mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 09:01:41 -05:00
miscfunctions: move configStringToInt to std::expected
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 106 additions and 72 deletions
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ static Hyprlang::CParseResult configHandleGradientSet(const char* VALUE, void**
try {
} catch (std::exception& e) {
Debug::log(WARN, "Error parsing gradient {}", V);
parseError = "Error parsing gradient " + V + ": " + e.what();
@ -2615,7 +2615,14 @@ std::optional<std::string> CConfigManager::handleWorkspaceRules(const std::strin
const static std::string ruleOnCreatedEmpty = "on-created-empty:";
const static auto ruleOnCreatedEmptyLen = ruleOnCreatedEmpty.length();
auto assignRule = [&](std::string rule) -> std::optional<std::string> {
#define CHECK_OR_THROW(expr) \
auto X = expr; \
if (!X) { \
return "Failed parsing a workspace rule"; \
auto assignRule = [&](std::string rule) -> std::optional<std::string> {
size_t delim = std::string::npos;
if ((delim = rule.find("gapsin:")) != std::string::npos) {
CVarList varlist = CVarList(rule.substr(delim + 7), 0, ' ');
@ -2633,25 +2640,32 @@ std::optional<std::string> CConfigManager::handleWorkspaceRules(const std::strin
try {
wsRule.borderSize = std::stoi(rule.substr(delim + 11));
} catch (...) { return "Error parsing workspace rule bordersize: {}", rule.substr(delim + 11); }
else if ((delim = rule.find("border:")) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.noBorder = !configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 7));
else if ((delim = rule.find("shadow:")) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.noShadow = !configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 7));
else if ((delim = rule.find("rounding:")) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.noRounding = !configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 9));
else if ((delim = rule.find("decorate:")) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.decorate = configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 9));
else if ((delim = rule.find("monitor:")) != std::string::npos)
else if ((delim = rule.find("border:")) != std::string::npos) {
CHECK_OR_THROW(configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 7)))
wsRule.noBorder = !*X;
} else if ((delim = rule.find("shadow:")) != std::string::npos) {
CHECK_OR_THROW(configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 7)))
wsRule.noShadow = !*X;
} else if ((delim = rule.find("rounding:")) != std::string::npos) {
CHECK_OR_THROW(configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 9)))
wsRule.noRounding = !*X;
} else if ((delim = rule.find("decorate:")) != std::string::npos) {
CHECK_OR_THROW(configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 9)))
wsRule.decorate = *X;
} else if ((delim = rule.find("monitor:")) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.monitor = rule.substr(delim + 8);
else if ((delim = rule.find("default:")) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.isDefault = configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 8));
else if ((delim = rule.find("persistent:")) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.isPersistent = configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 11));
else if ((delim = rule.find("defaultName:")) != std::string::npos)
else if ((delim = rule.find("default:")) != std::string::npos) {
CHECK_OR_THROW(configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 8)))
wsRule.isDefault = *X;
} else if ((delim = rule.find("persistent:")) != std::string::npos) {
CHECK_OR_THROW(configStringToInt(rule.substr(delim + 11)))
wsRule.isPersistent = *X;
} else if ((delim = rule.find("defaultName:")) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.defaultName = rule.substr(delim + 12);
else if ((delim = rule.find(ruleOnCreatedEmpty)) != std::string::npos)
wsRule.onCreatedEmptyRunCmd = cleanCmdForWorkspace(name, rule.substr(delim + ruleOnCreatedEmptyLen));
else if ((delim = rule.find("layoutopt:")) != std::string::npos) {
else if ((delim = rule.find(ruleOnCreatedEmpty)) != std::string::npos) {
CHECK_OR_THROW(cleanCmdForWorkspace(name, rule.substr(delim + ruleOnCreatedEmptyLen)))
wsRule.onCreatedEmptyRunCmd = *X;
} else if ((delim = rule.find("layoutopt:")) != std::string::npos) {
std::string opt = rule.substr(delim + 10);
if (!opt.contains(":")) {
// invalid
@ -2668,6 +2682,8 @@ std::optional<std::string> CConfigManager::handleWorkspaceRules(const std::strin
return {};
CVarList rulesList{rules, 0, ',', true};
for (auto const& r : rulesList) {
const auto R = assignRule(r);
@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ std::string dispatchSeterror(eHyprCtlOutputFormat format, std::string request) {
return "ok";
const CColor COLOR = configStringToInt(vars[1]);
const CColor COLOR = configStringToInt(vars[1]).value_or(0);
for (size_t i = 2; i < vars.size(); ++i)
errorMessage += vars[i] + ' ';
@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ std::string dispatchNotify(eHyprCtlOutputFormat format, std::string request) {
time = std::stoi(TIME);
} catch (std::exception& e) { return "invalid arg 2"; }
CColor color = configStringToInt(vars[3]);
CColor color = configStringToInt(vars[3]).value_or(0);
size_t msgidx = 4;
float fontsize = 13.f;
@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ void CLayerSurface::applyRules() {
} else if (rule.rule.starts_with("xray")) {
CVarList vars{rule.rule, 0, ' '};
try {
xray = configStringToInt(vars[1]);
xray = configStringToInt(vars[1]).value_or(false);
} catch (...) {}
} else if (rule.rule.starts_with("animation")) {
CVarList vars{rule.rule, 2, 's'};
@ -672,8 +672,8 @@ void CWindow::applyDynamicRule(const SWindowRule& r) {
// Basic form has only two colors, everything else can be parsed as a gradient
if (colorsAndAngles.size() == 2 && !colorsAndAngles[1].contains("deg")) {
m_sWindowData.activeBorderColor = CWindowOverridableVar(CGradientValueData(CColor(configStringToInt(colorsAndAngles[0]))), priority);
m_sWindowData.inactiveBorderColor = CWindowOverridableVar(CGradientValueData(CColor(configStringToInt(colorsAndAngles[1]))), priority);
m_sWindowData.activeBorderColor = CWindowOverridableVar(CGradientValueData(CColor(configStringToInt(colorsAndAngles[0]).value_or(0))), priority);
m_sWindowData.inactiveBorderColor = CWindowOverridableVar(CGradientValueData(CColor(configStringToInt(colorsAndAngles[1]).value_or(0))), priority);
@ -685,9 +685,9 @@ void CWindow::applyDynamicRule(const SWindowRule& r) {
} else if (token.contains("deg"))
inactiveBorderGradient.m_fAngle = std::stoi(token.substr(0, token.size() - 3)) * (PI / 180.0);
else if (active)
// Includes sanity checks for the number of colors in each gradient
@ -691,15 +691,15 @@ int64_t getPPIDof(int64_t pid) {
int64_t configStringToInt(const std::string& VALUE) {
auto parseHex = [](const std::string& value) -> int64_t {
std::expected<int64_t, std::string> configStringToInt(const std::string& VALUE) {
auto parseHex = [](const std::string& value) -> std::expected<int64_t, std::string> {
try {
size_t position;
auto result = stoll(value, &position, 16);
if (position == value.size())
return result;
} catch (const std::exception&) {}
throw std::invalid_argument("invalid hex " + value);
return std::unexpected("invalid hex " + value);
if (VALUE.starts_with("0x")) {
// Values with 0x are hex
@ -718,18 +718,25 @@ int64_t configStringToInt(const std::string& VALUE) {
auto b = configStringToInt(trim(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(','))));
rolling = rolling.substr(rolling.find(',') + 1);
uint8_t a = 0;
if (!r || !g || !b)
return std::unexpected("failed parsing " + VALUEWITHOUTFUNC);
try {
a = std::round(std::stof(trim(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(',')))) * 255.f);
} catch (std::exception& e) { throw std::invalid_argument("failed parsing " + VALUEWITHOUTFUNC); }
} catch (std::exception& e) { return std::unexpected("failed parsing " + VALUEWITHOUTFUNC); }
return a * (Hyprlang::INT)0x1000000 + r * (Hyprlang::INT)0x10000 + g * (Hyprlang::INT)0x100 + b;
return a * (Hyprlang::INT)0x1000000 + *r * (Hyprlang::INT)0x10000 + *g * (Hyprlang::INT)0x100 + *b;
} else if (VALUEWITHOUTFUNC.length() == 8) {
const auto RGBA = parseHex(VALUEWITHOUTFUNC);
if (!RGBA)
return RGBA;
// now we need to RGBA -> ARGB. The config holds ARGB only.
return (RGBA >> 8) + 0x1000000 * (RGBA & 0xFF);
return (*RGBA >> 8) + 0x1000000 * (*RGBA & 0xFF);
throw std::invalid_argument("rgba() expects length of 8 characters (4 bytes) or 4 comma separated values");
return std::unexpected("rgba() expects length of 8 characters (4 bytes) or 4 comma separated values");
} else if (VALUE.starts_with("rgb(") && VALUE.ends_with(')')) {
const auto VALUEWITHOUTFUNC = trim(VALUE.substr(4, VALUE.length() - 5));
@ -744,12 +751,16 @@ int64_t configStringToInt(const std::string& VALUE) {
rolling = rolling.substr(rolling.find(',') + 1);
auto b = configStringToInt(trim(rolling.substr(0, rolling.find(','))));
return (Hyprlang::INT)0xFF000000 + r * (Hyprlang::INT)0x10000 + g * (Hyprlang::INT)0x100 + b;
if (!r || !g || !b)
return std::unexpected("failed parsing " + VALUEWITHOUTFUNC);
return (Hyprlang::INT)0xFF000000 + *r * (Hyprlang::INT)0x10000 + *g * (Hyprlang::INT)0x100 + *b;
} else if (VALUEWITHOUTFUNC.length() == 6) {
return parseHex(VALUEWITHOUTFUNC) + 0xFF000000;
auto r = parseHex(VALUEWITHOUTFUNC);
return r ? *r + 0xFF000000 : r;
throw std::invalid_argument("rgb() expects length of 6 characters (3 bytes) or 3 comma separated values");
return std::unexpected("rgb() expects length of 6 characters (3 bytes) or 3 comma separated values");
} else if (VALUE.starts_with("true") || VALUE.starts_with("on") || VALUE.starts_with("yes")) {
return 1;
} else if (VALUE.starts_with("false") || VALUE.starts_with("off") || VALUE.starts_with("no")) {
@ -757,14 +768,14 @@ int64_t configStringToInt(const std::string& VALUE) {
if (VALUE.empty() || !isNumber(VALUE, false))
throw std::invalid_argument("cannot parse \"" + VALUE + "\" as an int.");
return std::unexpected("cannot parse \"" + VALUE + "\" as an int.");
try {
const auto RES = std::stoll(VALUE);
return RES;
} catch (std::exception& e) { throw std::invalid_argument(std::string{"stoll threw: "} + e.what()); }
} catch (std::exception& e) { return std::unexpected(std::string{"stoll threw: "} + e.what()); }
return 0;
return std::unexpected("parse error");
Vector2D configStringToVector2D(const std::string& VALUE) {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "math/Math.hpp"
#include <vector>
#include <format>
#include <expected>
#include "../SharedDefs.hpp"
#include "../macros.hpp"
@ -19,28 +20,28 @@ struct SWorkspaceIDName {
std::string name;
std::string absolutePath(const std::string&, const std::string&);
void addWLSignal(wl_signal*, wl_listener*, void* pOwner, const std::string& ownerString);
void removeWLSignal(wl_listener*);
std::string escapeJSONStrings(const std::string& str);
bool isDirection(const std::string&);
bool isDirection(const char&);
SWorkspaceIDName getWorkspaceIDNameFromString(const std::string&);
std::optional<std::string> cleanCmdForWorkspace(const std::string&, std::string);
float vecToRectDistanceSquared(const Vector2D& vec, const Vector2D& p1, const Vector2D& p2);
void logSystemInfo();
std::string execAndGet(const char*);
int64_t getPPIDof(int64_t pid);
int64_t configStringToInt(const std::string&);
Vector2D configStringToVector2D(const std::string&);
std::optional<float> getPlusMinusKeywordResult(std::string in, float relative);
double normalizeAngleRad(double ang);
std::vector<SCallstackFrameInfo> getBacktrace();
void throwError(const std::string& err);
bool envEnabled(const std::string& env);
int allocateSHMFile(size_t len);
bool allocateSHMFilePair(size_t size, int* rw_fd_ptr, int* ro_fd_ptr);
float stringToPercentage(const std::string& VALUE, const float REL);
std::string absolutePath(const std::string&, const std::string&);
void addWLSignal(wl_signal*, wl_listener*, void* pOwner, const std::string& ownerString);
void removeWLSignal(wl_listener*);
std::string escapeJSONStrings(const std::string& str);
bool isDirection(const std::string&);
bool isDirection(const char&);
SWorkspaceIDName getWorkspaceIDNameFromString(const std::string&);
std::optional<std::string> cleanCmdForWorkspace(const std::string&, std::string);
float vecToRectDistanceSquared(const Vector2D& vec, const Vector2D& p1, const Vector2D& p2);
void logSystemInfo();
std::string execAndGet(const char*);
int64_t getPPIDof(int64_t pid);
std::expected<int64_t, std::string> configStringToInt(const std::string&);
Vector2D configStringToVector2D(const std::string&);
std::optional<float> getPlusMinusKeywordResult(std::string in, float relative);
double normalizeAngleRad(double ang);
std::vector<SCallstackFrameInfo> getBacktrace();
void throwError(const std::string& err);
bool envEnabled(const std::string& env);
int allocateSHMFile(size_t len);
bool allocateSHMFilePair(size_t size, int* rw_fd_ptr, int* ro_fd_ptr);
float stringToPercentage(const std::string& VALUE, const float REL);
template <typename... Args>
[[deprecated("use std::format instead")]] std::string getFormat(std::format_string<Args...> fmt, Args&&... args) {
@ -2972,11 +2972,14 @@ SDispatchResult CKeybindManager::setProp(std::string args) {
const auto TOKEN = vars[i];
if (TOKEN.ends_with("deg"))
colorData.m_fAngle = std::stoi(TOKEN.substr(0, TOKEN.size() - 3)) * (PI / 180.0);
else if (const auto V = configStringToInt(TOKEN); V)
} else if (VAL != "-1")
} else if (VAL != "-1") {
const auto V = configStringToInt(VAL);
if (V)
if (PROP == "activebordercolor")
PWINDOW->m_sWindowData.activeBorderColor = CWindowOverridableVar(colorData, PRIORITY_SET_PROP);
@ -2993,8 +2996,8 @@ SDispatchResult CKeybindManager::setProp(std::string args) {
} else if (auto search = g_pConfigManager->miWindowProperties.find(PROP); search != g_pConfigManager->miWindowProperties.end()) {
if (VAL == "unset")
*(search->second(PWINDOW)) = CWindowOverridableVar((int)configStringToInt(VAL), PRIORITY_SET_PROP);
else if (const auto V = configStringToInt(VAL); V)
*(search->second(PWINDOW)) = CWindowOverridableVar((int)*V, PRIORITY_SET_PROP);
} else {
return {.success = false, .error = "Prop not found"};
@ -90,11 +90,14 @@ CFunctionHook::SAssembly CFunctionHook::fixInstructionProbeRIPCalls(const SInstr
std::string code = probe.assembly.substr(lastAsmNewline, probe.assembly.find("\n", lastAsmNewline) - lastAsmNewline);
if (code.contains("%rip")) {
CVarList tokens{code, 0, 's'};
size_t plusPresent = tokens[1][0] == '+' ? 1 : 0;
size_t minusPresent = tokens[1][0] == '-' ? 1 : 0;
std::string addr = tokens[1].substr((plusPresent || minusPresent), tokens[1].find("(%rip)") - (plusPresent || minusPresent));
const int32_t OFFSET = (minusPresent ? -1 : 1) * configStringToInt(addr);
CVarList tokens{code, 0, 's'};
size_t plusPresent = tokens[1][0] == '+' ? 1 : 0;
size_t minusPresent = tokens[1][0] == '-' ? 1 : 0;
std::string addr = tokens[1].substr((plusPresent || minusPresent), tokens[1].find("(%rip)") - (plusPresent || minusPresent));
auto addrResult = configStringToInt(addr);
if (!addrResult)
return {};
const int32_t OFFSET = (minusPresent ? -1 : 1) * *addrResult;
if (OFFSET == 0)
return {};
const uint64_t DESTINATION = currentAddress + OFFSET + len;
Add table
Reference in a new issue