mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 17:21:42 -05:00
fix bath memory, i didn't realize it didn't tangle!
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 53 additions and 83 deletions
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#+PROPERTY: header-args :session bath_memory :kernel python :pandoc no :async yes :tangle tangle/bath_memory.py
#+PROPERTY: header-args :session bath_memory :kernel python :pandoc no :async yes
Here we scan bath memory and maybe temperature gradient later.
* Boilerplate
#+name: boilerplate
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none
#+begin_src jupyter-python :results none :tangle tangle/bath_memory.py
import figsaver as fs
import plot_utils as pu
from hiro_models.one_qubit_model import StocProcTolerances
@ -34,9 +34,10 @@ We take the same baseline as in [[id:c06111fd-d719-433d-a316-c163f6e1d384][cycle
But we vary the cycle speed while keeping a fixed proportion
coupling-change/cycle time.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle tangle/bath_memory.py
T = 50
def make_model_orig(shift_c, shift_h, switch_t=6.0, switch_t_sys=None, only_cold=False):
def make_model_orig(shift_c, shift_h, switch_t=3.0, switch_t_sys=None, only_cold=False):
switch_time = switch_t / T
switch_time_sys = (switch_t_sys if switch_t_sys else switch_t) / T
@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
def make_model(ω_c, T_c):
model = make_model_orig(0, 0, switch_t = 6)
model = make_model_orig(0, 0, switch_t = 6.)
model.T[0] = T_c
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
#+begin_src jupyter-python
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle tangle/bath_memory.py
ωs = [round(ω, 3) for ω in np.linspace(.5, 1.5, 5)]
Ts = [round(T, 3) for T in np.linspace(.4, .6, 5)]
ωs, Ts
@ -86,7 +87,7 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
| 0.5 | 0.75 | 1.0 | 1.25 | 1.5 |
| 0.4 | 0.45 | 0.5 | 0.55 | 0.6 |
#+begin_src jupyter-python
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle tangle/bath_memory.py
import itertools
models = [make_model(ω, T) for ω, T, in itertools.product(ωs, Ts)]
@ -95,10 +96,43 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
* Integrate
#+begin_src jupyter-python
#+begin_src jupyter-python :tangle tangle/bath_memory.py
ot.integrate_online_multi(models, 30_000, increment=10_000, analyze_kwargs=dict(every=10_000))
#+begin_src jupyter-python
aux.import_results(other_data_path="taurus/.data", other_results_path="taurus/results", models_to_import=models)
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 392528aafa00ae3876e428dfcc31d41433f972c7b5c3ee5d6ab417d49eab371e.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 432d072ae79e9b454118814f3b75b83232f076d659c1e244ee1f90dbea00a11c.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 1d430a943063e42af991804b9bc36f2559a7964d633ba1e0294ec45215e18ee3.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 9aafe6208871226a9362c9c4d3c970883aae89b1e424cfbc80dd8d1449b99a61.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 65b12f0d83ba066d30ae7ea0a9bf717894ba7e093f24651268cc9ffdb9f88860.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 33798d09f7fb6e782e025bdf0fb00be82068cec65b7a1b116972780c12345a3e.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 78ebb11b0e402f83dc7812f8a43a1125b18de2006f69deed4dd4eace18765c6c.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 3715b5c9f8b8acb0833a6f17f6ed95f211e41cc24dc1281be941f5bce6104323.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping b0df550fb3fd6a6fcc71770701f99178e8e927d1ff9c429acb1bc8fac4b76788.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 74cd0ef251e62badc6a9e3ff32cb22be575d21b0e3390381c0ec521d2b4ad275.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 7af8cd8857c3efb85ac9ec20d4c67ce7a8bcf08d3a63d095ec23330e26f9b694.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 9e2b244d480fb663597c6d54248bc40114cdc09681ef29d148253aad8f496b02.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 1752f9806eb37316019cdb15c56f2eff23cb660cf5700c45199140691c1170fd.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 1d8d64b7ad00c64fe3770fdf9b083c2f12ee8073485e49db821863b62ce953f1.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 563fbcd0092f079b122816cddf6f63f582082fea07e44fb62518a969a59e4352.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 726124c6e532b63b0ca0c008fa91df4c793ffe9352920f5e5761255024c452a2.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 5d0434eed0415ae21021d2bb2132dc87e8f1b1bb477bef6daeee28283bd84187.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 5d71c75c91f661d53814a257fc865695e7f71729881d551ce12ed572b7d38ca6.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 606e56f0478ea7298cae6414ca68ee421dda9677c3e526b4c98e9a19108c42d6.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping e7109d2bc08dc1372be13708b9343e2d69c90c9b9c43d90b0024cb496a3ca879.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 147235c1e3d0c3d5ed4971fb784b287c790ddea25a2b0a8160f44f774da287ff.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 666039618a7ffaa17d42cabfee8d4938467e340807af2dacb97993bb84d1c8c7.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 38fcd74a99b9473c2d705a28cbc3c57448e3cb1116ab196a4042a83544262fd7.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping c2d2a848079a48791e8909ad2a8570f5fb231492102708e645ecf9d5603b4b66.
[INFO root 40217] Skipping 83f3cea795fe54a3a6c3bc0fa5361cbad8d7a66082cf60dc72cabd807b83ab6c.
* Analysis
#+begin_src jupyter-python
@ -20,16 +20,19 @@ import logging
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (12,4)
def make_shift_model(shift_c, shift_h, switch_t=3):
switch_time = switch_t / 50
T = 50
(p_H, p_L) = ot.timings(switch_time, switch_time)
def make_model_orig(shift_c, shift_h, switch_t=3.0, switch_t_sys=None, only_cold=False):
switch_time = switch_t / T
switch_time_sys = (switch_t_sys if switch_t_sys else switch_t) / T
(p_H, p_L) = ot.timings(switch_time_sys, switch_time)
return OttoEngine(
δ=[.7, .7],
δ=[0.7, 0.7],
ω_c=[1, 1],
ψ_0=qt.basis([2], [1]),
description=f"Classic Cycle",
bcf_terms=[5] * 2,
driving_process_tolerances=[StocProcTolerances(1e-3, 1e-3)] * 2,
@ -44,30 +47,11 @@ def make_shift_model(shift_c, shift_h, switch_t=3):
shift_to_resonance=(False, False),
L_shift=(shift_c, shift_h),
L_shift=(shift_c, 0 if only_cold else shift_h),
def overlap(shift_model, N, step, switch_t=6):
switch_time = switch_t / 50
next_model = shift_model.copy()
(p_H, p_L) = ot.timings(switch_time, switch_time)
(a, b, c, d) = next_model.timings_L[0]
(e, f, g, h) = next_model.timings_L[1]
next_step = step * N
(s1, s2) = next_model.L_shift
next_model.L_shift = (s1 + next_step, s2 - next_step)
next_model.timings_L = (
(a - 2 * next_step, b - 2 * next_step, c, d),
(e, f, g + 2 * next_step, h + 2 * next_step),
return next_model
def make_model(ω_c, T_c):
model = make_shift_model(0,0, switch_t = 6)
model = make_model_orig(0, 0, switch_t = 6.)
model.T[0] = T_c
@ -82,52 +66,3 @@ import itertools
models = [make_model(ω, T) for ω, T, in itertools.product(ωs, Ts)]
ot.integrate_online_multi(models, 30_000, increment=10_000, analyze_kwargs=dict(every=10_000))
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for model in models[:22]:
pu.plot_with_σ(models[0].t, model.interaction_power().sum_baths().integrate(model.t), ax=ax)
print(model.power(steady_idx=2).value, model.T[0], model.ω_c[0])
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for model in models[:22]:
pu.plot_with_σ(models[0].t, model.system_energy(), ax=ax)
pu.plot_with_σ(models[0].t, models[0].interaction_power().sum_baths().integrate(models[0].t))
ot.plot_power_eff_convergence(models[:10], 2)
f = plt.figure()
a_power = f.add_subplot(121, projection="3d")
a_efficiency = f.add_subplot(122, projection="3d")
for ax in [a_power, a_efficiency]:
ax.set_box_aspect(aspect=None, zoom=0.7)
ax.xaxis.labelpad = 10
ax.view_init(elev=30.0, azim=-29, roll=0)
lambda model: np.clip(-model.power(steady_idx=2).value, 0, np.inf),
lambda model: model.T[0],
lambda model: model.ω_c[0],
lambda model: np.clip(np.nan_to_num(model.efficiency(steady_idx=2).value * 100), 0, np.inf),
lambda model: model.T[0],
lambda model: model.ω_c[0],
fs.export_fig("bath_memory_power_efficiency", x_scaling=2, y_scaling=1)
for model in models:
@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ coupling-change/cycle time.
ot.integrate_online_multi(models, 50_000, increment=10_000, analyze_kwargs=dict(every=10_000))
* Analysis
#+begin_src jupyter-python
Add table
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