ScyllaHide c8a0e1f7bf Added Theorem Umgebungen
theorem Umgebungen hinzugefügt:
Definition, Lemma, Bemerkung, Beweis, Beispiel, Satz und Theorem
Kap 6 komplexe zahlen fertig 5 und 7 in Arbeit
Alle Umlaute korrigiert
2017-12-01 02:36:12 +01:00

146 lines
5.2 KiB

% math/enviroments
\usepackage{stmaryrd} % Widerspruch symbol
\usepackage[framed, hyperref, thmmarks, amsmath]{ntheorem}
%theorem enviroment
% example
% defintion
% corollary
% remark
% satz
% beweis
% lemma
%General newcommands!
\newcommand{\comp}{\mathbb{C}} % complex set C
\newcommand{\real}{\mathbb{R}} % real set R
\newcommand{\whole}{\mathbb{Z}} % whole number Symbol
\newcommand{\natur}{\mathbb{N}} % natural number Symbol
\newcommand{\ratio}{\mathbb{Q}} % rational number symbol
\newcommand{\field}{\mathbb{K}} % general field for the others above!
\newcommand{\diff}{\mathrm{d}} % differential d
\newcommand{\s}{\,\,} % space after the function in the intergral
\newcommand{\cont}{\mathcal{C}} % Contour C
\newcommand{\fuk}{f(z) \s\diff z} % f(z) dz
\newcommand{\funk}{f(z)} % f(z)
\newcommand{\diffz}{\s\diff z}
\newcommand{\subint}{\int\limits} % lower boundaries for the integral
\newcommand{\poly}{\mathcal{P}} % special P - polygon
\newcommand{\defi}{\mathcal{D}} % D for the domain of a function
\newcommand{\cover}{\mathcal{U}} % cover for a set
\newcommand{\setsys}{\mathcal{M}} % set system M
\newcommand{\setnys}{\mathcal{N}} % set system N
\newcommand{\zetafunk}{f(\zeta)\s\diff \zeta} %f(zeta) d zeta
\newcommand{\ztfunk}{f(\zeta)} % f(zeta)
\newcommand*{\QEDA}{\hfill\ensuremath{\blacksquare}} %tombstone
\newcommand{\emptybra}{\{\varnothing\}} % empty set with set-bracket
\newcommand{\series}{(a_n)_{n\in\natur}} % series a_n€|N
\newcommand{\seriesa}{(a_n)} % short for \seriesa
\newcommand{\seriesb}{(b_n)} % with b
\newcommand{\seriesc}{(c_n)} % with c
\newcommand{\seriesk}{(a_k)} % a with k
\newcommand{\varepz}{\varepsilon > 0}
\newcommand{\Imag}{\operatorname{Im}} % Imaginary symbol
\newcommand{\Realz}{\operatorname{Re}} % Real symbol
\newcommand{\norm}{\| \cdot \|}
\newcommand{\half}{\frac{1}{2}} % 1/2
\newcommand{\halfn}{\frac{1}{n}} % 1/n
\newcommand{\halftri}{\frac{1}{3}} % 1/3
\newcommand{\sumkk}{\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}} % sum from k=0 to \infty
\newcommand{\sumkkone}{\sum_{k=0}^{\infty}} % sum from k=1 to \infty
\newcommand{\sumk}{\textstyle \sum_{k}} % shortform of k=0 to \infty
\newcommand{\foralln}{\forall n} %all n
\newcommand{\forallnset}{\forall n \in \natur} %all n € |N
\newcommand{\forallnz}{\forall n \geq _0} % all n >= n_0
\newcommand{\metric}{(X,d)} % metric space symbol
\newcommand{\metricsym}{|\cdot|} % |*|
\newcommand{\conjz}{\overline{z}} % conjugated z
\newcommand{\tildz}{\tilde{z}} % different z
\newcommand{\lproofar}{"`$ \Lightarrow $"'} % "`<="'
\newcommand{\rproofar}{"`$ \Rightarrow $"'} % "`=>"'
\newcommand{\rangen}{1,\dots,n} % 1,...,n
\newcommand{\dotsco}{,\dots,} % ,...,
\title{\textbf{Analysis 1. Semester (WS2017/18)}}
\author{Dozent: Prof. Dr. Friedemann Schuricht\\
Kursassistenz: Moritz Schönherr}
\date{Stand: \today}
\item Forster: Analysis 1 + 2, Vieweg
\item Königsberger: Analysis 1 + 2, Springer
\item Hildebrandt: Analysis 1 + 2, Springer
\item Walter: Analysis 1 + 2, Springer
\item Escher/Amann: Analysis 1 + 2, Birkhäuser
\item Ebbinghaus: Einfühung in die Mengenlehre, BI-Wissenschaftsverlag
\item Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik, Teubner 1996
\item Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik, Springer 2012
\part{Grundlagen der Mathematik}
\part{Metrische Räume und Konvergenz}
\part{Funktionen und Stetigkeit}
% bibliography, glossary and index would go here.