#pragma once #include "defines.hpp" #include "events/Events.hpp" #include "helpers/SubsurfaceTree.hpp" #include "helpers/AnimatedVariable.hpp" #include "render/decorations/IHyprWindowDecoration.hpp" #include #include "config/ConfigDataValues.hpp" enum eIdleInhibitMode { IDLEINHIBIT_NONE = 0, IDLEINHIBIT_ALWAYS, IDLEINHIBIT_FULLSCREEN, IDLEINHIBIT_FOCUS }; struct SWindowSpecialRenderData { bool alphaOverride = false; float alpha = 1.f; bool alphaInactiveOverride = false; float alphaInactive = -1.f; // -1 means unset int64_t activeBorderColor = -1; // -1 means unset int64_t inactiveBorderColor = -1; // -1 means unset // set by the layout bool rounding = true; bool border = true; bool decorate = true; }; struct SWindowAdditionalConfigData { std::string animationStyle = ""; int rounding = -1; // -1 means no bool forceNoBlur = false; bool forceOpaque = false; bool forceOpaqueOverriden = false; // if true, a rule will not change the forceOpaque state. This is for the force opaque dispatcher. bool forceAllowsInput = false; bool forceNoAnims = false; bool forceNoBorder = false; bool forceNoShadow = false; bool windowDanceCompat = false; bool noMaxSize = false; bool dimAround = false; }; struct SWindowRule { std::string szRule; std::string szValue; bool v2 = false; std::string szTitle; std::string szClass; int bX11 = -1; // -1 means "ANY" int bFloating = -1; int bFullscreen = -1; int bPinned = -1; }; class CWindow { public: CWindow(); ~CWindow(); DYNLISTENER(commitWindow); DYNLISTENER(mapWindow); DYNLISTENER(unmapWindow); DYNLISTENER(destroyWindow); DYNLISTENER(setTitleWindow); DYNLISTENER(setGeometryX11U); DYNLISTENER(fullscreenWindow); DYNLISTENER(newPopupXDG); DYNLISTENER(requestMove); DYNLISTENER(requestMinimize); DYNLISTENER(requestMaximize); DYNLISTENER(requestResize); DYNLISTENER(activateX11); DYNLISTENER(configureX11); DYNLISTENER(toplevelClose); DYNLISTENER(toplevelActivate); DYNLISTENER(toplevelFullscreen); // DYNLISTENER(newSubsurfaceWindow); union { wlr_xdg_surface* xdg; wlr_xwayland_surface* xwayland; } m_uSurface; // this is the position and size of the "bounding box" Vector2D m_vPosition = Vector2D(0, 0); Vector2D m_vSize = Vector2D(0, 0); // this is the real position and size used to draw the thing CAnimatedVariable m_vRealPosition; CAnimatedVariable m_vRealSize; // for not spamming the protocols Vector2D m_vReportedPosition; Vector2D m_vReportedSize; // for restoring floating statuses Vector2D m_vLastFloatingSize; Vector2D m_vLastFloatingPosition; // this is used for pseudotiling bool m_bIsPseudotiled = false; Vector2D m_vPseudoSize = Vector2D(0, 0); uint64_t m_iTags = 0; bool m_bIsFloating = false; bool m_bDraggingTiled = false; // for dragging around tiled windows bool m_bIsFullscreen = false; bool m_bWasMaximized = false; uint64_t m_iMonitorID = -1; std::string m_szTitle = ""; int m_iWorkspaceID = -1; bool m_bIsMapped = false; bool m_bRequestsFloat = false; // This is for fullscreen apps bool m_bCreatedOverFullscreen = false; // XWayland stuff bool m_bIsX11 = false; bool m_bMappedX11 = false; CWindow* m_pX11Parent = nullptr; uint64_t m_iX11Type = 0; bool m_bIsModal = false; bool m_bX11DoesntWantBorders = false; bool m_bX11ShouldntFocus = false; // // For nofocus bool m_bNoFocus = false; bool m_bNoInitialFocus = false; // initial fullscreen and fullscreen disabled bool m_bWantsInitialFullscreen = false; bool m_bNoFullscreenRequest = false; SSurfaceTreeNode* m_pSurfaceTree = nullptr; // Animated border CGradientValueData m_cRealBorderColor = {0}; CGradientValueData m_cRealBorderColorPrevious = {0}; CAnimatedVariable m_fBorderAnimationProgress; // Fade in-out CAnimatedVariable m_fAlpha; bool m_bFadingOut = false; bool m_bReadyToDelete = false; Vector2D m_vOriginalClosedPos; // these will be used for calculations later on in Vector2D m_vOriginalClosedSize; // drawing the closing animations // For pinned (sticky) windows bool m_bPinned = false; // urgency hint bool m_bIsUrgent = false; // fakefullscreen bool m_bFakeFullscreenState = false; // for proper cycling. While cycling we can't just move the pointers, so we need to keep track of the last cycled window. CWindow* m_pLastCycledWindow = nullptr; // Foreign Toplevel proto wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1* m_phForeignToplevel = nullptr; // Window decorations std::deque> m_dWindowDecorations; std::vector m_vDecosToRemove; // Special render data, rules, etc SWindowSpecialRenderData m_sSpecialRenderData; SWindowAdditionalConfigData m_sAdditionalConfigData; // for alpha CAnimatedVariable m_fActiveInactiveAlpha; // animated shadow color CAnimatedVariable m_cRealShadowColor; // animated tint CAnimatedVariable m_fDimPercent; // swallowing CWindow* m_pSwallowed = nullptr; // for toplevel monitor events uint64_t m_iLastToplevelMonitorID = -1; uint64_t m_iLastSurfaceMonitorID = -1; // for idle inhibiting windows eIdleInhibitMode m_eIdleInhibitMode = IDLEINHIBIT_NONE; // For the list lookup bool operator==(const CWindow& rhs) { return m_uSurface.xdg == rhs.m_uSurface.xdg && m_uSurface.xwayland == rhs.m_uSurface.xwayland && m_vPosition == rhs.m_vPosition && m_vSize == rhs.m_vSize && m_bFadingOut == rhs.m_bFadingOut; } // methods wlr_box getFullWindowBoundingBox(); wlr_box getWindowIdealBoundingBoxIgnoreReserved(); void updateWindowDecos(); pid_t getPID(); IHyprWindowDecoration* getDecorationByType(eDecorationType); void removeDecorationByType(eDecorationType); void createToplevelHandle(); void destroyToplevelHandle(); void updateToplevel(); void updateSurfaceOutputs(); void moveToWorkspace(int); CWindow* X11TransientFor(); void onUnmap(); void onMap(); void setHidden(bool hidden); bool isHidden(); void applyDynamicRule(const SWindowRule& r); void updateDynamicRules(); private: // For hidden windows and stuff bool m_bHidden = false; };