#pragma once #include inline const std::string AUTOCONFIG = R"#( ######################################################################################## AUTOGENERATED HYPR CONFIG. PLEASE USE THE CONFIG PROVIDED IN THE GIT REPO /examples/hypr.conf AND EDIT IT, OR EDIT THIS ONE ACCORDING TO THE WIKI INSTRUCTIONS. ######################################################################################## autogenerated=1 # remove this line to get rid of the warning on top. monitor=,1920x1080@60,0x0,1 input { kb_layout= kb_variant= kb_model= kb_options= kb_rules= follow_mouse=1 } general { max_fps=60 # deprecated, unused sensitivity=0.25 main_mod=SUPER gaps_in=5 gaps_out=20 border_size=2 col.active_border=0x66ee1111 col.inactive_border=0x66333333 damage_tracking=full # leave it on full unless you hate your GPU and want to make it suffer } decoration { rounding=10 blur=1 blur_size=3 # minimum 1 blur_passes=1 # minimum 1, more passes = more resource intensive. # Your blur "amount" is blur_size * blur_passes, but high blur_size (over around 5-ish) will produce artifacts. # if you want heavy blur, you need to up the blur_passes. # the more passes, the more you can up the blur_size without noticing artifacts. } animations { enabled=1 animation=windows,1,7,default animation=borders,1,10,default animation=fadein,1,10,default animation=workspaces,1,6,default } dwindle { pseudotile=0 # enable pseudotiling on dwindle } # example window rules # for windows named/classed as abc and xyz #windowrule=move 69 420,abc #windowrule=size 420 69,abc #windowrule=tile,xyz #windowrule=float,abc #windowrule=pseudo,abc #windowrule=monitor 0,xyz # example binds bind=SUPER,Q,exec,kitty bind=SUPER,C,killactive, bind=SUPER,M,exit, bind=SUPER,E,exec,dolphin bind=SUPER,V,togglefloating, bind=SUPER,R,exec,wofi --show drun -o DP-3 bind=SUPER,P,pseudo, bind=SUPER,left,movefocus,l bind=SUPER,right,movefocus,r bind=SUPER,up,movefocus,u bind=SUPER,down,movefocus,d bind=SUPER,1,workspace,1 bind=SUPER,2,workspace,2 bind=SUPER,3,workspace,3 bind=SUPER,4,workspace,4 bind=SUPER,5,workspace,5 bind=SUPER,6,workspace,6 bind=SUPER,7,workspace,7 bind=SUPER,8,workspace,8 bind=SUPER,9,workspace,9 bind=SUPER,0,workspace,10 bind=ALT,1,movetoworkspace,1 bind=ALT,2,movetoworkspace,2 bind=ALT,3,movetoworkspace,3 bind=ALT,4,movetoworkspace,4 bind=ALT,5,movetoworkspace,5 bind=ALT,6,movetoworkspace,6 bind=ALT,7,movetoworkspace,7 bind=ALT,8,movetoworkspace,8 bind=ALT,9,movetoworkspace,9 bind=ALT,0,movetoworkspace,10 )#";