mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 09:31:41 -05:00
HookSystem: improve callback safety
This commit is contained in:
18 changed files with 89 additions and 105 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include <pango/pangocairo.h>
CHyprNotificationOverlay::CHyprNotificationOverlay() {
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("focusedMon", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("focusedMon", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
if (m_dNotifications.size() == 0)
@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ class CWorkspace {
void markInert();
void init(PHLWORKSPACE self);
void init(PHLWORKSPACE self);
HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* m_pFocusedWindowHook = nullptr;
bool m_bInert = true;
std::weak_ptr<CWorkspace> m_pSelf;
std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> m_pFocusedWindowHook;
bool m_bInert = true;
std::weak_ptr<CWorkspace> m_pSelf;
inline bool valid(const PHLWORKSPACE& ref) {
@ -270,9 +270,9 @@ struct STabletPad {
struct SIdleInhibitor {
wlr_idle_inhibitor_v1* pWlrInhibitor = nullptr;
CWindow* pWindow = nullptr;
HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* onWindowDestroy = nullptr;
wlr_idle_inhibitor_v1* pWlrInhibitor = nullptr;
CWindow* pWindow = nullptr;
std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> onWindowDestroy;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ CHyprError::CHyprError() {
m_fFadeOpacity.create(AVARTYPE_FLOAT, g_pConfigManager->getAnimationPropertyConfig("fadeIn"), AVARDAMAGE_NONE);
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("focusedMon", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("focusedMon", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
if (!m_bIsCreated)
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ CHyprError::CHyprError() {
m_bMonitorChanged = true;
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("preRender", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
static auto P2 = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("preRender", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
if (!m_bIsCreated)
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ CCursorManager::CCursorManager() {
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("monitorLayoutChanged", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { this->updateTheme(); });
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("monitorLayoutChanged", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { this->updateTheme(); });
void CCursorManager::dropBufferRef(CCursorManager::CCursorBuffer* ref) {
@ -7,30 +7,28 @@ CHookSystemManager::CHookSystemManager() {
// returns the pointer to the function
HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* CHookSystemManager::hookDynamic(const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn, HANDLE handle) {
const auto PVEC = getVecForEvent(event);
const auto PFN = &m_lCallbackFunctions.emplace_back(fn);
PVEC->emplace_back(SCallbackFNPtr{PFN, handle});
return PFN;
std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> CHookSystemManager::hookDynamic(const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn, HANDLE handle) {
std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> hookFN = std::make_shared<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN>(fn);
m_mRegisteredHooks[event].emplace_back(SCallbackFNPtr{.fn = hookFN, .handle = handle});
return hookFN;
void CHookSystemManager::hookStatic(const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn, HANDLE handle) {
const auto PVEC = getVecForEvent(event);
PVEC->emplace_back(SCallbackFNPtr{fn, handle});
void CHookSystemManager::unhook(std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> fn) {
for (auto& [k, v] : m_mRegisteredHooks) {
std::erase_if(v, [&](const auto& other) {
std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> fn_ = other.fn.lock();
void CHookSystemManager::unhook(HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn) {
std::erase_if(m_lCallbackFunctions, [&](const auto& other) { return &other == fn; });
for (auto& [k, v] : m_lpRegisteredHooks) {
std::erase_if(v, [&](const auto& other) { return other.fn == fn; });
return fn_.get() == fn.get();
void CHookSystemManager::emit(const std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* callbacks, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) {
void CHookSystemManager::emit(std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* const callbacks, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) {
if (callbacks->empty())
std::vector<HANDLE> faultyHandles;
bool needsDeadCleanup = false;
for (auto& cb : *callbacks) {
@ -38,7 +36,11 @@ void CHookSystemManager::emit(const std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* callbacks, SCal
if (!cb.handle) {
// we don't guard hl hooks
(*cb.fn)(cb.fn, info, data);
if (std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> fn = cb.fn.lock())
(*fn)(fn.get(), info, data);
needsDeadCleanup = true;
@ -48,9 +50,12 @@ void CHookSystemManager::emit(const std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* callbacks, SCal
try {
if (!setjmp(m_jbHookFaultJumpBuf))
(*cb.fn)(cb.fn, info, data);
else {
if (!setjmp(m_jbHookFaultJumpBuf)) {
if (std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> fn = cb.fn.lock())
(*fn)(fn.get(), info, data);
needsDeadCleanup = true;
} else {
// this module crashed.
throw std::exception();
@ -61,6 +66,9 @@ void CHookSystemManager::emit(const std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* callbacks, SCal
if (needsDeadCleanup)
std::erase_if(*callbacks, [](const auto& fn) { return !fn.fn.lock(); });
if (!faultyHandles.empty()) {
for (auto& h : faultyHandles)
g_pPluginSystem->unloadPlugin(g_pPluginSystem->getPluginByHandle(h), true);
@ -68,12 +76,8 @@ void CHookSystemManager::emit(const std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* callbacks, SCal
std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* CHookSystemManager::getVecForEvent(const std::string& event) {
auto IT = std::find_if(m_lpRegisteredHooks.begin(), m_lpRegisteredHooks.end(), [&](const auto& other) { return other.first == event; });
if (!m_mRegisteredHooks.contains(event))
Debug::log(LOG, "[hookSystem] New hook event registered: {}", event);
if (IT != m_lpRegisteredHooks.end())
return &IT->second;
Debug::log(LOG, "[hookSystem] New hook event registered: {}", event);
return &m_lpRegisteredHooks.emplace_back(std::make_pair<>(event, std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>{})).second;
return &m_mRegisteredHooks[event];
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
typedef std::function<void(void*, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data)> HOOK_CALLBACK_FN;
struct SCallbackFNPtr {
HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn = nullptr;
HANDLE handle = nullptr;
std::weak_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> fn;
HANDLE handle = nullptr;
#define EMIT_HOOK_EVENT(name, param) \
@ -40,21 +40,21 @@ class CHookSystemManager {
// returns the pointer to the function
HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* hookDynamic(const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn, HANDLE handle = nullptr);
void hookStatic(const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn, HANDLE handle = nullptr);
void unhook(HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn);
// returns the pointer to the function.
// losing this pointer (letting it get destroyed)
// will equal to unregistering the callback.
[[nodiscard("Losing this pointer instantly unregisters the callback")]] std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> hookDynamic(const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn,
HANDLE handle = nullptr);
void unhook(std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> fn);
void emit(const std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* callbacks, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data = 0);
void emit(std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* const callbacks, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data = 0);
std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>* getVecForEvent(const std::string& event);
bool m_bCurrentEventPlugin = false;
jmp_buf m_jbHookFaultJumpBuf;
// todo: this is slow. Maybe static ptrs should be somehow allowed. unique ptr for vec?
std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>>> m_lpRegisteredHooks;
std::list<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> m_lCallbackFunctions;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<SCallbackFNPtr>> m_mRegisteredHooks;
inline std::unique_ptr<CHookSystemManager> g_pHookSystem;
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ CKeybindManager::CKeybindManager() {
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("configReloaded", [this](void* hk, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("configReloaded", [this](void* hk, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
// clear cuz realloc'd
m_pActiveKeybind = nullptr;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
#include "../../Compositor.hpp"
CInputMethodRelay::CInputMethodRelay() {
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("keyboardFocus", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { onKeyboardFocus(std::any_cast<wlr_surface*>(param)); });
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("keyboardFocus", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { onKeyboardFocus(std::any_cast<wlr_surface*>(param)); });
void CInputMethodRelay::onNewIME(wlr_input_method_v2* pIME) {
@ -13,30 +13,18 @@ APICALL const char* __hyprland_api_get_hash() {
APICALL bool HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackStatic(HANDLE handle, const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn) {
auto* const PLUGIN = g_pPluginSystem->getPluginByHandle(handle);
if (!PLUGIN)
return false;
g_pHookSystem->hookStatic(event, fn, handle);
PLUGIN->registeredCallbacks.emplace_back(std::make_pair<>(event, fn));
return true;
APICALL HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic(HANDLE handle, const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn) {
APICALL std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> HyprlandAPI::registerCallbackDynamic(HANDLE handle, const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn) {
auto* const PLUGIN = g_pPluginSystem->getPluginByHandle(handle);
if (!PLUGIN)
return nullptr;
auto* const PFN = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic(event, fn, handle);
auto PFN = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic(event, fn, handle);
PLUGIN->registeredCallbacks.emplace_back(std::make_pair<>(event, PFN));
return PFN;
APICALL bool HyprlandAPI::unregisterCallback(HANDLE handle, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn) {
APICALL bool HyprlandAPI::unregisterCallback(HANDLE handle, std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> fn) {
auto* const PLUGIN = g_pPluginSystem->getPluginByHandle(handle);
if (!PLUGIN)
@ -132,28 +132,20 @@ namespace HyprlandAPI {
APICALL Hyprlang::CConfigValue* getConfigValue(HANDLE handle, const std::string& name);
Register a static (pointer) callback to a selected event.
Pointer must be kept valid until unregisterCallback() is called.
returns: true on success, false on fail
APICALL bool registerCallbackStatic(HANDLE handle, const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn);
Register a dynamic (function) callback to a selected event.
Pointer will be free'd by Hyprland on unregisterCallback().
returns: a pointer to the newly allocated function. nullptr on fail.
APICALL HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* registerCallbackDynamic(HANDLE handle, const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn);
APICALL std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> registerCallbackDynamic(HANDLE handle, const std::string& event, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN fn);
Unregisters a callback. If the callback was dynamic, frees the memory.
returns: true on success, false on fail
APICALL bool unregisterCallback(HANDLE handle, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* fn);
APICALL bool unregisterCallback(HANDLE handle, std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> fn);
Calls a hyprctl command.
@ -8,22 +8,22 @@ class IHyprWindowDecoration;
class CPlugin {
std::string name = "";
std::string description = "";
std::string author = "";
std::string version = "";
std::string name = "";
std::string description = "";
std::string author = "";
std::string version = "";
std::string path = "";
std::string path = "";
bool m_bLoadedWithConfig = false;
bool m_bLoadedWithConfig = false;
HANDLE m_pHandle = nullptr;
HANDLE m_pHandle = nullptr;
std::vector<IHyprLayout*> registeredLayouts;
std::vector<IHyprWindowDecoration*> registeredDecorations;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, HOOK_CALLBACK_FN*>> registeredCallbacks;
std::vector<std::string> registeredDispatchers;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SHyprCtlCommand>> registeredHyprctlCommands;
std::vector<IHyprLayout*> registeredLayouts;
std::vector<IHyprWindowDecoration*> registeredDecorations;
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN>>> registeredCallbacks;
std::vector<std::string> registeredDispatchers;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<SHyprCtlCommand>> registeredHyprctlCommands;
class CPluginSystem {
@ -20,21 +20,21 @@ class CScreencopyClient {
int ref = 0;
wl_resource* resource = nullptr;
int ref = 0;
wl_resource* resource = nullptr;
eClientOwners clientOwner = CLIENT_SCREENCOPY;
eClientOwners clientOwner = CLIENT_SCREENCOPY;
int frameCounter = 0;
int framesInLastHalfSecond = 0;
CTimer lastMeasure;
CTimer lastFrame;
bool sentScreencast = false;
int frameCounter = 0;
int framesInLastHalfSecond = 0;
CTimer lastMeasure;
CTimer lastFrame;
bool sentScreencast = false;
void onTick();
HOOK_CALLBACK_FN* tickCallback = nullptr;
void onTick();
std::shared_ptr<HOOK_CALLBACK_FN> tickCallback;
bool operator==(const CScreencopyClient& other) const {
bool operator==(const CScreencopyClient& other) const {
return resource == other.resource;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include "../Compositor.hpp"
CTearingControlProtocol::CTearingControlProtocol(const wl_interface* iface, const int& ver, const std::string& name) : IWaylandProtocol(iface, ver, name) {
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("destroyWindow", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { this->onWindowDestroy(std::any_cast<CWindow*>(param)); });
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("destroyWindow", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { this->onWindowDestroy(std::any_cast<CWindow*>(param)); });
void CTearingControlProtocol::bindManager(wl_client* client, void* data, uint32_t ver, uint32_t id) {
@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ void CXDGOutputProtocol::bindManager(wl_client* client, void* data, uint32_t ver
CXDGOutputProtocol::CXDGOutputProtocol(const wl_interface* iface, const int& ver, const std::string& name) : IWaylandProtocol(iface, ver, name) {
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("monitorLayoutChanged", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { this->updateAllOutputs(); });
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("configReloaded", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { this->updateAllOutputs(); });
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("monitorRemoved", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("monitorLayoutChanged", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { this->updateAllOutputs(); });
static auto P2 = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("configReloaded", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) { this->updateAllOutputs(); });
static auto P3 = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("monitorRemoved", [this](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
const auto PMONITOR = std::any_cast<CMonitor*>(param);
for (auto& o : m_vXDGOutputs) {
if (o->monitor == PMONITOR)
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ CHyprOpenGLImpl::CHyprOpenGLImpl() {
Debug::log(WARN, "!RENDERER: Using the legacy GLES2 renderer!");
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("preRender", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) { preRender(std::any_cast<CMonitor*>(data)); });
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("preRender", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) { preRender(std::any_cast<CMonitor*>(data)); });
RASSERT(eglMakeCurrent(wlr_egl_get_display(g_pCompositor->m_sWLREGL), EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_SURFACE, EGL_NO_CONTEXT), "Couldn't unset current EGL!");
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ CHyprRenderer::CHyprRenderer() {
// cursor hiding stuff
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("keyPress", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("keyPress", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
if (m_sCursorHiddenConditions.hiddenOnKeyboard)
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ CHyprRenderer::CHyprRenderer() {
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("mouseMove", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
static auto P2 = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("mouseMove", [&](void* self, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any param) {
if (!m_sCursorHiddenConditions.hiddenOnKeyboard && m_sCursorHiddenConditions.hiddenOnTouch == g_pInputManager->m_bLastInputTouch &&
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
#include "../../Compositor.hpp"
CDecorationPositioner::CDecorationPositioner() {
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("closeWindow", [this](void* call, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) {
static auto P = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("closeWindow", [this](void* call, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) {
auto* const PWINDOW = std::any_cast<CWindow*>(data);
g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("openWindow", [this](void* call, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) {
static auto P2 = g_pHookSystem->hookDynamic("openWindow", [this](void* call, SCallbackInfo& info, std::any data) {
auto* const PWINDOW = std::any_cast<CWindow*>(data);
Add table
Reference in a new issue