
119 lines
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#pragma once
#include "../defines.hpp"
#include "../Window.hpp"
struct SWindowRenderLayoutHints {
bool isBorderColor = false;
CColor borderColor;
struct SLayoutMessageHeader {
CWindow* pWindow = nullptr;
enum eFullscreenMode : uint8_t;
interface IHyprLayout {
Called when a window is created (mapped)
The layout HAS TO set the goal pos and size (anim mgr will use it)
If !animationinprogress, then the anim mgr will not apply an anim.
virtual void onWindowCreated(CWindow*) = 0;
Called when a window is removed (unmapped)
virtual void onWindowRemoved(CWindow*) = 0;
Called when the monitor requires a layout recalculation
this usually means reserved area changes
virtual void recalculateMonitor(const int&) = 0;
Called when the compositor requests a window
to be recalculated, e.g. when pseudo is toggled.
virtual void recalculateWindow(CWindow*) = 0;
Called when a window is requested to be floated
virtual void changeWindowFloatingMode(CWindow*) = 0;
Called when a window is clicked on, beginning a drag
this might be a resize, move, whatever the layout defines it
virtual void onBeginDragWindow() = 0;
Called when a user requests a resize of the current window by a vec
Vector2D holds pixel values
Optional pWindow for a specific window
virtual void resizeActiveWindow(const Vector2D&, CWindow* pWindow = nullptr) = 0;
Called when a user requests a move of the current window by a vec
Vector2D holds pixel values
Optional pWindow for a specific window
virtual void moveActiveWindow(const Vector2D&, CWindow* pWindow = nullptr) = 0;
Called when a window is ended being dragged
(mouse up)
virtual void onEndDragWindow() = 0;
Called whenever the mouse moves, should the layout want to
do anything with it.
Useful for dragging.
virtual void onMouseMove(const Vector2D&) = 0;
Called when a window is created, but is requesting to be floated.
Warning: this also includes stuff like popups, incorrect handling
of which can result in a crash!
virtual void onWindowCreatedFloating(CWindow*) = 0;
Called when a window / the user requests to toggle the fullscreen state of a window
The layout sets all the fullscreen flags.
It can either accept or ignore.
virtual void fullscreenRequestForWindow(CWindow*, eFullscreenMode) = 0;
Called when a dispatcher requests a custom message
The layout is free to ignore.
std::any is the reply. Can be empty.
virtual std::any layoutMessage(SLayoutMessageHeader, std::string) = 0;
Required to be handled, but may return just SWindowRenderLayoutHints()
Called when the renderer requests any special draw flags for
a specific window, e.g. border color for groups.
virtual SWindowRenderLayoutHints requestRenderHints(CWindow*) = 0;
Called when the user requests two windows to be swapped places.
The layout is free to ignore.
virtual void switchWindows(CWindow*, CWindow*) = 0;
Called when the user requests to change the splitratio by X
on a window
virtual void alterSplitRatioBy(CWindow*, float) = 0;
Called when something wants the current layout's name
virtual std::string getLayoutName() = 0;