* Pinout ** Keyboard. | Header | Arduino | Name | Function | Color | |--------+---------+------+----------+--------| | 1 | A0 | KD1 | S1 | | | 2 | A1 | KD2 | S1 | | | 3 | A2 | KD3 | S1 | | | 4 | A3 | KD4 | S1 | | | 5 | A4 | KD5 | S2 | Red | | 6 | A5 | KD6 | S2 | Grey | | 7 | D2 | KD7 | S2 | Yellow | | 8 | D3 | KD8 | S2 | Purple | | 9 | D4 | SA1 | Select A | White | | 10 | D5 | SA2 | Select B | Black | | 11 | D6 | SA3 | Select C | Blue | | 12 | D7 | SA4 | Mult 1 | Orange | | 13 | D8 | SA5 | Mult 2 | Black | | 14 | 5V | 5V | | White | | 15 | GND | GND | | Yellow | See [[file:resources/KSP10, KSP20, KSP30.pdf][service manual]]. #+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-08-14 10:28:26 [[file:Pinout/2021-08-14_10-28-26_screenshot.png]] #+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-08-14 10:28:49 [[file:Pinout/2021-08-14_10-28-49_screenshot.png]] *** Mulitplexer #+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-08-14 10:29:29 [[file:Pinout/2021-08-14_10-29-29_screenshot.png]] #+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-08-14 10:29:44 [[file:Pinout/2021-08-14_10-29-44_screenshot.png]] See [[file:resources/multiplexer.pdf][pdf]]. ** Pedals With $2k\Omega$ resistors. | Header | Arduino | Name | Function | Color | |--------+---------+------+----------+----------------| | 2 | GND | GND | | Brown | | 4 | D9 | SSTE | Sustain | Violet and Red | #+DOWNLOADED: screenshot @ 2021-08-14 10:27:48 [[file:Pinout/2021-08-14_10-27-48_screenshot.png]]