diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9104110..d35d5b0 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -11,13 +11,14 @@
-| ## Table of contents | ## Purpose
-| - [Preview](#preview) | _NotesTeX_ is a modification of the original Jhep journal format in order to suit the needs of students in university.
-| - [Installation](#installation) |
-| - [Example](#example) |
-| - [Documentation](#documentation) |
-| - [License](#license) |
-| - [Version and Contact](#version-and-contact) |
+| ## Table of contents | ## Purpose |
+| ------------- |:-------------:|
+| - [Preview](#preview) | _NotesTeX_ is a modification of the original Jhep journal format in order to suit the needs of students in university. |
+| - [Installation](#installation) | a |
+| - [Example](#example) | b |
+| - [Documentation](#documentation) | c |
+| - [License](#license) | d |
+| - [Version and Contact](#version-and-contact) | e|
## Preview