#include "Compositor.hpp" CCompositor::CCompositor() { m_szInstanceSignature = GIT_COMMIT_HASH + std::string("_") + std::to_string(time(NULL)); setenv("HYPRLAND_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE", m_szInstanceSignature.c_str(), true); const auto INSTANCEPATH = "/tmp/hypr/" + m_szInstanceSignature; mkdir(INSTANCEPATH.c_str(), S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG); Debug::init(m_szInstanceSignature); Debug::log(LOG, "Instance Signature: %s", m_szInstanceSignature.c_str()); Debug::log(LOG, "===== SYSTEM INFO: ====="); logSystemInfo(); Debug::log(LOG, "========================"); Debug::log(NONE, "\n\n"); // pad Debug::log(INFO, "If you are crashing, or encounter any bugs, please consult https://github.com/hyprwm/Hyprland/wiki/Crashing-and-bugs\n\n"); m_sWLDisplay = wl_display_create(); m_sWLRBackend = wlr_backend_autocreate(m_sWLDisplay); if (!m_sWLRBackend) { Debug::log(CRIT, "m_sWLRBackend was NULL!"); throw std::runtime_error("wlr_backend_autocreate() failed!"); } m_iDRMFD = wlr_backend_get_drm_fd(m_sWLRBackend); if (m_iDRMFD < 0) { Debug::log(CRIT, "Couldn't query the DRM FD!"); throw std::runtime_error("wlr_backend_get_drm_fd() failed!"); } m_sWLRRenderer = wlr_gles2_renderer_create_with_drm_fd(m_iDRMFD); if (!m_sWLRRenderer) { Debug::log(CRIT, "m_sWLRRenderer was NULL!"); throw std::runtime_error("wlr_gles2_renderer_create_with_drm_fd() failed!"); } wlr_renderer_init_wl_display(m_sWLRRenderer, m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRAllocator = wlr_allocator_autocreate(m_sWLRBackend, m_sWLRRenderer); if (!m_sWLRAllocator) { Debug::log(CRIT, "m_sWLRAllocator was NULL!"); throw std::runtime_error("wlr_allocator_autocreate() failed!"); } m_sWLREGL = wlr_gles2_renderer_get_egl(m_sWLRRenderer); if (!m_sWLREGL) { Debug::log(CRIT, "m_sWLREGL was NULL!"); throw std::runtime_error("wlr_gles2_renderer_get_egl() failed!"); } m_sWLRCompositor = wlr_compositor_create(m_sWLDisplay, m_sWLRRenderer); m_sWLRSubCompositor = wlr_subcompositor_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRDataDevMgr = wlr_data_device_manager_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRDmabuf = wlr_linux_dmabuf_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay, m_sWLRRenderer); wlr_export_dmabuf_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); wlr_screencopy_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); wlr_data_control_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); wlr_gamma_control_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); wlr_primary_selection_v1_device_manager_create(m_sWLDisplay); wlr_viewporter_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLROutputLayout = wlr_output_layout_create(); m_sWLRScene = wlr_scene_create(); wlr_scene_attach_output_layout(m_sWLRScene, m_sWLROutputLayout); m_sWLRXDGShell = wlr_xdg_shell_create(m_sWLDisplay, 3); m_sWLRCursor = wlr_cursor_create(); wlr_cursor_attach_output_layout(m_sWLRCursor, m_sWLROutputLayout); m_sWLRXCursorMgr = wlr_xcursor_manager_create(nullptr, 24); wlr_xcursor_manager_load(m_sWLRXCursorMgr, 1); m_sSeat.seat = wlr_seat_create(m_sWLDisplay, "seat0"); m_sWLRPresentation = wlr_presentation_create(m_sWLDisplay, m_sWLRBackend); m_sWLRIdle = wlr_idle_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRLayerShell = wlr_layer_shell_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRServerDecoMgr = wlr_server_decoration_manager_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRXDGDecoMgr = wlr_xdg_decoration_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); wlr_server_decoration_manager_set_default_mode(m_sWLRServerDecoMgr, WLR_SERVER_DECORATION_MANAGER_MODE_SERVER); wlr_xdg_output_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay, m_sWLROutputLayout); m_sWLROutputMgr = wlr_output_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRInhibitMgr = wlr_input_inhibit_manager_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRKbShInhibitMgr = wlr_keyboard_shortcuts_inhibit_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLREXTWorkspaceMgr = wlr_ext_workspace_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRPointerConstraints = wlr_pointer_constraints_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRRelPointerMgr = wlr_relative_pointer_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRVKeyboardMgr = wlr_virtual_keyboard_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRVirtPtrMgr = wlr_virtual_pointer_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRToplevelMgr = wlr_foreign_toplevel_manager_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRTabletManager = wlr_tablet_v2_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRForeignRegistry = wlr_xdg_foreign_registry_create(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLRIdleInhibitMgr = wlr_idle_inhibit_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); wlr_xdg_foreign_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay, m_sWLRForeignRegistry); wlr_xdg_foreign_v2_create(m_sWLDisplay, m_sWLRForeignRegistry); m_sWLRPointerGestures = wlr_pointer_gestures_v1_create(m_sWLDisplay); } CCompositor::~CCompositor() { cleanupExit(); } void handleCritSignal(int signo) { g_pCompositor->cleanupExit(); exit(signo); } void CCompositor::initAllSignals() { addWLSignal(&m_sWLRBackend->events.new_output, &Events::listen_newOutput, m_sWLRBackend, "Backend"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRXDGShell->events.new_surface, &Events::listen_newXDGSurface, m_sWLRXDGShell, "XDG Shell"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRCursor->events.motion, &Events::listen_mouseMove, m_sWLRCursor, "WLRCursor"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRCursor->events.motion_absolute, &Events::listen_mouseMoveAbsolute, m_sWLRCursor, "WLRCursor"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRCursor->events.button, &Events::listen_mouseButton, m_sWLRCursor, "WLRCursor"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRCursor->events.axis, &Events::listen_mouseAxis, m_sWLRCursor, "WLRCursor"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRCursor->events.frame, &Events::listen_mouseFrame, m_sWLRCursor, "WLRCursor"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRCursor->events.swipe_begin, &Events::listen_swipeBegin, m_sWLRCursor, "WLRCursor"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRCursor->events.swipe_update, &Events::listen_swipeUpdate, m_sWLRCursor, "WLRCursor"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRCursor->events.swipe_end, &Events::listen_swipeEnd, m_sWLRCursor, "WLRCursor"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRBackend->events.new_input, &Events::listen_newInput, m_sWLRBackend, "Backend"); addWLSignal(&m_sSeat.seat->events.request_set_cursor, &Events::listen_requestMouse, &m_sSeat, "Seat"); addWLSignal(&m_sSeat.seat->events.request_set_selection, &Events::listen_requestSetSel, &m_sSeat, "Seat"); addWLSignal(&m_sSeat.seat->events.request_start_drag, &Events::listen_requestDrag, &m_sSeat, "Seat"); addWLSignal(&m_sSeat.seat->events.start_drag, &Events::listen_startDrag, &m_sSeat, "Seat"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRLayerShell->events.new_surface, &Events::listen_newLayerSurface, m_sWLRLayerShell, "LayerShell"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLROutputLayout->events.change, &Events::listen_change, m_sWLROutputLayout, "OutputLayout"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLROutputMgr->events.apply, &Events::listen_outputMgrApply, m_sWLROutputMgr, "OutputMgr"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLROutputMgr->events.test, &Events::listen_outputMgrTest, m_sWLROutputMgr, "OutputMgr"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRInhibitMgr->events.activate, &Events::listen_InhibitActivate, m_sWLRInhibitMgr, "InhibitMgr"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRInhibitMgr->events.deactivate, &Events::listen_InhibitDeactivate, m_sWLRInhibitMgr, "InhibitMgr"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRPointerConstraints->events.new_constraint, &Events::listen_newConstraint, m_sWLRPointerConstraints, "PointerConstraints"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRXDGDecoMgr->events.new_toplevel_decoration, &Events::listen_NewXDGDeco, m_sWLRXDGDecoMgr, "XDGDecoMgr"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRVirtPtrMgr->events.new_virtual_pointer, &Events::listen_newVirtPtr, m_sWLRVirtPtrMgr, "VirtPtrMgr"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRRenderer->events.destroy, &Events::listen_RendererDestroy, m_sWLRRenderer, "WLRRenderer"); addWLSignal(&m_sWLRIdleInhibitMgr->events.new_inhibitor, &Events::listen_newIdleInhibitor, m_sWLRIdleInhibitMgr, "WLRIdleInhibitMgr"); signal(SIGINT, handleCritSignal); signal(SIGTERM, handleCritSignal); } void CCompositor::cleanupExit() { if (!m_sWLDisplay) return; m_pLastFocus = nullptr; m_pLastWindow = nullptr; m_vWorkspaces.clear(); m_vWindows.clear(); if (g_pXWaylandManager->m_sWLRXWayland) { wlr_xwayland_destroy(g_pXWaylandManager->m_sWLRXWayland); g_pXWaylandManager->m_sWLRXWayland = nullptr; } wl_display_destroy_clients(m_sWLDisplay); wl_display_destroy(m_sWLDisplay); m_sWLDisplay = nullptr; } void CCompositor::startCompositor() { // Init all the managers BEFORE we start with the wayland server so that ALL of the stuff is initialized // properly and we dont get any bad mem reads. // Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the CHyprError!"); g_pHyprError = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the KeybindManager!"); g_pKeybindManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the AnimationManager!"); g_pAnimationManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the ConfigManager!"); g_pConfigManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the ThreadManager!"); g_pThreadManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the InputManager!"); g_pInputManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the CHyprOpenGLImpl!"); g_pHyprOpenGL = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the HyprRenderer!"); g_pHyprRenderer = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the XWaylandManager!"); g_pXWaylandManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the LayoutManager!"); g_pLayoutManager = std::make_unique(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the EventManager!"); g_pEventManager = std::make_unique(); g_pEventManager->startThread(); Debug::log(LOG, "Creating the HyprDebugOverlay!"); g_pDebugOverlay = std::make_unique(); // // initAllSignals(); // Set some env vars so that Firefox is automatically in Wayland mode // and QT apps too // electron needs -- flags so we can't really set them here setenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM", "wayland", true); setenv("MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND", "1", true); // Set XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP to our compositor's name setenv("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP", "hyprland", true); m_szWLDisplaySocket = wl_display_add_socket_auto(m_sWLDisplay); if (!m_szWLDisplaySocket) { Debug::log(CRIT, "m_szWLDisplaySocket NULL!"); wlr_backend_destroy(m_sWLRBackend); throw std::runtime_error("m_szWLDisplaySocket was null! (wl_display_add_socket_auto failed)"); } setenv("WAYLAND_DISPLAY", m_szWLDisplaySocket, 1); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); Debug::log(LOG, "Running on WAYLAND_DISPLAY: %s", m_szWLDisplaySocket); if (!wlr_backend_start(m_sWLRBackend)) { Debug::log(CRIT, "Backend did not start!"); wlr_backend_destroy(m_sWLRBackend); wl_display_destroy(m_sWLDisplay); throw std::runtime_error("The backend could not start!"); } wlr_xcursor_manager_set_cursor_image(m_sWLRXCursorMgr, "left_ptr", m_sWLRCursor); // This blocks until we are done. Debug::log(LOG, "Hyprland is ready, running the event loop!"); wl_display_run(m_sWLDisplay); } SMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromID(const int& id) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m->ID == (uint64_t)id) { return m.get(); } } return nullptr; } SMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromName(const std::string& name) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m->szName == name) { return m.get(); } } return nullptr; } SMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromCursor() { const auto COORDS = Vector2D(m_sWLRCursor->x, m_sWLRCursor->y); return getMonitorFromVector(COORDS); } SMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromVector(const Vector2D& point) { const auto OUTPUT = wlr_output_layout_output_at(m_sWLROutputLayout, point.x, point.y); if (!OUTPUT) { float bestDistance = 0.f; SMonitor* pBestMon = nullptr; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { float dist = vecToRectDistanceSquared(point, m->vecPosition, m->vecPosition + m->vecSize); if (dist < bestDistance || !pBestMon) { bestDistance = dist; pBestMon = m.get(); } } if (!pBestMon) { // ????? Debug::log(WARN, "getMonitorFromVector no close mon???"); return m_vMonitors.front().get(); } return pBestMon; } return getMonitorFromOutput(OUTPUT); } void CCompositor::removeWindowFromVectorSafe(CWindow* pWindow) { if (windowExists(pWindow) && !pWindow->m_bFadingOut){ if (pWindow->m_bIsX11 && pWindow->m_iX11Type == 2) { m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.erase(std::remove_if(m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.begin(), m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.end(), [&](std::unique_ptr& el) { return el.get() == pWindow; })); } // if X11, also check its children // and delete any needed if (pWindow->m_bIsX11) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsX11) continue; if (w->m_pX11Parent == pWindow) m_vWindows.erase(std::remove_if(m_vWindows.begin(), m_vWindows.end(), [&](std::unique_ptr& el) { return el.get() == w.get(); })); } for (auto& w : m_dUnmanagedX11Windows) { if (w->m_pX11Parent == pWindow) m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.erase(std::remove_if(m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.begin(), m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.end(), [&](std::unique_ptr& el) { return el.get() == w.get(); })); } } m_vWindows.erase(std::remove_if(m_vWindows.begin(), m_vWindows.end(), [&](std::unique_ptr& el) { return el.get() == pWindow; })); } } bool CCompositor::windowExists(CWindow* pWindow) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w.get() == pWindow) return true; } return false; } CWindow* CCompositor::vectorToWindow(const Vector2D& pos) { const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromVector(pos); if (PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceOpen) { for (auto w = m_vWindows.rbegin(); w != m_vWindows.rend(); w++) { wlr_box box = {(*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if ((*w)->m_bIsFloating && (*w)->m_iWorkspaceID == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID && (*w)->m_bIsMapped && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && !(*w)->m_bHidden) return (*w).get(); } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { wlr_box box = {w->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, w->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, w->m_vRealSize.vec().x, w->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->m_bIsFloating && !w->m_bHidden) return w.get(); } } // first loop over floating cuz they're above, m_vWindows should be sorted bottom->top, for tiled it doesn't matter. for (auto w = m_vWindows.rbegin(); w != m_vWindows.rend(); w++) { wlr_box box = {(*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if (wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && (*w)->m_bIsMapped && (*w)->m_bIsFloating && isWorkspaceVisible((*w)->m_iWorkspaceID) && !(*w)->m_bHidden) return w->get(); } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { wlr_box box = {w->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, w->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, w->m_vRealSize.vec().x, w->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if (wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->m_bIsFloating && PMONITOR->activeWorkspace == w->m_iWorkspaceID && !w->m_bHidden) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } CWindow* CCompositor::vectorToWindowTiled(const Vector2D& pos) { const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromVector(pos); if (PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceOpen) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { wlr_box box = {w->m_vPosition.x, w->m_vPosition.y, w->m_vSize.x, w->m_vSize.y}; if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && !w->m_bIsFloating && !w->m_bHidden) return w.get(); } } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { wlr_box box = {w->m_vPosition.x, w->m_vPosition.y, w->m_vSize.x, w->m_vSize.y}; if (w->m_bIsMapped && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && w->m_iWorkspaceID == PMONITOR->activeWorkspace && !w->m_bIsFloating && !w->m_bHidden) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } CWindow* CCompositor::vectorToWindowIdeal(const Vector2D& pos) { const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromVector(pos); // special workspace if (PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceOpen) { for (auto w = m_vWindows.rbegin(); w != m_vWindows.rend(); w++) { wlr_box box = {(*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if ((*w)->m_bIsFloating && (*w)->m_iWorkspaceID == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID && (*w)->m_bIsMapped && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && !(*w)->m_bHidden) return (*w).get(); } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { wlr_box box = {w->m_vPosition.x, w->m_vPosition.y, w->m_vSize.x, w->m_vSize.y}; if (!w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_iWorkspaceID == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID && w->m_bIsMapped && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && !w->m_bHidden) return w.get(); } } // first loop over floating cuz they're above, m_lWindows should be sorted bottom->top, for tiled it doesn't matter. for (auto w = m_vWindows.rbegin(); w != m_vWindows.rend(); w++) { wlr_box box = {(*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if ((*w)->m_bIsFloating && (*w)->m_bIsMapped && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, m_sWLRCursor->x, m_sWLRCursor->y) && isWorkspaceVisible((*w)->m_iWorkspaceID) && !(*w)->m_bHidden) return w->get(); } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { wlr_box box = {w->m_vPosition.x, w->m_vPosition.y, w->m_vSize.x, w->m_vSize.y}; if (!w->m_bIsFloating && w->m_bIsMapped && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, pos.x, pos.y) && w->m_iWorkspaceID == PMONITOR->activeWorkspace && !w->m_bHidden) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } CWindow* CCompositor::windowFromCursor() { const auto PMONITOR = getMonitorFromCursor(); if (PMONITOR->specialWorkspaceOpen) { for (auto w = m_vWindows.rbegin(); w != m_vWindows.rend(); w++) { wlr_box box = {(*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if ((*w)->m_bIsFloating && (*w)->m_iWorkspaceID == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID && (*w)->m_bIsMapped && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, m_sWLRCursor->x, m_sWLRCursor->y) && !(*w)->m_bHidden) return (*w).get(); } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { wlr_box box = {w->m_vPosition.x, w->m_vPosition.y, w->m_vSize.x, w->m_vSize.y}; if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID && wlr_box_contains_point(&box, m_sWLRCursor->x, m_sWLRCursor->y) && w->m_bIsMapped) return w.get(); } } // first loop over floating cuz they're above, m_lWindows should be sorted bottom->top, for tiled it doesn't matter. for (auto w = m_vWindows.rbegin(); w != m_vWindows.rend(); w++) { wlr_box box = {(*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if (wlr_box_contains_point(&box, m_sWLRCursor->x, m_sWLRCursor->y) && (*w)->m_bIsMapped && (*w)->m_bIsFloating && isWorkspaceVisible((*w)->m_iWorkspaceID)) return w->get(); } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { wlr_box box = {w->m_vPosition.x, w->m_vPosition.y, w->m_vSize.x, w->m_vSize.y}; if (wlr_box_contains_point(&box, m_sWLRCursor->x, m_sWLRCursor->y) && w->m_bIsMapped && w->m_iWorkspaceID == PMONITOR->activeWorkspace) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } CWindow* CCompositor::windowFloatingFromCursor() { for (auto w = m_vWindows.rbegin(); w != m_vWindows.rend(); w++) { wlr_box box = {(*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealPosition.vec().y, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().x, (*w)->m_vRealSize.vec().y}; if (wlr_box_contains_point(&box, m_sWLRCursor->x, m_sWLRCursor->y) && (*w)->m_bIsMapped && (*w)->m_bIsFloating && isWorkspaceVisible((*w)->m_iWorkspaceID) && !(*w)->m_bHidden) return w->get(); } return nullptr; } wlr_surface* CCompositor::vectorWindowToSurface(const Vector2D& pos, CWindow* pWindow, Vector2D& sl) { if (!windowValidMapped(pWindow)) return nullptr; RASSERT(!pWindow->m_bIsX11, "Cannot call vectorWindowToSurface on an X11 window!"); const auto PSURFACE = pWindow->m_uSurface.xdg; double subx, suby; // calc for oversized windows... fucking bullshit, again. wlr_box geom; wlr_xdg_surface_get_geometry(pWindow->m_uSurface.xdg, &geom); const auto PFOUND = wlr_xdg_surface_surface_at(PSURFACE, pos.x - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.vec().x + geom.x, pos.y - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.vec().y + geom.y, &subx, &suby); if (PFOUND) { sl.x = subx; sl.y = suby; return PFOUND; } sl.x = pos.x - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.vec().x; sl.y = pos.y - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.vec().y; sl.x += geom.x; sl.y += geom.y; return PSURFACE->surface; } SMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorFromOutput(wlr_output* out) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m->output == out) { return m.get(); } } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::focusWindow(CWindow* pWindow, wlr_surface* pSurface) { if (g_pCompositor->m_sSeat.exclusiveClient) { Debug::log(LOG, "Disallowing setting focus to a window due to there being an active input inhibitor layer."); return; } if (!pWindow || !windowValidMapped(pWindow)) { wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_clear_focus(m_sSeat.seat); return; } if (pWindow->m_bNoFocus) { Debug::log(LOG, "Ignoring focus to nofocus window!"); return; } if (m_pLastWindow == pWindow && m_sSeat.seat->keyboard_state.focused_surface == pSurface) return; const auto PLASTWINDOW = m_pLastWindow; m_pLastWindow = pWindow; // we need to make the PLASTWINDOW not equal to m_pLastWindow so that RENDERDATA is correct for an unfocused window if (windowValidMapped(PLASTWINDOW)) { updateWindowBorderColor(PLASTWINDOW); if (PLASTWINDOW->m_bIsX11) { wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_clear_focus(m_sSeat.seat); wlr_seat_pointer_clear_focus(m_sSeat.seat); } if (PLASTWINDOW->m_phForeignToplevel) wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_activated(PLASTWINDOW->m_phForeignToplevel, false); } m_pLastWindow = PLASTWINDOW; const auto PWINDOWSURFACE = pSurface ? pSurface : g_pXWaylandManager->getWindowSurface(pWindow); focusSurface(PWINDOWSURFACE, pWindow); g_pXWaylandManager->activateWindow(pWindow, true); // sets the m_pLastWindow // do pointer focus too const auto POINTERLOCAL = g_pInputManager->getMouseCoordsInternal() - pWindow->m_vRealPosition.goalv(); wlr_seat_pointer_notify_enter(m_sSeat.seat, PWINDOWSURFACE, POINTERLOCAL.x, POINTERLOCAL.y); updateWindowBorderColor(pWindow); // Send an event g_pEventManager->postEvent(SHyprIPCEvent("activewindow", g_pXWaylandManager->getAppIDClass(pWindow) + "," + pWindow->m_szTitle)); if (pWindow->m_phForeignToplevel) wlr_foreign_toplevel_handle_v1_set_activated(pWindow->m_phForeignToplevel, true); } void CCompositor::focusSurface(wlr_surface* pSurface, CWindow* pWindowOwner) { if (m_sSeat.seat->keyboard_state.focused_surface == pSurface || (pWindowOwner && m_sSeat.seat->keyboard_state.focused_surface == g_pXWaylandManager->getWindowSurface(pWindowOwner))) return; // Don't focus when already focused on this. if (!pSurface) return; // Unfocus last surface if should if (m_pLastFocus && m_sSeat.seat->keyboard_state.focused_surface && wlr_surface_is_xdg_surface(m_pLastFocus)) wlr_xdg_toplevel_set_activated(wlr_xdg_surface_from_wlr_surface(m_pLastFocus)->toplevel, false); const auto KEYBOARD = wlr_seat_get_keyboard(m_sSeat.seat); if (!KEYBOARD) return; wlr_seat_keyboard_notify_enter(m_sSeat.seat, pSurface, KEYBOARD->keycodes, KEYBOARD->num_keycodes, &KEYBOARD->modifiers); wlr_seat_keyboard_focus_change_event event = { .seat = m_sSeat.seat, .old_surface = m_pLastFocus, .new_surface = pSurface, }; wlr_signal_emit_safe(&m_sSeat.seat->keyboard_state.events.focus_change, &event); if (pWindowOwner) Debug::log(LOG, "Set keyboard focus to surface %x, with window name: %s", pSurface, pWindowOwner->m_szTitle.c_str()); else Debug::log(LOG, "Set keyboard focus to surface %x", pSurface); } bool CCompositor::windowValidMapped(CWindow* pWindow) { if (!windowExists(pWindow)) return false; if (pWindow->m_bIsX11 && !pWindow->m_bMappedX11) return false; if (!pWindow->m_bIsMapped) return false; if (pWindow->m_bHidden) return false; return true; } CWindow* CCompositor::getWindowForPopup(wlr_xdg_popup* popup) { for (auto& p : m_vXDGPopups) { if (p->popup == popup) return p->parentWindow; } return nullptr; } wlr_surface* CCompositor::vectorToLayerSurface(const Vector2D& pos, std::list* layerSurfaces, Vector2D* sCoords, SLayerSurface** ppLayerSurfaceFound) { for (auto it = layerSurfaces->rbegin(); it != layerSurfaces->rend(); it++) { if ((*it)->fadingOut || !(*it)->layerSurface || ((*it)->layerSurface && !(*it)->layerSurface->mapped)) continue; const auto SURFACEAT = wlr_layer_surface_v1_surface_at((*it)->layerSurface, pos.x - (*it)->geometry.x, pos.y - (*it)->geometry.y, &sCoords->x, &sCoords->y); if (SURFACEAT) { *ppLayerSurfaceFound = *it; return SURFACEAT; } } return nullptr; } CWindow* CCompositor::getWindowFromSurface(wlr_surface* pSurface) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (g_pXWaylandManager->getWindowSurface(w.get()) == pSurface) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } CWindow* CCompositor::getFullscreenWindowOnWorkspace(const int& ID) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == ID && w->m_bIsFullscreen) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } bool CCompositor::isWorkspaceVisible(const int& w) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m->activeWorkspace == w) return true; if (m->specialWorkspaceOpen && w == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID) return true; } return false; } CWorkspace* CCompositor::getWorkspaceByID(const int& id) { for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_iID == id) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::sanityCheckWorkspaces() { for (auto it = m_vWorkspaces.begin(); it != m_vWorkspaces.end(); ++it) { const auto WINDOWSONWORKSPACE = getWindowsOnWorkspace((*it)->m_iID); if ((WINDOWSONWORKSPACE == 0 && !isWorkspaceVisible((*it)->m_iID))) { it = m_vWorkspaces.erase(it); if (it == m_vWorkspaces.end()) break; } if ((*it)->m_iID == SPECIAL_WORKSPACE_ID && WINDOWSONWORKSPACE == 0) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { m->specialWorkspaceOpen = false; } it = m_vWorkspaces.erase(it); if (it == m_vWorkspaces.end()) break; } } } int CCompositor::getWindowsOnWorkspace(const int& id) { int no = 0; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == id && w->m_bIsMapped) no++; } return no; } CWindow* CCompositor::getFirstWindowOnWorkspace(const int& id) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == id) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::fixXWaylandWindowsOnWorkspace(const int& id) { const auto ISVISIBLE = isWorkspaceVisible(id); const auto PWORKSPACE = g_pCompositor->getWorkspaceByID(id); if (!PWORKSPACE) return; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == id) { // moveXWaylandWindow only moves XWayland windows // so there is no need to check here // if the window is XWayland or not. if (ISVISIBLE && (!PWORKSPACE->m_bHasFullscreenWindow || w->m_bIsFullscreen)) g_pXWaylandManager->moveXWaylandWindow(w.get(), w->m_vRealPosition.vec()); else g_pXWaylandManager->moveXWaylandWindow(w.get(), Vector2D(42069,42069)); } } } bool CCompositor::doesSeatAcceptInput(wlr_surface* surface) { return !m_sSeat.exclusiveClient || (surface && m_sSeat.exclusiveClient == wl_resource_get_client(surface->resource)); } bool CCompositor::isWindowActive(CWindow* pWindow) { if (!m_pLastWindow && !m_pLastFocus) return false; if (!windowValidMapped(pWindow)) return false; const auto PSURFACE = g_pXWaylandManager->getWindowSurface(pWindow); return PSURFACE == m_pLastFocus || pWindow == m_pLastWindow; } void CCompositor::moveWindowToTop(CWindow* pWindow) { if (!windowValidMapped(pWindow)) return; for (auto it = m_vWindows.begin(); it != m_vWindows.end(); ++it) { if (it->get() == pWindow) { std::rotate(it, it + 1, m_vWindows.end()); break; } } } void CCompositor::cleanupFadingOut() { for (auto& w : m_vWindowsFadingOut) { bool valid = windowExists(w); if (!valid || !w->m_bFadingOut || w->m_fAlpha.fl() == 0.f) { if (valid && !w->m_bReadyToDelete) continue; g_pHyprOpenGL->m_mWindowFramebuffers[w].release(); g_pHyprOpenGL->m_mWindowFramebuffers.erase(w); removeWindowFromVectorSafe(w); m_vWindowsFadingOut.erase(std::remove(m_vWindowsFadingOut.begin(), m_vWindowsFadingOut.end(), w)); Debug::log(LOG, "Cleanup: destroyed a window"); return; } } for (auto& ls : m_vSurfacesFadingOut) { if (ls->fadingOut && ls->readyToDelete && !ls->alpha.isBeingAnimated()) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { for (auto& lsl : m->m_aLayerSurfaceLists) { lsl.remove(ls); } } g_pHyprOpenGL->m_mLayerFramebuffers[ls].release(); g_pHyprOpenGL->m_mLayerFramebuffers.erase(ls); delete ls; m_vSurfacesFadingOut.erase(std::remove(m_vSurfacesFadingOut.begin(), m_vSurfacesFadingOut.end(), ls)); Debug::log(LOG, "Cleanup: destroyed a layersurface"); return; } } } CWindow* CCompositor::getWindowInDirection(CWindow* pWindow, char dir) { const auto WINDOWIDEALBB = pWindow->getWindowIdealBoundingBoxIgnoreReserved(); const auto POSA = Vector2D(WINDOWIDEALBB.x, WINDOWIDEALBB.y); const auto SIZEA = Vector2D(WINDOWIDEALBB.width, WINDOWIDEALBB.height); auto longestIntersect = -1; CWindow* longestIntersectWindow = nullptr; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w.get() == pWindow || !w->m_bIsMapped || w->m_bHidden || w->m_bIsFloating || !isWorkspaceVisible(w->m_iWorkspaceID)) continue; const auto BWINDOWIDEALBB = w->getWindowIdealBoundingBoxIgnoreReserved(); const auto POSB = Vector2D(BWINDOWIDEALBB.x, BWINDOWIDEALBB.y); const auto SIZEB = Vector2D(BWINDOWIDEALBB.width, BWINDOWIDEALBB.height); switch (dir) { case 'l': if (STICKS(POSA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max((double)0, std::min(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y) - std::max(POSA.y, POSB.y)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectWindow = w.get(); } } break; case 'r': if (STICKS(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max((double)0, std::min(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y) - std::max(POSA.y, POSB.y)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectWindow = w.get(); } } break; case 't': case 'u': if (STICKS(POSA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max((double)0, std::min(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x) - std::max(POSA.x, POSB.x)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectWindow = w.get(); } } break; case 'b': case 'd': if (STICKS(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max((double)0, std::min(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x) - std::max(POSA.x, POSB.x)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectWindow = w.get(); } } break; } } if (longestIntersect != -1) return longestIntersectWindow; return nullptr; } void CCompositor::deactivateAllWLRWorkspaces(wlr_ext_workspace_handle_v1* exclude) { for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_pWlrHandle && w->m_pWlrHandle != exclude) w->setActive(false); } } CWindow* CCompositor::getNextWindowOnWorkspace(CWindow* pWindow) { bool gotToWindow = false; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w.get() != pWindow && !gotToWindow) continue; if (w.get() == pWindow) { gotToWindow = true; continue; } if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->m_bHidden) return w.get(); } for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w.get() != pWindow && w->m_iWorkspaceID == pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->m_bHidden) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } int CCompositor::getNextAvailableNamedWorkspace() { int lowest = -1337 + 1; for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_iID < -1 && w->m_iID < lowest) lowest = w->m_iID; } return lowest - 1; } CWorkspace* CCompositor::getWorkspaceByName(const std::string& name) { for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_szName == name) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } CWorkspace* CCompositor::getWorkspaceByString(const std::string& str) { if (str.find("name:") == 0) { return getWorkspaceByName(str.substr(str.find_first_of(':') + 1)); } try { std::string name = ""; return getWorkspaceByID(getWorkspaceIDFromString(str, name)); } catch (std::exception& e) { Debug::log(ERR, "Error in getWorkspaceByString, invalid id"); } return nullptr; } bool CCompositor::isPointOnAnyMonitor(const Vector2D& point) { for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (VECINRECT(point, m->vecPosition.x, m->vecPosition.y, m->vecSize.x + m->vecPosition.x, m->vecSize.y + m->vecPosition.y)) return true; } return false; } CWindow* CCompositor::getConstraintWindow(SMouse* pMouse) { if (!pMouse->currentConstraint) return nullptr; const auto PSURFACE = pMouse->currentConstraint->surface; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (PSURFACE == g_pXWaylandManager->getWindowSurface(w.get())) { if (!w->m_bIsX11 && w->m_bIsMapped && !w->m_bHidden) continue; return w.get(); } } return nullptr; } SMonitor* CCompositor::getMonitorInDirection(const char& dir) { const auto POSA = m_pLastMonitor->vecPosition; const auto SIZEA = m_pLastMonitor->vecSize; auto longestIntersect = -1; SMonitor* longestIntersectMonitor = nullptr; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if (m.get() == m_pLastMonitor) continue; const auto POSB = m->vecPosition; const auto SIZEB = m->vecSize; switch (dir) { case 'l': if (STICKS(POSA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max((double)0, std::min(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y) - std::max(POSA.y, POSB.y)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectMonitor = m.get(); } } break; case 'r': if (STICKS(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max((double)0, std::min(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y) - std::max(POSA.y, POSB.y)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectMonitor = m.get(); } } break; case 't': case 'u': if (STICKS(POSA.y, POSB.y + SIZEB.y)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max((double)0, std::min(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x) - std::max(POSA.x, POSB.x)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectMonitor = m.get(); } } break; case 'b': case 'd': if (STICKS(POSA.y + SIZEA.y, POSB.y)) { const auto INTERSECTLEN = std::max((double)0, std::min(POSA.x + SIZEA.x, POSB.x + SIZEB.x) - std::max(POSA.x, POSB.x)); if (INTERSECTLEN > longestIntersect) { longestIntersect = INTERSECTLEN; longestIntersectMonitor = m.get(); } } break; } } if (longestIntersect != -1) return longestIntersectMonitor; return nullptr; } void CCompositor::updateAllWindowsBorders() { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsMapped) continue; updateWindowBorderColor(w.get()); } } void CCompositor::updateWindowBorderColor(CWindow* pWindow) { // optimization static int64_t* ACTIVECOL = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:col.active_border")->intValue; static int64_t* INACTIVECOL = &g_pConfigManager->getConfigValuePtr("general:col.inactive_border")->intValue; const auto RENDERDATA = g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->requestRenderHints(pWindow); if (RENDERDATA.isBorderColor) pWindow->m_cRealBorderColor = RENDERDATA.borderColor; else pWindow->m_cRealBorderColor = CColor(pWindow == m_pLastWindow ? *ACTIVECOL : *INACTIVECOL); } void CCompositor::moveWindowToWorkspace(CWindow* pWindow, const std::string& work) { m_pLastWindow = pWindow; g_pKeybindManager->moveActiveToWorkspace(work); g_pInputManager->refocus(); } int CCompositor::getNextAvailableMonitorID() { int64_t topID = -1; for (auto& m : m_vMonitors) { if ((int64_t)m->ID > topID) topID = m->ID; } return topID + 1; } void CCompositor::moveWorkspaceToMonitor(CWorkspace* pWorkspace, SMonitor* pMonitor) { // We trust the workspace and monitor to be correct. if (pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID == pMonitor->ID) return; Debug::log(LOG, "moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Moving %d to monitor %d", pWorkspace->m_iID, pMonitor->ID); const auto POLDMON = getMonitorFromID(pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID); const bool SWITCHINGISACTIVE = POLDMON->activeWorkspace == pWorkspace->m_iID; // fix old mon int nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID = -1; for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_iMonitorID == POLDMON->ID && w->m_iID != pWorkspace->m_iID) { nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID = w->m_iID; break; } } if (nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID == -1) { nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID = 1; while (getWorkspaceByID(nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID)) nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID++; Debug::log(LOG, "moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Plugging gap with new %d", nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID); } Debug::log(LOG, "moveWorkspaceToMonitor: Plugging gap with existing %d", nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID); g_pKeybindManager->focusMonitor(std::to_string(POLDMON->ID)); g_pKeybindManager->changeworkspace(std::to_string(nextWorkspaceOnMonitorID)); // move the workspace pWorkspace->m_iMonitorID = pMonitor->ID; pWorkspace->moveToMonitor(pMonitor->ID); for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == pWorkspace->m_iID) w->m_iMonitorID = pMonitor->ID; } if (SWITCHINGISACTIVE) { // if it was active, preserve its' status. If it wasn't, don't. Debug::log(LOG, "moveWorkspaceToMonitor: SWITCHINGISACTIVE, active %d -> %d", pMonitor->activeWorkspace, pWorkspace->m_iID); if (const auto PWORKSPACE = getWorkspaceByID(pMonitor->activeWorkspace); PWORKSPACE) getWorkspaceByID(pMonitor->activeWorkspace)->startAnim(false, false); pMonitor->activeWorkspace = pWorkspace->m_iID; g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateMonitor(pMonitor->ID); pWorkspace->startAnim(true, true, true); wlr_cursor_warp(m_sWLRCursor, m_sSeat.mouse->mouse, pMonitor->vecPosition.x + pMonitor->vecTransformedSize.x / 2, pMonitor->vecPosition.y + pMonitor->vecTransformedSize.y / 2); } // finalize g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateMonitor(POLDMON->ID); g_pInputManager->refocus(); } bool CCompositor::workspaceIDOutOfBounds(const int& id) { int lowestID = 99999; int highestID = -99999; for (auto& w : m_vWorkspaces) { if (w->m_iID < lowestID) lowestID = w->m_iID; if (w->m_iID > highestID) highestID = w->m_iID; } return std::clamp(id, lowestID, highestID) != id; } void CCompositor::setWindowFullscreen(CWindow* pWindow, bool on, eFullscreenMode mode) { if (!windowValidMapped(pWindow)) return; g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->fullscreenRequestForWindow(pWindow, mode, on); g_pXWaylandManager->setWindowFullscreen(pWindow, pWindow->m_bIsFullscreen && mode == FULLSCREEN_FULL); // make all windows on the same workspace under the fullscreen window for (auto& w : g_pCompositor->m_vWindows) { if (w->m_iWorkspaceID == pWindow->m_iWorkspaceID) w->m_bCreatedOverFullscreen = false; } } void CCompositor::moveUnmanagedX11ToWindows(CWindow* pWindow) { for (auto it = m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.begin(); it != m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.end(); it++) { if (it->get() == pWindow) { m_vWindows.emplace_back(std::move(*it)); m_dUnmanagedX11Windows.erase(it); return; } } } CWindow* CCompositor::getX11Parent(CWindow* pWindow) { if (!pWindow->m_bIsX11) return nullptr; for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (!w->m_bIsX11) continue; if (w->m_uSurface.xwayland == pWindow->m_uSurface.xwayland->parent) return w.get(); } return nullptr; } void CCompositor::updateWorkspaceWindowDecos(const int& id) { for (auto& w : m_vWindows) { if (w->m_iWorkspaceID != id) continue; w->updateWindowDecos(); } }