\documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node at (1.5,1) (bubble) {Bubblesort}; \draw (0,0) rectangle (3,-9); \draw[fill=lightgray] (0,0) rectangle (3,-2); \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=8pt}] (3,0) -- (3,-2) node[midway, right, xshift=6pt]{sortiert}; \draw (0,-2.5) -- (3,-2.5); \draw[fill=black] (1.5,-3.5) circle (0.1); \draw[fill=black] (1.5,-4.5) circle (0.1); \draw[fill=black] (1.5,-5.5) circle (0.1); \draw (0,-6.5) -- (3,-6.5); \draw (0,-7) -- (3,-7); \draw (0,-7.5) -- (3,-7.5); \draw (0,-8) -- (3,-8); \draw (0,-8.5) -- (3,-8.5); \node at (-0.4,0) (1) {1}; \node at (-0.4,-2) (j-1) {$j-1$}; \node at (-0.4,-2.5) (j) {$j$}; \node at (-0.4,-9) (n) {$n$}; \node at (3,-6.75) (a) {}; \node at (3,-7.25) (b) {}; \node at (3,-7.75) (c) {}; \node at (3,-8.25) (d) {}; \node at (3,-8.75) (e) {}; \draw[->, thick] (a) to [out=0, in=0] (b); \draw[->, thick] (b) to [out=0, in=0] (c); \draw[->, thick] (c) to [out=0, in=0] (d); \draw[->, thick] (d) to [out=0, in=0] (e); \draw[->, thick] (e) to [out=0, in=0] (d); \draw[->, thick] (d) to [out=0, in=0] (c); \draw[->, thick] (c) to [out=0, in=0] (b); \draw[->, thick] (b) to [out=0, in=0] (a); \node at (7.5,1) (selection) {Selectionsort}; \draw (6,0) rectangle (9,-9); \draw[fill=lightgray] (6,0) rectangle (9,-2); \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=8pt}] (9,0) -- (9,-2) node[midway, right, xshift=6pt]{sortiert}; \draw (6,-2.5) -- (9,-2.5); \node at (5.7,-2.25) (j) {$j$}; \draw (6,-6.5) -- (9,-6.5); \node at (5.7,-6.25) (m) {$m$}; \draw (6,-6) -- (9,-6); \node at (7.5,-6.25) (min) {$min$}; \node at (9,-2.25) (g) {}; \node at (9,-6.25) (h) {}; \draw[->,thick] (h) to [out=0, in=0] (g); \draw[->,thick] (g) to [out=0, in=0] (h); \node at (13.5,1) (insert) {Insertionsort}; \draw (12,0) rectangle (15,-9); \draw[decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=8pt}] (15,0) -- (15,-4) node[midway, right, xshift=6pt]{teilsortiert}; \draw (12,-4.5) -- (15,-4.5); \node at (11.7,-4.25) (j) {$j$}; \draw (12,-4) -- (15,-4); \draw (12,-1) -- (15,-1); \draw (12,-1.5) -- (15,-1.5); \node at (12,-1.25) (k) {}; \draw[->,thick] (j) to [out=150, in=180] (k); \draw[->] (12.5,-1.5) -- (12.5,-2); \draw[->] (13,-2) -- (13,-2.5); \draw[->] (13.5,-2.5) -- (13.5,-3); \draw[->] (14,-3) -- (14,-3.5); \draw[->] (14.5,-3.5) -- (14.5,-4); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}