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#pragma once
Hyprland Plugin API.
Most documentation will be made with comments in this code, but more info can be also found on the wiki.
The Hyprland API passes C++ objects over, so no ABI compatibility is guaranteed.
Make sure to compile your plugins with the same compiler as Hyprland, and ideally,
on the same machine.
See examples/examplePlugin for an example plugin
#include "../helpers/Color.hpp"
#include "HookSystem.hpp"
#include "../SharedDefs.hpp"
#include <any>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
typedef std::function<void(void*, std::any)> HOOK_CALLBACK_FN;
typedef struct {
std::string name;
std::string description;
std::string author;
std::string version;
struct SFunctionMatch {
void* address = nullptr;
std::string signature;
std::string demangled;
#define APICALL extern "C"
#define EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#define REQUIRED
#define OPTIONAL
#define HANDLE void*
class IHyprLayout;
class CWindow;
class IHyprWindowDecoration;
struct SConfigValue;
These methods are for the plugin to implement
Methods marked with REQUIRED are required.
called pre-plugin init.
In case of a version mismatch, will eject the .so.
This function should not be modified, see the example plugin.
typedef REQUIRED std::string (*PPLUGIN_API_VERSION_FUNC)();
#define PLUGIN_API_VERSION pluginAPIVersion
#define PLUGIN_API_VERSION_FUNC_STR "pluginAPIVersion"
called on plugin init. Passes a handle as the parameter, which the plugin should keep for identification later.
The plugin should return a PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION_INFO struct with information about itself.
Keep in mind this is executed synchronously, and as such any blocking calls to hyprland might hang. (e.g. system("hyprctl ..."))
#define PLUGIN_INIT pluginInit
#define PLUGIN_INIT_FUNC_STR "pluginInit"
called on plugin unload, if that was a user action. If the plugin is being unloaded by an error,
this will not be called.
Hooks are unloaded after exit.
typedef OPTIONAL void (*PPLUGIN_EXIT_FUNC)(void);
#define PLUGIN_EXIT pluginExit
#define PLUGIN_EXIT_FUNC_STR "pluginExit"
End plugin methods
namespace HyprlandAPI {
Add a config value.
All config values MUST be in the plugin: namespace
This method may only be called in "pluginInit"
After you have registered ALL of your config values, you may call `getConfigValue`
returns: true on success, false on fail
APICALL bool addConfigValue(HANDLE handle, const std::string& name, const SConfigValue& value);
Get a config value.
returns: a pointer to the config value struct, which is guaranteed to be valid for the life of this plugin, unless another `addConfigValue` is called afterwards.
nullptr on error.
APICALL SConfigValue* getConfigValue(HANDLE handle, const std::string& name);
Register a static (pointer) callback to a selected event.
Pointer must be kept valid until unregisterCallback() is called.
returns: true on success, false on fail
APICALL bool registerCallbackStatic(HANDLE handle, const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn);
Register a dynamic (function) callback to a selected event.
Pointer will be free'd by Hyprland on unregisterCallback().
returns: a pointer to the newly allocated function. nullptr on fail.
APICALL HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* registerCallbackDynamic(HANDLE handle, const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn);
Unregisters a callback. If the callback was dynamic, frees the memory.
returns: true on success, false on fail
APICALL bool unregisterCallback(HANDLE handle, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn);
Calls a hyprctl command.
returns: the output (as in hyprctl)
APICALL std::string invokeHyprctlCommand(const std::string& call, const std::string& args, const std::string& format = "");
Adds a layout to Hyprland.
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool addLayout(HANDLE handle, const std::string& name, IHyprLayout* layout);
Removes an added layout from Hyprland.
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool removeLayout(HANDLE handle, IHyprLayout* layout);
Queues a config reload. Does not take effect immediately.
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool reloadConfig();
Adds a notification.
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool addNotification(HANDLE handle, const std::string& text, const CColor& color, const float timeMs);
Creates a trampoline function hook to an internal hl func.
returns: CFunctionHook*
!WARNING! Hooks are *not* guaranteed any API stability. Internal methods may be removed, added, or renamed. Consider preferring the API whenever possible.
APICALL CFunctionHook* createFunctionHook(HANDLE handle, const void* source, const void* destination);
Removes a trampoline function hook. Will unhook if still hooked.
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
!WARNING! Hooks are *not* guaranteed any API stability. Internal methods may be removed, added, or renamed. Consider preferring the API whenever possible.
APICALL bool removeFunctionHook(HANDLE handle, CFunctionHook* hook);
Gets a function address from a signature.
This is useful for hooking private functions.
returns: function address, or nullptr on fail.
Deprecated because of findFunctionsByName.
APICALL [[deprecated]] void* getFunctionAddressFromSignature(HANDLE handle, const std::string& sig);
Adds a window decoration to a window
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool addWindowDecoration(HANDLE handle, CWindow* pWindow, IHyprWindowDecoration* pDecoration);
Removes a window decoration
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool removeWindowDecoration(HANDLE handle, IHyprWindowDecoration* pDecoration);
Adds a keybind dispatcher.
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool addDispatcher(HANDLE handle, const std::string& name, std::function<void(std::string)> handler);
Removes a keybind dispatcher.
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool removeDispatcher(HANDLE handle, const std::string& name);
Adds a notification.
data has to contain:
- text: std::string or const char*
- time: uint64_t
- color: CColor -> CColor(0) will apply the default color for the notification icon
data may contain:
- icon: eIcons
returns: true on success. False otherwise.
APICALL bool addNotificationV2(HANDLE handle, const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::any>& data);
Returns a vector of found functions matching the provided name.
These addresses will not change, and should be made static. Lookups are slow.
Empty means either none found or handle was invalid
APICALL std::vector<SFunctionMatch> findFunctionsByName(HANDLE handle, const std::string& name);
}; |