrightness;
/** Embedded exposure. */
unsigned int embeddedExposure;
/** Embedded white balance. */
unsigned int embeddedWhiteBalance;
/** Embedded frame counter. */
unsigned int embeddedFrameCounter;
/** Embedded strobe pattern. */
unsigned int embeddedStrobePattern;
/** Embedded GPIO pin state. */
unsigned int embeddedGPIOPinState;
/** Embedded ROI position. */
unsigned int embeddedROIPosition;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[31];
embeddedTimeStamp = 0;
embeddedGain = 0;
embeddedShutter = 0;
embeddedBrightness = 0;
embeddedExposure = 0;
embeddedWhiteBalance = 0;
embeddedFrameCounter = 0;
embeddedStrobePattern = 0;
embeddedGPIOPinState = 0;
embeddedROIPosition = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved));
/** Information about the camera's look up table. */
struct LUTData
/** Flag indicating if LUT is supported. */
bool supported;
/** Flag indicating if LUT is enabled. */
bool enabled;
/** The number of LUT banks available (Always 1 for PGR LUT). */
unsigned int numBanks;
/** The number of LUT channels per bank available. */
unsigned int numChannels;
/** The input bit depth of the LUT. */
unsigned int inputBitDepth;
/** The output bit depth of the LUT. */
unsigned int outputBitDepth;
/** The number of entries in the LUT. */
unsigned int numEntries;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[8];
supported = false;
enabled = false;
numBanks = 0;
numChannels = 0;
inputBitDepth = 0;
outputBitDepth = 0;
numEntries = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
/** Camera diagnostic information. */
struct CameraStats
/* Number of dropped images in DROP_IMAGE mode */
unsigned int imageDropped;
/* Number of corrupt images, such as missing packet, zero packet */
unsigned int imageCorrupt;
/* Number of transmissions failed of camera */
unsigned int imageXmitFailed;
/* Number of images dropped in driver */
unsigned int imageDriverDropped;
/* Errors of register reading */
unsigned int regReadFailed;
/* Errors of register writing */
unsigned int regWriteFailed;
/* Port errors */
unsigned int portErrors;
/* The value of the camera power register.
* false: Camera is powered down.
* true: Camera is powered up.
bool cameraPowerUp;
/* The voltage values of the various voltage registers
* supported by the camera.
float cameraVoltages[8];
/** The number of voltage registers available.
* 0: the values in cameraVoltages[] are invalid.
unsigned int numVoltages;
/* The current values of the various current registers
* supported by the camera.
float cameraCurrents[8];
/** The number of current registers available.
* 0: the values in cameraCurrents[] are invalid.
unsigned int numCurrents;
/* The temperature of the camera board-level components. The value is
* in kelvins (0°C = 273.15K) and are in one-tenths (0.1) of a kelvin.
unsigned int temperature;
/* Time in seconds since the camera was initialized. */
unsigned int timeSinceInitialization;
/* Time in seconds since the camera detected a bus reset. */
unsigned int timeSinceBusReset;
/* Time stamp */
TimeStamp timeStamp;
/* Number of packets requested for resend */
unsigned int numResendPacketsRequested;
/* Number of packet-resend packets received */
unsigned int numResendPacketsReceived;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
imageDropped = 0;
imageCorrupt = 0;
imageXmitFailed = 0;
imageDriverDropped = 0;
regReadFailed = 0;
regWriteFailed = 0;
portErrors = 0;
cameraPowerUp = false;
memset( cameraVoltages, 0, sizeof(cameraVoltages) );
numVoltages = 0;
memset( cameraCurrents, 0, sizeof(cameraCurrents) );
numCurrents = 0;
temperature = 0;
timeSinceInitialization = 0;
timeSinceBusReset = 0;
memset( reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved) );
* @defgroup ImageSaveStructures Image saving structures.
* These structures define various parameters used for saving images.
/** Options for saving PNG images. */
struct PNGOption
/** Whether to save the PNG as interlaced. */
bool interlaced;
/** Compression level (0-9). 0 is no compression, 9 is best compression. */
unsigned int compressionLevel;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
interlaced = false;
compressionLevel = 6;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/** Options for saving PPM images. */
struct PPMOption
/** Whether to save the PPM as a binary file. */
bool binaryFile;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
binaryFile = true;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/** Options for saving PGM images. */
struct PGMOption
/** Whether to save the PPM as a binary file. */
bool binaryFile;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
binaryFile = true;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/** Options for saving TIFF images. */
struct TIFFOption
enum CompressionMethod
NONE = 1, /**< Save without any compression. */
PACKBITS, /**< Save using PACKBITS compression. */
DEFLATE, /**< Save using DEFLATE compression (ZLIB compression). */
ADOBE_DEFLATE, /**< Save using ADOBE DEFLATE compression */
* Save using CCITT Group 3 fax encoding. This is only valid for
* 1-bit images only. Default to LZW for other bit depths.
* Save using CCITT Group 4 fax encoding. This is only valid for
* 1-bit images only. Default to LZW for other bit depths.
LZW, /**< Save using LZW compression. */
* Save using JPEG compression. This is only valid for 8-bit
* greyscale and 24-bit only. Default to LZW for other bit depths.
/** Compression method to use for encoding TIFF images. */
CompressionMethod compression;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
compression = LZW;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/** Options for saving JPEG image. */
struct JPEGOption
/** Whether to save as a progressive JPEG file. */
bool progressive;
* JPEG image quality in range (0-100).
* - 100 - Superb quality.
* - 75 - Good quality.
* - 50 - Normal quality.
* - 10 - Poor quality.
unsigned int quality;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
progressive = false;
quality = 75;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/** Options for saving JPEG2000 image. */
struct JPG2Option
/** JPEG saving quality in range (1-512). */
unsigned int quality;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
quality = 16;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/** Options for saving Bitmap image. */
struct BMPOption
bool indexedColor_8bit;
/** Reserved for future use. */
unsigned int reserved[16];
indexedColor_8bit = false;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof(reserved));
/** Options for saving MJPG files. */
struct MJPGOption
/** Frame rate of the stream */
float frameRate;
/** Image quality (1-100) */
unsigned int quality;
unsigned int reserved[256];
frameRate = 15.0;
quality = 75;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/** Options for saving H264 files. */
struct H264Option
/** Frame rate of the stream */
float frameRate;
/** Width of source image */
unsigned int width;
/** Height of source image */
unsigned int height;
/** Bitrate to encode at */
unsigned int bitrate;
/** Reserved for future use */
unsigned int reserved[256];
frameRate = 15.0;
width = 0;
height = 0;
bitrate = 1000000;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/** Options for saving AVI files. */
struct AVIOption
/** Frame rate of the stream */
float frameRate;
/** Reserved for future use */
unsigned int reserved[256];
frameRate = 15.0;
memset(reserved, 0, sizeof (reserved));
/* Callback function typedef: a function accepting pointer-to-void input as its sole
* argument, and returns void (ie: nothing).
typedef void (*CameraEventCallback)(void* data);
/** Options for enabling device event registration. */
struct EventOptions
/** Callback function pointer */
CameraEventCallback EventCallbackFcn;
/** Event name to register */
const char* EventName;
/** Pointer to callback data to be passed to the callback function */
const void* EventUserData;
/** Size of the underlying struct passed as eventCallbackData for sanity checks */
size_t EventUserDataSize;
/* Callback data passed to the callback function provided when using
* RegisterEvent() or RegisterAllEvents().
struct EventCallbackData
/** Pointer to the user-supplied data struct */
void* EventUserData;
/** Size of the user data data supplied to the RegisterEvent()
* function.
size_t EventUserDataSize;
/** The event name used to register the event. Provided so the user
* knows which event triggered the callback.
const char* EventName;
/** The device register which EventName maps to. Provides an alternate
* means of indexing into different event types.
long long unsigned EventID;
/** Timestamp indicated the time (as reported by the camera) at which
* the camera exposure operation completed. This can be compared with
* image stimestamps if there is a need to map event timestamps to
* specific images, if applicable.
long long unsigned EventTimestamp;
/** A pointer to additional data pertaining to the event which just
* trigger the callback function. The data may be of difference sizes
* or may not even be allocated, depending on the type of event which
* triggered the callback.
void* EventData;
/** The size of the structure pointed to by EventData. This value should
* be checked, especially if there are events which can trigger variable-
* length event data to be returned to the user when the callback function
* is issued.
size_t EventDataSize;