import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os from pathlib import Path import pickle from contextlib import contextmanager import numpy as np try: import tikzplotlib except: tikzplotlib = None # dirty fig_path = Path(os.getcwd()) / "figures" val_path = Path(os.getcwd()) / "values" def export_fig( name, fig=None, x_scaling=1, y_scaling=0.4, tikz=True, save_pickle=True, data=None, **kwargs, ): fig_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() w, _ = fig.get_size_inches() fig.set_size_inches((w * x_scaling, w * y_scaling)) if not fig.get_constrained_layout(): fig.tight_layout() fig.canvas.draw() # fig.savefig(fig_path / f"{name}.pdf") # fig.savefig(fig_path / f"{name}.svg") # fig.savefig(fig_path / f"{name}.pgf") fig.savefig(fig_path / f"{name}.pdf", bbox_inches="tight") if tikz and tikzplotlib: tikzplotlib.clean_figure() fig_path / f"{name}.tex", figure=fig, axis_width="\\figW", axis_height="\\figH", **kwargs, ) if save_pickle: with open(fig_path / f"{name}.pickle", "wb") as file: pickle.dump(fig, file) if data is not None: with open(fig_path / f"{name}.data.pickle", "wb") as file: pickle.dump(data, file) def scientific_round(val, *err, retprec=False): """Scientifically rounds the values to the given errors.""" val, err = np.asarray(val), np.asarray(err) if len(err.shape) == 1: err = np.array([err]) err = err.T err = err.T if err.size == 1 and val.size > 1: err = np.ones_like(val) * err if len(err.shape) == 0: err = np.array([err]) if val.size == 1 and err.shape[0] > 1: val = np.ones_like(err) * val i = np.floor(np.log10(err)) first_digit = (err // 10 ** i).astype(int) prec = (-i + np.ones_like(err) * (first_digit <= 3)).astype(int) prec = np.max(prec, axis=1) def smart_round(value, precision): value = np.round(value, precision) if precision <= 0: value = value.astype(int) return value if val.size > 1: rounded = np.empty_like(val) rounded_err = np.empty_like(err) for n, (value, error, precision) in enumerate(zip(val, err, prec)): rounded[n] = smart_round(value, precision) rounded_err[n] = smart_round(error, precision) if retprec: return rounded, rounded_err, prec else: return rounded, rounded_err else: prec = prec[0] if retprec: return (smart_round(val, prec), *smart_round(err, prec)[0], prec) else: return (smart_round(val, prec), *smart_round(err, prec)[0]) def tex_value(val, err=None, unit=None, prefix="", suffix="", prec=0, save=None): """Generates LaTeX output of a value with units and error.""" if err: val, err, prec = scientific_round(val, err, retprec=True) else: val = np.round(val, prec) if prec == 0: val = int(val) if err: err = int(err) val_string = rf"{val:.{prec}f}" if prec > 0 else str(val) if err: val_string += rf"\pm {err:.{prec}f}" if prec > 0 else str(err) ret_string = r"\(" + prefix if unit is None: ret_string += val_string else: ret_string += rf"\SI{{{val_string}}}{{{unit}}}" ret_string += suffix + r"\)" if save is not None: val_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) with open(val_path / f"{save}.tex", "w") as f: f.write(ret_string) return ret_string ############################################################################### # SIDE EFFECTS # ############################################################################### MPL_RC = { "lines.linewidth": 1, "text.color": "black", "axes.labelcolor": "black", "xtick.color": "black", "ytick.color": "black", "figure.figsize": (5.78, 2.4), "text.usetex": True, "": "serif", # "font.serif": ["Roman"], "font.size": 15, "axes.labelsize": 13, "axes.titlesize": 15, "legend.fontsize": 13, "xtick.labelsize": 13, "ytick.labelsize": 13, "figure.constrained_layout.use": True, # "text.latex.preamble": r"\usepackage{mathtools}", } MPL_RC_POSTER = { "": "sans", "text.usetex": False, "pgf.rcfonts": False, "lines.linewidth": 1.5, "font.size": 17.28, "axes.labelsize": 17.28, "axes.titlesize": 17.28, "legend.fontsize": 10, "xtick.labelsize": 14.4, "ytick.labelsize": 14.4, } @contextmanager def hiro_style(): with"seaborn-deep"): with matplotlib.rc_context(MPL_RC): yield True"default")"seaborn-paper") matplotlib.rcParams.update(MPL_RC)