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-# Contributing
-*Thank you for considering contributing to Hyprland.*
-## Development
-Check the [Wiki] for debugging instructions.
-Afterwards, pick yourself an [Issue] or implement your own suggestion.
-An good place to search for things to contribute is the [Projects Page]
-*As Hyprland is still in its early stages of development, I'd recommend you stick to bug fixes first.*
-## Pull Requests
-- Please follow the code style
-- Code must be readable
-- Features should be useful
-- Test your changes!
- *Run it on bare metal and check if everything works.*
-[Issue]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/issues
-[Wiki]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Contributing-&-Debugging
-[Projects page]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/projects?type=beta
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+# Issue Guidelines
+First of all, please remember to:
+- Check that your issue is not a duplicate
+- Read the [FAQ](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/FAQ)
+- Read the [Configuring Page](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Configuring-Hyprland)
+# Reporting suggestions
+Suggestions are welcome.
+Many features can be implemented using bash scripts and Hyprland sockets, read up on those [Here](https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/IPC). Please do not suggest features that can be implemented as such.
+# Reporting bugs
+All bug reports should have the following:
+- Steps to reproduce
+- Expected outcome
+- Noted outcome
+If your bug is one that doesn't crash Hyprland, but feels like invalid behavior, that's all you need to say.
+If your bug crashes Hyprland, append additionally:
+- The Hyprland log
+- Coredump / Coredump analysis (with a stacktrace)
+## Obtaining the Hyprland log
+If you are in a TTY, and the hyprland session that crashed was the last one you launched, the log will be printed with
+cat /tmp/hypr/$(ls -t /tmp/hypr/ | head -n 1)/hyprland.log
+feel free to send it to a file, save, copy, etc.
+if you are in a Hyprland session, and you want the log of the last session, use
+cat /tmp/hypr/$(ls -t /tmp/hypr/ | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)/hyprland.log
+basically, directories in /tmp/hypr are your sessions.
+## Obtaining the Hyprland coredump
+If you are on systemd, you can simply use
+then go to the end (press END on your keyboard) and remember the PID of the last `Hyprland` occurrence. It's the first number after the time, for example `2891`.
+exit coredumpctl (ctrl+c) and use
+coredumpctl info [PID]
+where `[PID]` is the PID you remembered.
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-# Installation
-## Packages
-*I do not maintain any packages, but some kind people have made them for me.*
-**If I missed any, please let me know.**
-## Notice
-Since I am not the maintainer, I cannot guarantee that those packages will always work and be up to date.
-***Use at your own disclosure.***
-*If they don't work, try building manually.*
-#### Arch ( AUR / -git )
-yay -S hyprland-git
-## Building / No XWayland / other
-If your distro doesn't have **Hyprland** in its repositories, you want to modify it, or use custom build flags, please refer to the **[Wiki Page][Install]** for the installation instructions.
-[Install]: https://github.com/vaxerski/Hyprland/wiki/Installation