This commit is contained in:
henrydatei 2018-12-27 20:21:54 +01:00
commit 84cc66378c

View file

@ -517,27 +517,11 @@
{\ifmmode\else\bfseries\fi ???}%similar to \ref\cref: question marks in case of undefined labels
%declare new term to the index, output if no star is given to call position
%\NewDocumentCommand{\begriff}{s O{} m O{}}{%
% \index{#2#3#4}%
% \IfBooleanTF{#1}\relax\uline{#3\/}%
% \futurelet\begriffnextchar\begriffspace%
% \if\begriffnextchar.\else%
% \if\begriffnextchar,\else%
% \if\begriffnextchar;\else%
% \ %
% \fi%
% \fi%
% \fi%
\NewDocumentCommand{\begriff}{s O{} m O{}}{%
\IfBooleanTF{#1}{}{\uline{#3}\ }%
%append a new mathsymbol to the index, output if no star is given at the call position