TUD_MATH_BA/Erasmus/Applied statistics/mathoperators.sty

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%\OptFractionAppearence - differenciate between multiple appearences of fraction
% - 0: simple slash: a/b (option slash)(default)
% - 1: fraction by slash, raised nominator, lowered denominator (option lowerraise)
}{}%further options can be inserted here
\DeclareOptionX*{\PackageWarning{mathoperator}{Unknown option >\CurrentOption<}}
%Provides some common math related commands and operators
%new macro for "equals" ^=
%fraction with backslash
%General newcommands!
\newcommand{\comp}{\mathbb{C}} % complex set C
\newcommand{\real}{\mathbb{R}} % real set R
\newcommand{\whole}{\mathbb{Z}} % whole number Symbol
\newcommand{\natur}{\mathbb{N}} % natural number Symbol
\newcommand{\ratio}{\mathbb{Q}} % rational number symbol
\newcommand{\field}{\mathbb{K}} % general field for the others above!
\newcommand{\diff}{\mathrm{d}} % differential d
\newcommand{\s}{\,\,} % space after the function in the intergral
\newcommand{\cont}{\mathcal{C}} % Contour C
\newcommand{\fuk}{f(z) \s\diff z} % f(z) dz
\newcommand{\diffz}{\s\diff z}
\newcommand{\subint}{\int\limits} % lower boundaries for the integral
\newcommand{\poly}{\mathcal{P}} % special P - polygon
\newcommand{\defi}{\mathcal{D}} % D for the domain of a function
\newcommand{\cover}{\mathcal{U}} % cover for a set
\newcommand{\setsys}{\mathcal{M}} % set system M
\newcommand{\setnys}{\mathcal{N}} % set system N
\newcommand{\zetafunk}{f(\zeta)\s\diff \zeta} %f(zeta) d zeta
\newcommand{\ztfunk}{f(\zeta)} % f(zeta)
\newcommand*{\QEDA}{\hfill\ensuremath{\blacksquare}} %tombstone
\newcommand{\emptybra}{\{\varnothing\}} % empty set with set-bracket
\newcommand{\Imag}{\operatorname{Im}} % Imaginary symbol
\newcommand{\Realz}{\operatorname{Re}} % Real symbol
\newcommand{\norm}{\Vert \cdot \Vert}
\newcommand{\metric}{\vert \cdot \vert}
\newcommand{\foralln}{\forall n} %all n
\newcommand{\forallnset}{\forall n \in \natur} %all n € |N
\newcommand{\forallnz}{\forall n \geq _0} % all n >= n_0
\newcommand{\conjz}{\overline{z}} % conjugated z
\newcommand{\tildz}{\tilde{z}} % different z
\newcommand{\lproofar}{"`$ \Leftarrow $"'} % "`<="'
\newcommand{\rproofar}{"`$ \Rightarrow $"'} % "`=>"'
\newcommand{\beha}{\Rightarrow \text{ Behauptung}}
\newcommand{\bigcupdot}{\bigcup \hspace{-0.35cm} \cdot}
\newcommand{\BIGboxplus}{\mathop{\mathchoice{\raise-0.35em\hbox{\huge $\boxplus$}}{\raise-0.15em\hbox{\Large $\boxplus$}}{\hbox{\large $\boxplus$}}{\boxplus}}}
\newcommand{\eps}{\textit{eps }}
\newcommand{\skalar}[2]{\left\langle #1,#2\right\rangle}
\newcommand{\lnkset}[2]{%Menge der Linksnebenklassen
#1\slash #2%
$#1\slash #2$%
\PackageWarning{mathoperator}{Unkown value for option >fractionAppearence<: \meaning\OptFractionAppearence}%
\bsfrac{#1}{#2}% Menge der Rechtsnebenklassen
\PackageWarning{mathoperator}{Unkown value for option >fractionAppearence<: \meaning\OptFractionAppearence}%
% Math Operators
\DeclareMathOperator{\inn}{int} % Set of inner points
\DeclareMathOperator{\ext}{ext} % Set of outer points
\DeclareMathOperator{\cl}{cl} % Closure