#include "HyprNotificationOverlay.hpp" #include "../Compositor.hpp" CHyprNotificationOverlay::CHyprNotificationOverlay() { g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("focusedMon", [&](void* self, std::any param) { if (m_dNotifications.size() == 0) return; g_pHyprRenderer->damageBox(&m_bLastDamage); }); } void CHyprNotificationOverlay::addNotification(const std::string& text, const CColor& color, const float timeMs) { const auto PNOTIF = m_dNotifications.emplace_back(std::make_unique()).get(); PNOTIF->text = text; PNOTIF->color = color; PNOTIF->started.reset(); PNOTIF->timeMs = timeMs; } wlr_box CHyprNotificationOverlay::drawNotifications(CMonitor* pMonitor) { static constexpr auto ANIM_DURATION_MS = 600.0; static constexpr auto ANIM_LAG_MS = 100.0; static constexpr auto NOTIF_LEFTBAR_SIZE = 5.0; float offsetY = 10; float maxWidth = 0; const auto SCALE = pMonitor->scale; const auto FONTSIZE = std::clamp((int)(10.f * ((pMonitor->vecPixelSize.x * SCALE) / 1920.f)), 8, 40); const auto MONSIZE = pMonitor->vecPixelSize; cairo_select_font_face(m_pCairo, "Noto Sans", CAIRO_FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, CAIRO_FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL); cairo_set_font_size(m_pCairo, FONTSIZE); cairo_text_extents_t cairoExtents; const auto PBEZIER = g_pAnimationManager->getBezier("default"); for (auto& notif : m_dNotifications) { // first rect (bg, col) const float FIRSTRECTANIMP = (notif->started.getMillis() > (ANIM_DURATION_MS - ANIM_LAG_MS) ? (notif->started.getMillis() > notif->timeMs - (ANIM_DURATION_MS - ANIM_LAG_MS) ? notif->timeMs - notif->started.getMillis() : (ANIM_DURATION_MS - ANIM_LAG_MS)) : notif->started.getMillis()) / (ANIM_DURATION_MS - ANIM_LAG_MS); const float FIRSTRECTPERC = FIRSTRECTANIMP >= 0.99f ? 1.f : PBEZIER->getYForPoint(FIRSTRECTANIMP); // second rect (fg, black) const float SECONDRECTANIMP = (notif->started.getMillis() > ANIM_DURATION_MS ? (notif->started.getMillis() > notif->timeMs - ANIM_DURATION_MS ? notif->timeMs - notif->started.getMillis() : ANIM_DURATION_MS) : notif->started.getMillis()) / ANIM_DURATION_MS; const float SECONDRECTPERC = SECONDRECTANIMP >= 0.99f ? 1.f : PBEZIER->getYForPoint(SECONDRECTANIMP); // third rect (horiz, col) const float THIRDRECTPERC = notif->started.getMillis() / notif->timeMs; // get text size cairo_text_extents(m_pCairo, notif->text.c_str(), &cairoExtents); cairo_set_source_rgba(m_pCairo, notif->color.r, notif->color.g, notif->color.b, notif->color.a); const auto NOTIFSIZE = Vector2D{cairoExtents.width + 20, cairoExtents.height + 10}; // draw rects cairo_rectangle(m_pCairo, MONSIZE.x - (NOTIFSIZE.x + NOTIF_LEFTBAR_SIZE) * FIRSTRECTPERC, offsetY, (NOTIFSIZE.x + NOTIF_LEFTBAR_SIZE) * FIRSTRECTPERC, NOTIFSIZE.y); cairo_fill(m_pCairo); cairo_set_source_rgb(m_pCairo, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f); cairo_rectangle(m_pCairo, MONSIZE.x - NOTIFSIZE.x * SECONDRECTPERC, offsetY, NOTIFSIZE.x * SECONDRECTPERC, NOTIFSIZE.y); cairo_fill(m_pCairo); cairo_set_source_rgba(m_pCairo, notif->color.r, notif->color.g, notif->color.b, notif->color.a); cairo_rectangle(m_pCairo, MONSIZE.x - NOTIFSIZE.x * SECONDRECTPERC + 3, offsetY + NOTIFSIZE.y - 4, THIRDRECTPERC * (NOTIFSIZE.x - 6), 2); cairo_fill(m_pCairo); // draw text cairo_set_source_rgb(m_pCairo, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); cairo_move_to(m_pCairo, MONSIZE.x - NOTIFSIZE.x * SECONDRECTPERC + NOTIF_LEFTBAR_SIZE, offsetY + FONTSIZE + (FONTSIZE / 10.0)); cairo_show_text(m_pCairo, notif->text.c_str()); // adjust offset and move on offsetY += NOTIFSIZE.y + 10; if (maxWidth < NOTIFSIZE.x) maxWidth = NOTIFSIZE.x; } // cleanup notifs std::erase_if(m_dNotifications, [](const auto& notif) { return notif->started.getMillis() > notif->timeMs; }); return wlr_box{(int)(pMonitor->vecPosition.x + pMonitor->vecSize.x - maxWidth - 20), (int)pMonitor->vecPosition.y, (int)maxWidth + 20, (int)offsetY + 10}; } void CHyprNotificationOverlay::draw(CMonitor* pMonitor) { if (m_pLastMonitor != pMonitor || !m_pCairo || !m_pCairoSurface) { if (m_pCairo && m_pCairoSurface) { cairo_destroy(m_pCairo); cairo_surface_destroy(m_pCairoSurface); } m_pCairoSurface = cairo_image_surface_create(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, pMonitor->vecPixelSize.x, pMonitor->vecPixelSize.y); m_pCairo = cairo_create(m_pCairoSurface); m_pLastMonitor = pMonitor; } // Draw the notifications if (m_dNotifications.size() == 0) return; // Render to the monitor // clear the pixmap cairo_save(m_pCairo); cairo_set_operator(m_pCairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_CLEAR); cairo_paint(m_pCairo); cairo_restore(m_pCairo); cairo_surface_flush(m_pCairoSurface); wlr_box damage = drawNotifications(pMonitor); g_pHyprRenderer->damageBox(&damage); g_pHyprRenderer->damageBox(&m_bLastDamage); g_pCompositor->scheduleFrameForMonitor(pMonitor); m_bLastDamage = damage; // copy the data to an OpenGL texture we have const auto DATA = cairo_image_surface_get_data(m_pCairoSurface); m_tTexture.allocate(); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_tTexture.m_iTexID); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST); #ifndef GLES2 glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_R, GL_BLUE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_SWIZZLE_B, GL_RED); #endif glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, pMonitor->vecPixelSize.x, pMonitor->vecPixelSize.y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, DATA); wlr_box pMonBox = {0, 0, pMonitor->vecPixelSize.x, pMonitor->vecPixelSize.y}; g_pHyprOpenGL->renderTexture(m_tTexture, &pMonBox, 1.f); }