#pragma once

#include "../defines.hpp"
#include <deque>

constexpr int BAKEDPOINTS = 200;
constexpr float INVBAKEDPOINTS = 1.f / BAKEDPOINTS;

// an implementation of a cubic bezier curve
// might do better later
// TODO: n-point curves
class CBezierCurve {
    // sets up the bezier curve.
    // this EXCLUDES the 0,0 and 1,1 points,
    void    setup(std::vector<Vector2D>* points);

    float   getYForT(float t);
    float   getXForT(float t);
    float   getYForPoint(float x);

    // this INCLUDES the 0,0 and 1,1 points.
    std::deque<Vector2D>    m_dPoints;

    std::array<Vector2D, BAKEDPOINTS>  m_aPointsBaked;