# Docker-nginx-rtmp Docker image for an RTMP/HLS server running on nginx NGINX Version 1.9.15 nginx-rtmp-module Version 1.1.7 ### Configurations This image exposes port 1935 for RTMP Steams and has 2 channels open "live" and "testing". Live is also accessable via HLS on port 8080 It also exposes 8080 so you can access http://:8080/stat to see the streaming statistics. The configuration file is in /opt/nginx/conf/ ### Running To run the container and bind the port 1935 to the host machine; run the following: ``` docker run -p 1935:1935 -p 8080:8080 jasonrivers/nginx-rtmp ``` ### OBS Configuration Under broadcast settigns, set the follwing parameters: ``` Streaming Service: Custom Server: rtmp:///live Play Path/Stream Key: mystream ``` ### Watching the steam In your favorite RTMP video player connect to the stream using the URL: rtmp://<your server ip>/live/mystream http://<your server ip>/hls/mystream.m3u8 ### Tested players * VLC * omxplayer (Raspberry Pi)