#include "ConfigManager.hpp" #include "../managers/KeybindManager.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include CConfigManager::CConfigManager() { setDefaultVars(); } void CConfigManager::setDefaultVars() { configValues["general:max_fps"].intValue = 240; configValues["general:sensitivity"].floatValue = 0.25f; configValues["general:apply_sens_to_raw"].intValue = 1; configValues["general:main_mod"].strValue = "SUPER"; // exposed to the user for easier configuring configValues["general:main_mod_internal"].intValue = g_pKeybindManager->stringToModMask("SUPER"); // actually used and automatically calculated configValues["general:damage_tracking"].strValue = "none"; configValues["general:damage_tracking_internal"].intValue = DAMAGE_TRACKING_NONE; configValues["general:border_size"].intValue = 1; configValues["general:gaps_in"].intValue = 5; configValues["general:gaps_out"].intValue = 20; configValues["general:col.active_border"].intValue = 0xffffffff; configValues["general:col.inactive_border"].intValue = 0xff444444; configValues["debug:int"].intValue = 0; configValues["debug:log_damage"].intValue = 0; configValues["decoration:rounding"].intValue = 1; configValues["decoration:blur"].intValue = 1; configValues["decoration:blur_size"].intValue = 8; configValues["decoration:blur_passes"].intValue = 1; configValues["decoration:active_opacity"].floatValue = 1; configValues["decoration:inactive_opacity"].floatValue = 1; configValues["dwindle:pseudotile"].intValue = 0; configValues["dwindle:col.group_border"].intValue = 0x66777700; configValues["dwindle:col.group_border_active"].intValue = 0x66ffff00; configValues["dwindle:force_split"].intValue = 0; configValues["animations:enabled"].intValue = 1; configValues["animations:speed"].floatValue = 7.f; configValues["animations:curve"].strValue = "default"; configValues["animations:windows_curve"].strValue = "[[f]]"; configValues["animations:windows_speed"].floatValue = 0.f; configValues["animations:windows"].intValue = 1; configValues["animations:borders_curve"].strValue = "[[f]]"; configValues["animations:borders_speed"].floatValue = 0.f; configValues["animations:borders"].intValue = 1; configValues["animations:fadein_curve"].strValue = "[[f]]"; configValues["animations:fadein_speed"].floatValue = 0.f; configValues["animations:fadein"].intValue = 1; configValues["animations:workspaces_curve"].strValue = "[[f]]"; configValues["animations:workspaces_speed"].floatValue = 0.f; configValues["animations:workspaces"].intValue = 1; configValues["input:kb_layout"].strValue = "en"; configValues["input:kb_variant"].strValue = STRVAL_EMPTY; configValues["input:kb_options"].strValue = STRVAL_EMPTY; configValues["input:kb_rules"].strValue = STRVAL_EMPTY; configValues["input:kb_model"].strValue = STRVAL_EMPTY; configValues["input:repeat_rate"].intValue = 25; configValues["input:repeat_delay"].intValue = 600; configValues["input:natural_scroll"].intValue = 0; configValues["input:touchpad:disable_while_typing"].intValue = 1; configValues["input:follow_mouse"].intValue = 1; configValues["autogenerated"].intValue = 0; } void CConfigManager::init() { loadConfigLoadVars(); const char* const ENVHOME = getenv("HOME"); const std::string CONFIGPATH = ENVHOME + (ISDEBUG ? (std::string) "/.config/hypr/hyprlandd.conf" : (std::string) "/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf"); struct stat fileStat; int err = stat(CONFIGPATH.c_str(), &fileStat); if (err != 0) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error at statting config, error %i", errno); } lastModifyTime = fileStat.st_mtime; isFirstLaunch = false; } void CConfigManager::configSetValueSafe(const std::string& COMMAND, const std::string& VALUE) { if (configValues.find(COMMAND) == configValues.end()) { parseError = "Error setting value <" + VALUE + "> for field <" + COMMAND + ">: No such field."; return; } auto& CONFIGENTRY = configValues.at(COMMAND); if (CONFIGENTRY.intValue != -1) { try { if (VALUE.find("0x") == 0) { // Values with 0x are hex const auto VALUEWITHOUTHEX = VALUE.substr(2); CONFIGENTRY.intValue = stol(VALUEWITHOUTHEX, nullptr, 16); } else CONFIGENTRY.intValue = stol(VALUE); } catch (...) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error reading value of %s", COMMAND.c_str()); parseError = "Error setting value <" + VALUE + "> for field <" + COMMAND + ">."; } } else if (CONFIGENTRY.floatValue != -1) { try { CONFIGENTRY.floatValue = stof(VALUE); } catch (...) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error reading value of %s", COMMAND.c_str()); parseError = "Error setting value <" + VALUE + "> for field <" + COMMAND + ">."; } } else if (CONFIGENTRY.strValue != "") { try { CONFIGENTRY.strValue = VALUE; } catch (...) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error reading value of %s", COMMAND.c_str()); parseError = "Error setting value <" + VALUE + "> for field <" + COMMAND + ">."; } } } void CConfigManager::handleRawExec(const std::string& command, const std::string& args) { // Exec in the background dont wait for it. if (fork() == 0) { execl("/bin/sh", "/bin/sh", "-c", args.c_str(), nullptr); _exit(0); } } void CConfigManager::handleMonitor(const std::string& command, const std::string& args) { // get the monitor config SMonitorRule newrule; std::string curitem = ""; std::string argZ = args; auto nextItem = [&]() { auto idx = argZ.find_first_of(','); if (idx != std::string::npos) { curitem = argZ.substr(0, idx); argZ = argZ.substr(idx + 1); } else { curitem = argZ; argZ = ""; } }; nextItem(); newrule.name = curitem; nextItem(); if (curitem == "disable" || curitem == "disabled" || curitem == "addreserved") { if (curitem == "disable" || curitem == "disabled") newrule.disabled = true; else if (curitem == "addreserved") { nextItem(); int top = std::stoi(curitem); nextItem(); int bottom = std::stoi(curitem); nextItem(); int left = std::stoi(curitem); nextItem(); int right = std::stoi(curitem); m_mAdditionalReservedAreas[newrule.name] = {top, bottom, left, right}; return; // this is not a rule, ignore } else { Debug::log(ERR, "ConfigManager parseMonitor, curitem bogus???"); return; } // overwrite if exists for (auto& r : m_dMonitorRules) { if (r.name == newrule.name) { r = newrule; return; } } m_dMonitorRules.push_back(newrule); return; } newrule.resolution.x = stoi(curitem.substr(0, curitem.find_first_of('x'))); newrule.resolution.y = stoi(curitem.substr(curitem.find_first_of('x') + 1, curitem.find_first_of('@'))); if (curitem.find_first_of('@') != std::string::npos) newrule.refreshRate = stof(curitem.substr(curitem.find_first_of('@') + 1)); nextItem(); newrule.offset.x = stoi(curitem.substr(0, curitem.find_first_of('x'))); newrule.offset.y = stoi(curitem.substr(curitem.find_first_of('x') + 1)); nextItem(); newrule.scale = stof(curitem); nextItem(); if (curitem != "") { // warning for old cfg Debug::log(ERR, "Error in parsing rule for %s, possibly old config!", newrule.name.c_str()); parseError = "Error in setting monitor rule. Are you using the old syntax? Confront the wiki."; return; } // overwrite if exists for (auto& r : m_dMonitorRules) { if (r.name == newrule.name) { r = newrule; return; } } m_dMonitorRules.push_back(newrule); } void CConfigManager::handleBezier(const std::string& command, const std::string& args) { std::string curitem = ""; std::string argZ = args; auto nextItem = [&]() { auto idx = argZ.find_first_of(','); if (idx != std::string::npos) { curitem = argZ.substr(0, idx); argZ = argZ.substr(idx + 1); } else { curitem = argZ; argZ = ""; } }; nextItem(); std::string bezierName = curitem; nextItem(); float p1x = std::stof(curitem); nextItem(); float p1y = std::stof(curitem); nextItem(); float p2x = std::stof(curitem); nextItem(); float p2y = std::stof(curitem); g_pAnimationManager->addBezierWithName(bezierName, Vector2D(p1x, p1y), Vector2D(p2x, p2y)); } void CConfigManager::handleBind(const std::string& command, const std::string& value) { // example: // bind=SUPER,G,exec,dmenu_run auto valueCopy = value; const auto MOD = g_pKeybindManager->stringToModMask(valueCopy.substr(0, valueCopy.find_first_of(","))); const auto MODSTR = valueCopy.substr(0, valueCopy.find_first_of(",")); valueCopy = valueCopy.substr(valueCopy.find_first_of(",") + 1); const auto KEY = valueCopy.substr(0, valueCopy.find_first_of(",")); valueCopy = valueCopy.substr(valueCopy.find_first_of(",") + 1); const auto HANDLER = valueCopy.substr(0, valueCopy.find_first_of(",")); valueCopy = valueCopy.substr(valueCopy.find_first_of(",") + 1); const auto COMMAND = valueCopy; const auto DISPATCHER = g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers.find(HANDLER); if (DISPATCHER == g_pKeybindManager->m_mDispatchers.end()) { Debug::log(ERR, "Invalid dispatcher!"); parseError = "Invalid dispatcher, requested \"" + HANDLER + "\" does not exist"; return; } if (MOD == 0 && MODSTR != "") { Debug::log(ERR, "Invalid mod!"); parseError = "Invalid mod, requested mod \"" + MODSTR + "\" is not a valid mod."; return; } if (KEY != "") g_pKeybindManager->addKeybind(SKeybind{KEY, MOD, HANDLER, COMMAND}); } void CConfigManager::handleUnbind(const std::string& command, const std::string& value) { auto valueCopy = value; const auto MOD = g_pKeybindManager->stringToModMask(valueCopy.substr(0, valueCopy.find_first_of(","))); valueCopy = valueCopy.substr(valueCopy.find_first_of(",") + 1); const auto KEY = valueCopy; g_pKeybindManager->removeKeybind(MOD, KEY); } void CConfigManager::handleWindowRule(const std::string& command, const std::string& value) { const auto RULE = value.substr(0, value.find_first_of(",")); const auto VALUE = value.substr(value.find_first_of(",") + 1); // check rule and value if (RULE == "" || VALUE == "") { return; } // verify we support a rule if (RULE != "float" && RULE != "tile" && RULE.find("opacity") != 0 && RULE.find("move") != 0 && RULE.find("size") != 0 && RULE.find("pseudo") != 0 && RULE.find("monitor") != 0 && RULE.find("workspace") != 0) { Debug::log(ERR, "Invalid rule found: %s", RULE.c_str()); parseError = "Invalid rule found: " + RULE; return; } m_dWindowRules.push_back({RULE, VALUE}); } void CConfigManager::handleDefaultWorkspace(const std::string& command, const std::string& value) { const auto DISPLAY = value.substr(0, value.find_first_of(',')); const auto WORKSPACEID = stoi(value.substr(value.find_first_of(',') + 1)); for (auto& mr : m_dMonitorRules) { if (mr.name == DISPLAY) { mr.defaultWorkspaceID = WORKSPACEID; break; } } } std::string CConfigManager::parseKeyword(const std::string& COMMAND, const std::string& VALUE, bool dynamic) { if (dynamic) parseError = ""; if (COMMAND == "exec") { if (isFirstLaunch) { firstExecRequests.push_back(VALUE); } else { handleRawExec(COMMAND, VALUE); } } else if (COMMAND == "exec-once") { if (isFirstLaunch) { firstExecRequests.push_back(VALUE); } } else if (COMMAND == "monitor") { handleMonitor(COMMAND, VALUE); } else if (COMMAND == "bind") { handleBind(COMMAND, VALUE); } else if (COMMAND == "unbind") { handleUnbind(COMMAND, VALUE); } else if (COMMAND == "workspace") { handleDefaultWorkspace(COMMAND, VALUE); } else if (COMMAND == "windowrule") { handleWindowRule(COMMAND, VALUE); } else if (COMMAND == "bezier") { handleBezier(COMMAND, VALUE); } else { configSetValueSafe(currentCategory + (currentCategory == "" ? "" : ":") + COMMAND, VALUE); } if (dynamic) { std::string retval = parseError; parseError = ""; return retval; } return parseError; } void CConfigManager::parseLine(std::string& line) { // first check if its not a comment const auto COMMENTSTART = line.find_first_of('#'); if (COMMENTSTART == 0) return; // now, cut the comment off if (COMMENTSTART != std::string::npos) line = line.substr(0, COMMENTSTART); // remove shit at the beginning while (line[0] == ' ' || line[0] == '\t') { line = line.substr(1); } if (line.find(" {") != std::string::npos) { auto cat = line.substr(0, line.find(" {")); transform(cat.begin(), cat.end(), cat.begin(), ::tolower); if (currentCategory.length() != 0) { currentCategory.push_back(':'); currentCategory.append(cat); } else { currentCategory = cat; } return; } if (line.find("}") != std::string::npos && currentCategory != "") { currentCategory = ""; return; } // And parse // check if command const auto EQUALSPLACE = line.find_first_of('='); if (EQUALSPLACE == std::string::npos) return; const auto COMMAND = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(line.substr(0, EQUALSPLACE)); const auto VALUE = removeBeginEndSpacesTabs(line.substr(EQUALSPLACE + 1)); // parseKeyword(COMMAND, VALUE); } void CConfigManager::loadConfigLoadVars() { Debug::log(LOG, "Reloading the config!"); parseError = ""; // reset the error currentCategory = ""; // reset the category // reset all vars before loading setDefaultVars(); m_dMonitorRules.clear(); m_dWindowRules.clear(); g_pKeybindManager->clearKeybinds(); g_pAnimationManager->removeAllBeziers(); m_mAdditionalReservedAreas.clear(); const char* const ENVHOME = getenv("HOME"); const std::string CONFIGPATH = ENVHOME + (ISDEBUG ? (std::string) "/.config/hypr/hyprlandd.conf" : (std::string) "/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf"); std::ifstream ifs; ifs.open(CONFIGPATH); if (!ifs.good()) { Debug::log(WARN, "Config reading error. (No file? Attempting to generate, backing up old one if exists)"); try { std::filesystem::rename(CONFIGPATH, CONFIGPATH + ".backup"); } catch(...) { /* Probably doesn't exist */} std::ofstream ofs; ofs.open(CONFIGPATH, std::ios::trunc); ofs << AUTOCONFIG; ofs.close(); ifs.open(CONFIGPATH); if (!ifs.good()) { parseError = "Broken config file! (Could not open)"; return; } } std::string line = ""; int linenum = 1; if (ifs.is_open()) { while (std::getline(ifs, line)) { // Read line by line. try { parseLine(line); } catch (...) { Debug::log(ERR, "Error reading line from config. Line:"); Debug::log(NONE, "%s", line.c_str()); parseError += "Config error at line " + std::to_string(linenum) + ": Line parsing error."; } if (parseError != "" && parseError.find("Config error at line") != 0) { parseError = "Config error at line " + std::to_string(linenum) + ": " + parseError; } ++linenum; } ifs.close(); } for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_lMonitors) g_pLayoutManager->getCurrentLayout()->recalculateMonitor(m.ID); // Update the keyboard layout to the cfg'd one if this is not the first launch if (!isFirstLaunch) g_pInputManager->setKeyboardLayout(); // Calculate the internal vars configValues["general:main_mod_internal"].intValue = g_pKeybindManager->stringToModMask(configValues["general:main_mod"].strValue); const auto DAMAGETRACKINGMODE = g_pHyprRenderer->damageTrackingModeFromStr(configValues["general:damage_tracking"].strValue); if (DAMAGETRACKINGMODE != DAMAGE_TRACKING_INVALID) configValues["general:damage_tracking_internal"].intValue = DAMAGETRACKINGMODE; else { parseError = "invalid value for general:damage_tracking, supported: full, monitor, none"; configValues["general:damage_tracking_internal"].intValue = DAMAGE_TRACKING_NONE; } // parseError will be displayed next frame if (parseError != "") g_pHyprError->queueCreate(parseError + "\nHyprland may not work correctly.", CColor(255, 50, 50, 255)); else if (configValues["autogenerated"].intValue == 1) g_pHyprError->queueCreate("Warning: You're using an autogenerated config! (config file: " + CONFIGPATH + " )\nSUPER+Enter -> kitty\nSUPER+T -> Alacritty\nSUPER+M -> exit Hyprland", CColor(255, 255, 70, 255)); else g_pHyprError->destroy(); // Set the modes for all monitors as we configured them // not on first launch because monitors might not exist yet // and they'll be taken care of in the newMonitor event if (!isFirstLaunch) { m_bWantsMonitorReload = true; } } void CConfigManager::tick() { const char* const ENVHOME = getenv("HOME"); const std::string CONFIGPATH = ENVHOME + (ISDEBUG ? (std::string) "/.config/hypr/hyprlandd.conf" : (std::string) "/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf"); if (!std::filesystem::exists(CONFIGPATH)) { loadConfigLoadVars(); return; } struct stat fileStat; int err = stat(CONFIGPATH.c_str(), &fileStat); if (err != 0) { Debug::log(WARN, "Error at ticking config at %s, error %i: %s", CONFIGPATH.c_str(), err, strerror(err)); return; } // check if we need to reload cfg if (fileStat.st_mtime != lastModifyTime || m_bForceReload) { lastModifyTime = fileStat.st_mtime; m_bForceReload = false; loadConfigLoadVars(); } } std::mutex configmtx; SConfigValue CConfigManager::getConfigValueSafe(std::string val) { std::lock_guard lg(configmtx); SConfigValue copy = configValues[val]; return copy; } int CConfigManager::getInt(std::string v) { return getConfigValueSafe(v).intValue; } float CConfigManager::getFloat(std::string v) { return getConfigValueSafe(v).floatValue; } std::string CConfigManager::getString(std::string v) { const auto VAL = getConfigValueSafe(v).strValue; if (VAL == STRVAL_EMPTY) return ""; return VAL; } void CConfigManager::setInt(std::string v, int val) { configValues[v].intValue = val; } void CConfigManager::setFloat(std::string v, float val) { configValues[v].floatValue = val; } void CConfigManager::setString(std::string v, std::string val) { configValues[v].strValue = val; } SMonitorRule CConfigManager::getMonitorRuleFor(std::string name) { SMonitorRule* found = nullptr; for (auto& r : m_dMonitorRules) { if (r.name == name) { found = &r; break; } } if (found) return *found; Debug::log(WARN, "No rule found for %s, trying to use the first.", name.c_str()); for (auto& r : m_dMonitorRules) { if (r.name == "") { found = &r; break; } } if (found) return *found; Debug::log(WARN, "No rules configured. Using the default hardcoded one."); return SMonitorRule{.name = "", .resolution = Vector2D(1280, 720), .offset = Vector2D(0, 0), .scale = 1}; } std::vector CConfigManager::getMatchingRules(CWindow* pWindow) { if (!g_pCompositor->windowValidMapped(pWindow)) return std::vector(); std::vector returns; std::string title = g_pXWaylandManager->getTitle(pWindow); std::string appidclass = g_pXWaylandManager->getAppIDClass(pWindow); for (auto& rule : m_dWindowRules) { // check if we have a matching rule try { std::regex classCheck(rule.szValue); if (!std::regex_search(title, classCheck) && !std::regex_search(appidclass, classCheck)) continue; } catch (...) { Debug::log(ERR, "Regex error at %s", rule.szValue.c_str()); } // applies. Read the rule and behave accordingly Debug::log(LOG, "Window rule %s -> %s matched %x [%s]", rule.szRule.c_str(), rule.szValue.c_str(), pWindow, pWindow->m_szTitle.c_str()); returns.push_back(rule); } return returns; } void CConfigManager::dispatchExecOnce() { if (firstExecDispatched || isFirstLaunch) return; firstExecDispatched = true; for (auto& c : firstExecRequests) { handleRawExec("", c); } firstExecRequests.clear(); // free some kb of memory :P } void CConfigManager::performMonitorReload() { for (auto& m : g_pCompositor->m_lMonitors) { auto rule = getMonitorRuleFor(m.szName); g_pHyprRenderer->applyMonitorRule(&m, &rule); } m_bWantsMonitorReload = false; } SConfigValue* CConfigManager::getConfigValuePtr(std::string val) { return &configValues[val]; }