# HOPSFlow Paper Code These are the stripped down and cleaned bare bones of the code used to obtain most of the results in the HOPS otto-engine paper [arxiv link pending]. This is the raw-in-the-fire code that I'm not extremely proud of (formatting, lack of docs). The python modules mentioned below are significantly nicer in that regard. It uses our HOPS implementation [code publication pending?], as well as , and . Most of the code uses literate org-mode files called `project.org` org `cycle_shift.org` in one occasion. The `subprojects` directory holds the actual code used in the paper: - `subprojects/cycle_shift` has the code for the shifted otto cycles - `subprojects/cycle_length_coupling_strength` contains the code for the shifted scan of coupling strength and cycle length - the other folder contain experiments that didn't make it into the paper (which is already too long as it stands) It takes quite a lot to get the code to actually run, even on `nixos`. If you really want to embark on that route please contact me if you encounter trouble. I may not have much time to help you though. The actual simulation data is available upon request. Checking gigabytes of binary data into git is not a good idea.